
Dimensional Market System

Rex was reincarnated into a body of a dead demon. With both the memories of his old life and the memories of the demon he is determined to live on and accomplish all the things the two lives couldn't do. In order to accomplish this he has to use his system to increase his power. Will he be able to do it? Who knows ------ So as you can see I suck at making summaries for my stories lol. Umm the story might start out slow in the begging. This is my first novel where I'm the one that is creating the whole thing sooo give me some helpful feedback. I'll post 10 chapters out the bat and I'll start updating the story once I reach 100 power stones. Sounds like a lot but as long as I get 50 readers who aren't stingy then it should be possible :-)

DemonicReader101 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Ch.2 (II)-

As Rex opened the door the sound of metal clashing against metal filled the street. His father had inherited the house and blacksmithing shop that were connected to each other, from his father. The workshop walls were etched with noise-canceling runes which were made from enslaved dwarves.

When he entered he found a young man with red hair hammering away at a piece of iron that was being infused with fire attributed mana. After the man noticed that he had come in, he stopped hammering and looked at Rex, "You look like shit, what happened to you?"

Rex was surprised at how odd he felt, he knew everything about the man yet it was actually the first time that he had met him. Looking at those black irises and the golden pupils didn't help much either. He took a deep breath and laughed nervously as he scratched his head, like Oreth would usually act. "Well while we were hunting we were attacked by a Spear Tailed Tiger and well, they kinda left me for dead."

His father grunted and rolled his eyes, "Why am I not surprised, looks like you can't even die correctly. Hey, where did you leave the sword that I lent you?"

"Umm, I imagine that Turgas or someone from the group must have taken it. I'll try to ask for it back tomorrow if you want."

The man shook his head and raised his hammer ready to continue his work, "Don't bother, if anything you will just end up making things worse for us. That sword could have been sold but because of you now it's lost and we have gained nothing in return. You can forget about ever getting anything from me again. As soon as you finish your basic schooling I want you out, you will no longer be my problem."

Rex nodded and opened the door that led upstairs to their home, 'Damn what an ass, well all things considered at least he hasn't killed me.'

When he entered the living room he found his mother making clothing out of the pelts from the beasts. He was about to greet her but he remembered that she and Oreth don't talk much, she said he wasn't worth her attention so they pretty much avoid talking to each other. Luckily she still makes him food so Oreth was pretty happy with her.

He walked to his room and found a nearly empty room equipped with a bed that was pretty much made out of hay, a clock shaped like a monster crystal, and a dresser that had a small mirror on it. Rex quickly ran to the mirror and looked at himself, though he had seen Oreth's face in the memories before he wanted to see for himself the new body he was in.

What stared back at him was a young teenager who had black hair, and eyes that were the same as all demons, black irises, and gold pupils. As he touched his face he found that his nails were long, black, and sharpened.

After seeing enough of his new body he sighed and laid on the crappy excuse for a bed, " I still can't believe that this happened to me..."

Without even knowing Rex fell asleep, he had gone through a really big mental strain and he was more tired than he knew.


"Brother, can we go to the movies?"

Rex turned around and saw a small little nine-year-old child warped around his legs, "Fine but first, you have to go to sleep, the movie is later at night and it will end super late so you have to catch up on some of that sleep."

The little kid puffed his cheeks and began heading to his room but not before walking to his mother and pointing at Rex, "Mom brother is annoying he has too many rules."

The mother and Rex laughed as they saw the young kid enter his room.

"Alright, son I'm going to work, make sure to take care of your brother while you are at the movies,"

Rex smiled and nodded, "Mom I'm 15 now, haha you don't have to worry I'll take care of him."

She nodded and hugged him, "I know, I know, you're all grown up aren't you"

After she left he began cleaning around and doing his homework but after about half an hour there was a knock on the door. He opened it and found his close friend smiling at him, "Hey Rex could you help me with something? I need to move something heavy from my room."

Rex looked back at his little brother's room and after some brief thinking he nodded "Alright David, my little brother is asleep anyway so as long as it's something fast."

The kid nodded and together they both got the job done, it must have been 15 or 20 minutes after he left and came back to his home. Sadly when he returned he found his apartment complex in fire, he desperately tried going in but he was stopped by 2 firemen who knocked him out after he kept on trying.

When he woke up he was in the hospital and his mother was beside him, sleeping but the trail that her tears was left on her face because of her eyeliner. After she woke up she explained that one of the neighbors had accidentally dropped a cigarette on the carpet. The fire quickly spread and the man was too drunk to do much about it, except run out of the apartment. Without even thinking of warning anyone. His smoke detectors were also taken out because he hated it when they kept beeping while he cooked so many people didn't have much warning until it was too late.'

After the incident, his mother was a mess and he could tell that she took more jobs so that she didn't have to see him. It was because of him and his idiotic cheery and helpful self that his brother was no longer with him.

He fell into depression and isolated himself from everyone else for the next three years. After some time his so-called friend began hanging out with others and soon he acted as if Rex never existed.

Rex began reading Isekai mangas to at least give himself an imagination of what his brother could be doing after his death. He knew that it was childish and stupid but it helped.

He opened his eyes and found himself back in Oreth's room, he wiped off his tears and looked out the window and onto the people walking by on the streets.

'Victor I don't know if you were also reincarnated, I also don't even want to think about how mom is crying after my death. When you died our will to live died with you, the only reason that I continued on living was because of our mother. When I inherited Oreth's memories that will was rekindled by all the hope and dreams he had. From this moment on I am Oreth, I will make sure to somehow rise above all the other demons and live out Oreth's dreams and all the other dreams that I was never able to accomplish. I will not allow anything to stop me, not this time.....Wow, what I just said is so freakin corny but it's what I got for now.'

(A.N. : From now on I'll just call him by his demon name since that's what everyone will be calling him by. Just want to make things easier for you guys :-))