
Inside The Earth Spirit Station

"It's good to see you awake Capitan"

While watching the outside view from the window, a voice echoed through the place. It was a female voice that addressed me as if there were someone else present in that semi dark place. But I knew very well that I was the only person present there.

"And who are you?" I asked with a serious and non expressive tone.

"My name is Monika. I have come to assist you in your recovery, Captain. Wait, I'm coming!."

With that said a holographic image appeared suddenly a few meters away from where I was standing. That hologram showed a person of real size, it was a girl with a youthful appearance, she wore a long hazel hair, in turn wearing the federation's military female uniform. That uniform is very

similar to those used by the institutes. That image reminded me of my high school student days. But that was a long time ago.

"I guess you're an AI, right?" That was the first impression I had of Monika.

"You have guessed right, Captain. I am the AI in charge of all the functions of these facilities, I have come to assist you in your reinstatement after having gone through a long recovery process. I hope not to disturb you, Captain. "

Monika's tone sounded very friendly and youthful, which gave her the image of the typical high school girl. It is said that she was created based on a protagonist of a visual novel. What makes her a very interesting character.

"It's okay with me, but first let me ask you some questions." After spending so much time in a kind of artificial coma, it was normal to ask about the current situation.

"Of course Captain. After all, I have come to assist you." Monika replied smilingly.

"What is this place and where are we going?" Seeing around me I could deduce that I was in a kind of station or spaceship of considerable size. At the same time I could feel slightly how it was moving through space. I decided to ask seriously and conserve my little expressive style.

"This is the Smart General Recovery Room, onboard the Earth Spirit Station." Monika said as usual.

("The Earth Spirit?") That thought flew through my head.

Originally it was designed to be an orbital station that would serve as a center for research, studies and developments of new technologies, but with the passing of time and the increase of the needs, the station was enlarged until arriving at the level of considering a whole space city. They say, it can hold up 30000 people only in the residential area of the station. It has numerous laboratories, testing centers, power plants, a industrial area, artificial gardens for the cultivation of food, etc...

It is a whole autonomous station with the capacity to supply everyone who lives in it. It is also designed and prepared to make interstellar and intergalactic travel through space. For this, it has a powerful atom fusion reactor that creates a mass of energy at high temperatures, which in turn is the

source of power of the slippery engines that allow jumps in space. Basically, all space ships of the Federation have this technology.

This station was modified with the idea of taking a whole laboratory and city to any place to have a greater flexibility when exploring and colonizing new planets.

But to operate such a space beast the Federation had to create a very advanced artificial system that would allow the use of all the capabilities of the station. And for that Monika was created. A super intelligent AI with its own conscience, which is responsible for managing and operating the Earth Spirit at its maximum capacity.

As well as coordinating jobs and operations with the rest of the crew.

"Right now we are heading to the 9340216 solar system together with the 7th intergalactic fleet of the Federation. Currently The Earth Spirit is in charge of the fleet."

Monika continued speaking in a tone that made her look like a teacher.

("The 7th Fleet?") I though to myself.

The 7th fleet of the Federation's space force is one of the most powerful and complete that has been in active. Equipped with all kinds of spacecraft, such as heavy and light cruisers, destroyers, frigates, stations, etc ...

The fact that the 7th fleet is escorting the Earth Spirit means that we are heading to a probably hostile zone .

"Monika. what type of operation is being carried out?" I asked in a soft and serious tone.

"Currently, The Earth Spirit is entrusted with the task of assisting a team of special engineers who are creating an energy collecting ring around a red dwarf with the objective of collecting a part of the energy of this..." Monika sounded like a real teacher explaining every detail of that mission.

Basically an energy collecting ring is a complex structure that orbits around a planet or star. The purpose of this structure is to collect the energy of a star so that a civilization can use it. This structure is made of special materials resistant to all types of conditions.

"In this case, the ring of the dyson type will be used to collect a small part of the energy of the red dwarf as a test, this will help us to see the efficiency of the system for future uses and improvements." Concluded Monika.

("So, it's just a scientific-military project, ehh") I thought.

But I still had a slight uneasiness inside me.

"Monika, could you tell me if there was any hostile contact with the enemy in recent weeks?"

I knew very well what I was asking.

"Negative captain, we have not been in danger at any time during the last few weeks, although we have been on the alert state. We have been traveling on a safe route formed by the Federation, the chances of finding an enemy ship in this area is very limited. The only information I have on the subject is about the incident of the frigate Sinsheim three weeks ago."

Monika answered with a somewhat serious tone.

Hey guys, it's me.

Well, it took me some time to decide what to write again. But I'm in it.

I hope this chap is to your liking.

See you all in the next one

Davoru98creators' thoughts