
dimensional roulette

A boy who is a one day received a message from his friend on his cell phone and when he read the message he ended up being transported to another world the cover is not mine

corvinus · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Edward returned to the abandoned school, jumping through the buildings at supersonic speed

the wind blowing in his face and the slowing world around him made him feel these in another world

Was this the world Kiss-Shot lived in? At first glance, it looked like a world of freedom and paradise, but he knew that this was only momentary and as time passed the paradise would become hell, the immortal vampire would lose everything but his life.

Despite knowing that, it doesn't matter to Edward right now, he still hasn't been affected by the passing of time and just wanted to enjoy the life that he's been deprived of so far.

As he landed in front of the small school, he felt the eyes of the little old loli and formed a small smile on his face.

"Edward, you got my limbs" She ran up to him as she screamed with high anticipation in her voice

"I'm sorry kiss-Shot, I haven't got them back yet, but I'll bring them to you soon is a promise" Edward knelt in front of Kiss-shot closing his eyes gently and keeping a gentle smile on his face

"Humph" the little girl huffed as she turned to face him

"Don't be so Kiss-Shot, I'll get it is a promise" Edward pleaded as he approached the little girl and put her in his arms

"Hey Edward, you idiot, let go of me"

Ignoring the loli's protests, he continued walking until he reached a chair and sat down with the loli in her lap.

He started squeezing and pulling the little loli's cheeks who resisted trying to get his hands off her face and even biting him at first but soon gave in

Edward continued to pet the loli as he thought about his plan of action, he would have a maximum of three days to deal with the first hunter, and he knew he had every advantage of being so much stronger, faster, and more powerful than the hunters.

But, the same hunters have a lot of experience dealing with the supernatural, the experience Edward didn't have, that's why he had to start planning things quickly.

{using a trap could work}

yes, that was a possibility, to make your enemies think they are winning the fight and lead them into a situation they would lower awaits

But, there would have to be a very special variable, which is whether his body would withstand the beating it would take to make the enemy think he was defeating him.

{I believe it could work, at least with Dramaturgy}

Edward could fool the vampire since his biggest asset was the melee, but the others were another story.


Kiss-Shot broke free of Edward's grip as she crossed her arms and pinched her cheek with a grumpy expression.

He looked at the old Loli who was looking at him suspiciously and sighed, realizing that she had passed the limit of affection that her pride could bear to receive


the days passed and Edward posed in front of a school looking at the full moon with a bit of excitement

"So pitiful boy, are you the heart-under-blade acerola-Orion kiss-shot servant?" a deep voice echoed through the school

Edward looked lazily forward then saw a very large man walking slowly towards him

the man had a well-built body looking like a small mountain of muscle, the man's arms

"yes I am" Edward replied lazily

"so let's finish this clowning soon"

Edward looked at the man getting ready to attack him and put his hand forward "wait, let's make the terms clear if you lose you'll give back Kiss-Shot's leg"

Dramaturgy nodded and then sent Edward a contemptuous look, "If I win, you'll tell me where Kiss - Shot Acerola - Orion Heart - Under - Blade is "



after having agreed on the terms, the two stood in front of the other and looked at each other for a few seconds

Dramaturgy was the first to move and raised his foot kicking Edward

Edward in turn watched the dramaturgy foot approach his chest slowly and took a step to the side, deflecting his chest from the kick, but leaving his arm to be hit.


It was the only thing he felt when Dramaturgy's kick connected with his arm and the arm was thrown away, tearing through flesh and bone as if they were nothing.

For a second, Edward almost lost consciousness, but in the same second, he returned to his consent state just in time to roll and dodge the Dramaturgy punch that cracked the surrounding ground.

Edward quickly got up and ran towards the school, even though he was in pain, he wanted to keep his plan as close to the original plot as he thought.

Looking back, Edward saw that Dramaturgy was second and slowed his pace throwing himself to the side hitting a door with a little force, but assured that it wasn't enough to break it

Feeling the door recoil, Edward was thrown a few steps back and felt a hand grabbing his clothes then lifting him.

Feeling his leg lifted off the ground, Edward used the opportunity to spin his body and smack Dramaturgy in the face with his foot.

He felt the giant's neck bend a little, but it wasn't enough to avoid being thrown against the glass wall of the classroom.

He groaned as he got up and quickly got on his guard, as Dramaturgy already caught up and threw punches in his direction.

Edward swayed sideways, dodging the vampire's blows as he took steps backward until he was stopped by a wall.

Realizing his failure to perceive his surroundings, Edward didn't have time to complain to himself, as Dramaturgy didn't stop attacking him.

Seizing the opportunity, Edward threw himself to the side, dodging the Dramaturgy punch that hit the wall and got stuck in it.

He balanced himself and spun his body, launching a powerful kick to Dramaturgy's rib, who had his hand stuck in the wall, so he couldn't dodge

Edward's foot slammed right into the giant's rib, and he could feel the sensation of the giant's bones breaking and the giant flinching in pain for a second


But as the world was not perfect, Edward felt his leg being cut from his body and he could barely keep his balance when he saw the blood spurt

Not knowing what happens, Edward saw the dramaturgy arms that were replaced by two large blades

{just as I expected}

This was, as expected, the moment Edward waited the entire time of the fight when his enemy would show his strongest point.

He smiled seeing the blade coming towards him and looked at his leg that had just been regenerated then when the blade got close enough to his shoulder... magic had happened

A small spiky crus came out of Edward's sneaker, and he Kicks Dramaturgy's stomach, which was bent over to land the right blow on Edward's shoulder to split it in two.

The two blows hit each other simultaneously.

Edward's shoulder was cut in half, almost splitting the vampire in two

Dramaturgy's belly slit open with the cut, nearly dropping the giant vampire's guts out

Dramaturgy cringed moaning in pain and fear as he dropped to his knees, he tried his best to keep his insides inside his belly.

Edward fell to the floor on his back feeling his warm body and did his best to keep his body glued

the difference between the two vampires who were practically defeated was that Edward was the servant of Heart under-Blade and Dramaturgy was not

So Edward's wounds healed within seconds while Dramaturgy continued to kneel on the floor trying to keep his bowels in his belly.

Edward got up quickly and looked at his hand for a few seconds

{I think that's how it's done}

he concentrated the strength of his hand and imagined that his hand was a scythe

He smiled as he saw the hand slowly turning into a scythe, and thanked the vampires' morphing powers that allowed them to transform into anything.

Edward walked up to Dramaturgy with his scythe hand and stopped when he got right in front of the giant vampire

"Let's get up," Edward said raising his scythe "let's continue our fight"

"Wait... I surrender"

"What are you talking about? Get up and fight like a warrior, weren't you the one chasing me a few moments ago?" Edward growled irritably as he continued with his scythe hand raised

"You're wrong… I can't keep fighting…unlike you… I'm just an ordinary vampire, I can't regenerate so quickly."




Edward widened his eyes remembering what happened in the film when Araragi hit an iron ball on Dramaturgy's head, and he surrendered to avoid being hit by a steamroller

Edward then sighed, lowered his hand scythe, and looked at the giant vampire once more

"you have 2 hours to deliver Kiss-Shot's leg" He growled very softly, however, very angry making the giant vampire flinch when he saw the boy's eyes turn red

"Yes, I'll do"

to be continued