
Author Prologue

Hello everyone.

For some time now I have wanted to start writing this story, but due to lack of time and ideas I have had to postpone it.

Now I'm starting it, but I will not publish every day, I can not because of lack of time and I may get tangled up with some others ideas, which can cause me to waste some time.

Currently I'm starting college so my time will be increasingly limited.

But even so I will continue writing as much as I can. I know that many prefer a continuous publication, but in my case it will not be possible. But maybe in the future.

I will try to make the chapters as entertaining as possible to compensate the low speed of publication. I hope you guys enjoy them.

I may sometimes make mistakes when writing certain words or phrases, so I will need some time to review and correct. But I think it's normal.

I am also open to whatever idea you guys have.

Well, this was a brief introduction from my part.

I hope you enjoy this novel.