
Dimensional Devourer

In the ancient land of the Ancient Dragon Domain, martial arts reign supreme, and legends speak of cultivators who ascend to godhood through sheer strength and enlightenment. Amidst this backdrop, a young and unassuming scholar named Li Wei stumbles upon an ancient, forbidden tome during a search for historical texts in the ruins of an old sect. The tome reveals secrets of the "Dimensional Devourer", an obscure scripture that grants the power to consume and assimilate the abilities and knowledge of beings from other dimensions. With absolute command, one can even devour a dimension and obtain everything that the said dimension has to offer. Driven by a thirst for knowledge and a desire to protect his family from the tyranny of local warlords, Li Wei embarks on a journey to master this fearsome technique. As he delves deeper into the forbidden arts, he unlocks the ability to traverse through different dimensions, encountering strange worlds, fearsome beasts, and powerful cultivators. Each encounter not only enhances his martial prowess but also expands his understanding of the universe. However, the power of the Dimensional Devourer is not without its dangers. With each dimension he devours, Li Wei risks losing a part of his humanity, teetering on the edge of madness. Furthermore, his actions attract the attention of formidable enemies—both human and otherworldly—who seek to either snatch his powers for their own ends or destroy him. ___________________________________ Note:- The cover is not mine, all credits goes to the original creator.

Eternal_Thorn · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Ch 4: The Forbidden Tome (2)

Li Wei swallowed hard, trying to find his voice. "Who... who are you?" He managed to ask, his voice trembling slightly.

The man smiled gently, seemed to have recalled something, and sighed, saying, "I am Long Tian, the founder of the Dragon Descending Sect."

Li Wei's eyes widened in surprise. He hadn't anticipated encountering such a person so suddenly. The Dragon Descending Sect had vanished hundreds of thousands of years ago, and there was no information regarding when this once-dominant force in the Ancient Dragon Domain was founded. In other words, almost no one in the present day knew who the true founder of this sect was.

Now, he was standing in front of such a person. How could he not be shocked?

Moreover, he couldn't help but feel curious. How was it possible for Long Tian, the founder, to still be alive? Given that the entire Dragon Descending Sect had disappeared, even if Long Tian had been alive in those days, he should have vanished along with it. How did he appear here now?

Since Li Wei was not a cultivator, he lacked the knowledge to even begin to imagine such a phenomenon.

"The founder of the Dragon Descending Sect? But how... why am I here? What is this place?"

Now that he thought about it, seeing the founder's statue in the temple wasn't that strange. The strange thing was the sudden change of environment. He felt both terrified and exhilarated, eager to understand how he had suddenly appeared in this foreign space.

Then it dawned on him—it must be Long Tian, the founder of the Dragon Descending Sect, who was responsible for everything. What he couldn't fathom was why he had been brought here.

Long Tian's expression remained serene. He pointed at the tome in Li Wei's hands and asked, "Do you know what you are holding?"

Li Wei shook his head but began to realize that his presence in this strange space must be related to the Tome he was holding. He realized most of the truth mainly because he was not an idiot. As a young scholar in the mortal world, his intelligence was not low, and can understand as well as accept several things that are almost impossible for a mortal to comprehend and accept.

Long Tian looked at the sky and said, "The sole reason I founded the Dragon Descending Sect was to find a fated person who is worthy of holding that tome."

Li Wei: "???"

Does holding the tome truly matter that much?

Isn't he holding it just fine?

What does it make him then?


Or, a fool?

Oh founder, why are you joking?

Perhaps Long Tian could see the doubt in Li Wei's eyes. The corner of his mouth curled into a smile as he explained, "Long ago when I became powerful enough to stand fearlessly in the Ancient Dragon Domain, doing whatever I wanted, I thought I had the world in my hands."

He sighed. "I was truly wrong back then. It wasn't that I had the power to grasp the entire world in my hand; it was that my horizons were too narrow. I believed the Ancient Dragon Domain was the entire world, but in the end, it was just one of many domains, a domain abandoned by the outside world."


Li Wei felt as if he was struck by a bolt of lightning, his heart shuddered.

Even he was just like Long Tian of those days. It is not just him, but everyone he knows is the same. To all of them, the Ancient Dragon Domain is the entire world.

Now that he was learning from Long Tian that it is just one of many domains, moreover, a domain that was abandoned by the outside world, how can he not be dumbfounded? He was truly appalled by the truth that was suddenly revealed to a mortal like him.

Long Tian could see every expression that appeared on Li Wei's face, but he ignored them and continued, "When I learned the truth about the world, I tried to leave the Ancient Dragon Domain. Unfortunately, I failed. It is because a strong seal is sealing this domain from the outside. No matter how hard I tried, I was unable to leave."

"I was truly desperate in those days, and it was then I stumbled upon a fracture in the void that brought me to a different time and space. I still cannot forget the sight of that space—it was eerie and demonic. That tome was obtained by me there, thrown on top of a huge stone boulder. The boulder was not an ordinary one either, it was actually a huge piece of Voidstone."

"Oh, you might not know, but Voidstones are very rare treasures. Finding even the smallest Voidstone in the entire world, yes world, not just the Ancient Dragon Domain, is as difficult as finding a needle in a vast sea. Voidstone is a spatial stone that can create portals to other dimensions. Eh, this information is still too much for you. Let's come back to the topic."

"The appearance of a huge Voidstone Boulder was already too shocking for me, however, what amazed me the most was the note recorded on the boulder. The note said that the tome can grant a person the power to travel through any spatial barrier, enter any dimension, even devour dimensions, and obtain knowledge from devouring. It is a Forbidden Tome that can create a Dimensional Devourer. However, only a fated person can touch and obtain the 'true' tome and the ability to devour dimensions."

Now, this was truly shocking.

Li Wei could not help but marvel at the ability of the Voidstone and the tome, however, what attracted him the most was not the power to devour dimension itself, it was the ability to obtain knowledge of the dimension one can obtain after devouring.


As far as he could remember, he was hungry for knowledge. From childhood, he was a beast whose appetite could only be satisfied by reading books and scriptures.

When he first learned of the cultivators and the fact that a cultivator needs to cultivate a cultivation technique, go through hazardous tasks to become strong and even then put their lives at risk to fight and kill, he completely abandoned the idea of even dreaming to become a cultivator. To him, as long as there are books and scriptures to read, it is enough. He never wanted to put himself in danger.

However, he found that his thought process was completely wrong.

He found out this when he put himself in danger for the first time, and it was to obtain a rare book that was kept safely in the treasury of the Ancient City of Blissland's City Lord.

Because he was not granted permission to read that book, he chose to steal it, and put himself in grave danger, almost losing his life.