
Dimensional Store System In Apocalypse

Terrorized by the Seed Crystal Virus outbreak, the dimension where Stein was created had its civilization destroyed. Once a world developed with technology as its core, now it was just a wilderness with remnants of tech that's inedible. Unknown if it was a call of good or bad luck, Zhang Qin Feng was chosen as the one to bring life back to this lawless, desolated place. What can he do? How can it be done? For what purposes? Is it worth risking his life for? There's no one to answer Zhang Qin Feng, as he was the only one with such a privilege. But he knew... That everything came with a price. "STEIN, Inventory!" Zhang Qin Feng grabbed the Phalanx X-02 that took four inventory spaces from his Dimensional Storage. Holding the pistol with both of his hands, he fired a shot accurately at one of the incoming zombie's head.

yanglin · Action
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421 Chs

Nest (2)

A blood-curdling scream echoed through the elevator's shaft softly as the connection with the soldier is cut off.

What comes next was the ridiculous amount of strength that came from below. At first, the cable tightened like it was pulled by some force. But soon, the power used got heavier out of a sudden. Even with the brakes engaged on all four tires, the truck is still rolling closer to the elevator's shaft.

Those waiting for an answer on the surface knew that there's no time for delay. A cruel decision must be made. The soldiers immediately cut the cable off using a military-grade cutter.

The truck's front then came back on the ground when the pulling force was gone. But then, it was accompanied by the howls from the dangerous beings below them.

It was a typical sound from a monster they knew very well.

A Tyrant.