
Dimensional Guild

_____________ One day, Yu Ian (Yuki) Woke up to find himself in a completely different world that was almost similar to earth. He doesn't remember how he died or how he crossed over. But he knew one thing for sure that he was the owner and admin of a guild that is connected to the multiverse. _____________ The cover is not mine. [This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, events and such are the fruits of the author's imagination and experience, resemblance to an actual person or an event is nothing but coincidental.] [English is not my first language.] _____________ ______________

Valehere · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

1. Prologue

Inside a dark room filled was a large bed white in colour. On top of the bed was a youthful figure who looked around him in daze.

"This definitely doesn't look like my room." The guy said as he got up from the bed.



"Hmm... Nothing"

Seeing that the thing that he called out to didn't come out, the youth decided to look around the room he was in.

The room was not large but it's size was huge enough to fit in a bed and other necessary things. The walls were somewhat cracked. Overall, the room was in a poor condition, the only thing that stood out in the worn out room was the computer next to the door and the large bed which looked pretty expensive.

"Strange, I cannot feel any Mana in the atmosphere...."

"This planet haven't gone through great Cataclysm it seems."


[Great Cataclysm - A Phenomenon that happens in a planet once the energy known as Mana comes in contact with it. ]

"Hm..?" The youth titled his head in interest when he saw the blue screen emerged out of nowhere. "What's this? Walmart Akashic Records?" He said he while trying to touch the system screen only for his arm to go right through it.




[Data access complete...!]

[System fully activated...!]

Abruptly, a sound rang out within his ears and then rows and numbers and letters started filling up his vision.


With a buzzing sound, the letters and numbers started forming a vortex and his mind abruptly started being flooded with information.


'Dimensional chat group, huh?' The Youth known as Yu Ian thought inwardly as he eyed the system in surprise.

He finally understood his current situation.

He, Yu Ian died and got reincarnated into a parallel universe that looked similar to his previous one, and that's it. That's all the information he got. he doesn't remember how he died in this life or the previous one. But everything before his death was as clear as a mirror.

Another information he received was about the so-called 'Dimensional Chat Group'. Walmart Akashic Records in Yu Ian's words.

This so-called dimensional chat group is a place where fated one's of different realities come together to do various missions and tasks.

And It just so happens that he's the owner.

"Must be because of that old man" The Youth mumbled a bit annoyed.


[Admin pack has arrived, would you like to open them...?]

[Yes] [No]

"Sure?" He confirmed with a look of surprise.



[Admin pack:

•「Skill Card - Grants the user skills once the condition is met 」

• 「Temperance Pill - Used to strengthen user's body, mind and soul」

• 「Appraisal」- Grants the user the ability to view all the information of an object or person.

• 「Affinity: Magicule」- A type of energy found in nature that is needed to power/strengthen magical skills and abilities. ]

"Walmart Akashic Records!" Yu Ian commended with a deadpan face once he saw the 'Skill Card'.

"Oh well.... I'll stick with it for now..."


[Would you like to merge 「Affinity: Magicule」 with your physical body?]

"A what? - Oh...."

Only now did he notice the second and third gifts he received.

"So basically Mana...."

"Yes, merge it immediately!"


The instance his words fell, A light emerged out from the system entered Yu-Min's body.

[Process complete....!]

As the system's words lit up, a massive amount of purple coloured energy burst out from him.

It was Magicule!

"This feels alot similar to Mana but yet at the same time it's not...." Yu-Min remarked in amazement as took back all the Magicules that bursted out from his body.


[Conditions met.]

[You've learned the Skill 「Magic Sense」!]

"Hmm? what's that? ultra instinct?" Yu-Min inquired while titling his head in interest.

As if hearing his words, a new window popped up:


[Name: Magic Sense — A skill which allow the user to see 360 degrees around them, without a single blind-spot. By observing the fluctuation of light-waves, and sound waves, one can calculate the appearance and sound of the surrounding area. The moment Magic Sense is invoked, a massive amount of new information will fill the brain, something that a normal human's brain will never will be able to process.]


"What the... So if I use this I'll fry my brain?" Yu-Min mumbled in confusion.

'Why give me a skill that I can't even use?' Yu-Min thought inwardly rather speechlessly.


[Checking skill safety.... ]





[Summary: The skill is safe to use. The user's mental capacity is higher than of average human.]

"... That's a very convenient function"

He was delighted, it's not everyday you get helped by something or someone.

Without waiting a single movement he activated Magic sense.


Following the activation, a small whirlwind formed around his body from the ground and spread.


The instance the wind spread, his mind went blank as tons and tons of information came flooding his mind. Every light and sound waves within his surrounding was being transformed into understandable data and being send into his tiny brain in real time, enabling him to view his surroundings without the need of eyes.

"I-Incredible!" Yu-Min exclaimed in surprise. He has never seen something this law defying in his life.

"I've heard the higher existences had something similar to this... never would have I expected to receive something incredible from the very beginning...." Yu-Min felt like he was cheating, as a person who followed the Akashic Record's system, this was like a dream to him.

And from this he was also able to conclude something. "Magicule is way more stronger my world's Mana!"

He couldn't help but sigh at the cruel reality. He thought the sole god was the strongest being ever there is. How wrong he was, The Magicules coursing through his body truly opened his eyes and made his view of the world larger.

"Appraisal" He then decided to use appraisal on the Magicules within him.


[• Affinity: Magicule.

• EP - 2,000/2,000

• Rank - D-Rank.]

Following the emergence of the system window, tons of information came flooding into Yu-Min's mind yet again.

"Energy Points." Yu Min remarked as he closed the system window.

Energy points are the amount of Energy/Magicules stored up within him. Currently, Yu-Min was at rank of D which is above average compared with other humans of the world which this energy originated from. The power system of this energy was simple: The higher the number the stronger you are physically and spiritually.

"So all I have to do is magicules or something that has magicules in it, huh?"

He finally had a goal, find magicules and this world was devoid of it.

'It will be a slow progress, but I'll get there. To the Top' Yu lan thought with a smile as he made his way to the computer table near the door to his room.

Sitting down, A new and different themed system window emerged into Yu Ian's vision.


[「Yaksha Princess」has joined the dimensional chat group!]

[「Advocate of Gender Equality」has joined the dimensional chat group!]

[「Kunoichi」has joined the dimensional chat group!]

[ 「Yorozuya」has joined the dimensional chat group!]

[ 「Gran-Torino」has joined the dimensional chat group!]


[•] The abilities he has received so far are from That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, including the power system he currently follows

[•] Yu Ian is a character from the korean novel "Everyone Else Is A Returnee", one of mc's son to be exact.

[•] He looks alot like Kuroh from K-Project.


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