
Good Day to You

The two continued with the lovey-dovey talks until Zhang Qin Feng had to end the call as he had to get into the shower. But before that, Wang Yufei dares to mention that they should try "video chatting" next time while he's showering.

"I'll make sure that you can't sleep at night after you tease me." Zhang Qin Feng replied before they say their goodbyes. Hopping into the shower and had to rush himself to preparation, Zhang Qin Feng soon dressed up and ready.

After making sure that the door into his room was locked, Zhang Qin Feng went to the lift and pressed on the button with an arrowhead pointing downwards. It seems he was a bit faster than a male occupant living few rooms away from him.

"Hello, good day to you." the male occupant greets Zhang Qin Feng. Looking at his distinct characteristic, he seems to be a mixed-breed foreigner. The clothing he had seems to be tailored as it fits him almost perfectly.