
Dimensional overlord

the fourth dimension collapsed and began to merge with the third and with it, mana, monsters, aliens and all kinds of weird creatures came our hero, the leader of a solar system who has the power to control space and time travels in the third dimension to build a base for his people he will experience multiple adventures through which he will conquer other universes

Ramling · Fantasy
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49 Chs

The Ocean (1)

Michael therefore teleported everyone to the first military base, this base was full of infected and monsters, Michael had a map of almost all the bases of country X, he took the map from the computer of the army of country X, being a gold rank he could do all of this easily

our group was 400 miles west of the city of Murane, michael then left immediately because it was necessary to quickly increase the rank of Ivanna and Enzo plus Michael thought that the shadows of Ambrasia could handle this mission without failing

unlike his training with adams and his group where Michael tried to develop the fighting spirit of his subordinates, this time, it was mostly to increase their ranks because ivanna and enzo will be the face of his new gang , the golden boys of country X

Michael therefore teleported 100 miles to the east of the city of Murane with Enzo and Ivanna, he first analyzed the ocean that was below them and then enveloped all forms of life with a mana shield, he then brought them out of the water and then gave ivanna and enzo a large spear that was made of a special alloy , who was really sharp

he then mentally moved ivanna and enzo towards the monsters, all they had to do was kill them

Ivanna had no particular power, as for Enzo, he could split himself in two distinct persons and the clone could perform some basic tasks

Michael had only moved 100 miles from the coast because there weak monsters were there, so their skin was thin and it could be pierced with the spear

Ivanna struggled at first because she had to get used to flying, Enzo was already at rank 7 so it was easy for him to kill monsters, he was even used to the smell of blood and the gore that came with hunting

Ivanna was shy at first but seeing that she had nothing to fear, she quickly got used to the gore, In this new world, she had to adapt quickly

because it was 100 miles from the coast, some boats saw them hunting , everyone believed that it was all just an illusion at first but when they saw that the carcasses of rank 8 and 9 monsters were falling from the sky, , several boats gathered together where and stayed below our group , picking up the carcasses

at the beginning the boats stayed some distance away but seeing that the other power holders, that is to say Michael, Enzo and Ivanna had the form of humans, the boats came closer

some even tried to chat with michael but he simply ignored them

the sailors were not stupid and understanding that their attempts would not work, they were still happy to collect the carcasses of the monsters which fell into the ocean

Michael and his group continued to advance deeper into the ocean and the sailors who saw all the carcasses also followed them

the problem was that all this blood attracted more and more monsters who were more and more powerful, when the level of the monsters reached the bronze rank, the sailors became afraid and most of them returned to the harbor

only two boats remained near Michael, they were two boats which belonged to the murane pirates, for them to hunt a bronze monster was too tempting , even if it was just it's body

at one point, a creature rank 20 bronze appeared (the different ranks: from 0 to 99 then bronze 1 to 99 then silver 1 to 99 and finally gold 1 to 99 and so on), so it was a giant snake who was more than a mile long, full of green and black scales, with yellow eyes, just the sight of it frightened the crew, not only the crew but Ivanna and Enzo both hid behind michael

this monster was most likely the leader of the surroundings monsters , each powerful creature in the oceans ruled over a territory, the stronger the creature was, the larger its territory

the creatures of the oceans had already reached bronze rank 20 which proved once again that the monsters of the oceans were stronger than the terrestrial one

once the monster reached the bronze rank he/she could speak, thus the snake who felt that michael was the leader of the humans in front of him said: humans, why did you kill my servants ? Do you want to start a war between ocean creatures and you ?

The murane pirates were all in shock, the snake several feet long could speak and it looked very powerful and angry, they were all going to die, unfortunately they were too greedy this time, they should not have followed this mysterious man who wore a fox mask

Michael was too lazy to respond to the snake, he exploded half of his brain as usual and let Enzo kill him because he was the closest to the bronze level

seeing that the snake no longer spoke and that it was dead, the pirates quickly tried to capture the carcass of the snake but it was too heavy, they wanted to cut it into pieces but its skin was too thick, so the leader of the pirates, a young woman of 30 y.o with red hair, brown eyes and generous shapes begged Michael for help