
Dimensional overlord

the fourth dimension collapsed and began to merge with the third and with it, mana, monsters, aliens and all kinds of weird creatures came our hero, the leader of a solar system who has the power to control space and time travels in the third dimension to build a base for his people he will experience multiple adventures through which he will conquer other universes

Ramling · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Prison (1)

6 a.m. in the secret prison for power holders located in a forest near Green Horn city

inmate 576-48X had just woken up, holder of the power of fire and a former soldier, he quickly got used to the life inside the prison, inmate 48 first did his morning exercises, 100 push-ups, 100 squats and 100 abs, he then took a large glass of water and continued reading his book on the criminal law

the detainees were placed in individual cells because the government did not know how to control or reduce their power, having a power related to fire, detainee 48 was put in a special room that could withstand extreme temperatures

yet another day without seeing the light of the sun, imprisoned in this room, they said that we would at least be let out to get some fresh air for 1 hour a day if we behaved in an exemplary manner and agreed to participate in their damn experiences but I really don't think they'll keep their word thought detainee 48

I at least hope that my wife and son are well, I respected my part of the bargain and did not try to escape or cause problems, they should receive my pension 

in another room, inmate 576-23X, holder of the power of ice, was holding a book on origami and was trying to find out how she could spend another day who was less boring than the previous one.

we have arrived, said secretary adams to michael as the official car entered the prison

Here are detained the individuals who possess extraordinary power that cannot be controlled, they are placed in individual cells and treated with as much dignity as possible.

I see replied Michael, I expected more to look like a brutal and cold prison, your country impresses me Mr. Adams

both continued to advance into the prison, adams and michael were surrounded by armed guards but the secretary did not have the slightest desire to say that he had been kidnapped because michael showed him that he possessed the power to teleport across great distances

Plus, Adams knew that if his rescue didn't go well, michael might take it out on his family and he didn't want to risk that.

moreover who would be crazy enough to go to a prison where power holders are held without a plan b and michael did not look like a madman to adams

michael obviously wouldn't go after adams family but if adams believed that and it stopped him from doing something stupid then there was nothing wrong there

Currently we have 10 individuals whose powers are too great to be detained in normal cells, so we have created custom-made cells for them, said the prison director.

lovely replied michael

I will have to visit each of the cells of these 10 individuals said Michael to Adams and perhaps they will be released today

Are you confident you can control these individuals? Asked Adams

yes replied michael without batting an eye 

Michael's plan was simple, in fact when the catastrophe will come, the concentration of mana in the air will be much more intense and the powers of the different prisoners will be greatly boosted, so they will be able to easily escape their cells

Michael wanted to free them before that so the prisoners would feel indebted to him, he could also tell them about the beginning of the apocalypse , help them save their families and take them under his wings 

Michael, Adams and the prison guards therefore went to the first individuals

this power holder could control metal, so everyone need to take off their jewelry, belts and watches before entering a large room with a small cell of 30 square feet

hello mr jhonson, my name is michael and I work here with minister adams to set up a special unit which will only have power holders in it

Name liam jhonson

age 24

able to control metal