
Chapter 8

Dimensional Crossover Battle Chapter 8

You can search for "Dimensional Chaos Dou Bi Ge Novel Net" in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

The fighting became more and more fierce, and the blade turned by Arthur's left hand flashed rapidly in the night, each time a parasite was chopped to death.

But as Arthur's energy value returned to zero, the fighting frequency of the parasites transformed by the left hand became slower.

"No way … I'm going to sleep, and I'll give it to you … My kind is approaching … not ordinary unparasitic type, but already parasitic …"

The mouth with the palm of his left hand said, and then cut off the railing on the roadside with a sharp blade, and gave it to Arthur like an iron rod.

"how come!!?"

Arthur's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Creatures are greedy.

After tasting the energy of the spirit, the parasite on the left hand seems to be addicted. Therefore, it continuously sucks the energy of the spirit to fight.

As a result, Spirit Energy fell into a deep sleep after consumption.

It seems that in the future, we must learn the skills to let the left hand fight properly.

As the left-hand parasite slept, Arthur's left hand's consciousness also recovered. He grabbed the iron rod made by railing and ran in one direction. When the left-hand parasite was sleeping, he helped him point out the direction of escape .

But it is unclear whether you can escape. After all, according to the Anime scenes in your mind, fully parasitic parasites have extraordinary speed, attack power, physical strength and various powers beyond the limits of ordinary people.

The only strategy you can think of is to slap things, or sneak attack.

Then complex terrain is needed, and the wide area is quite unfavorable to him!

He also noticed another special change in himself.

Blessing of Swordmanship Skill was activated, and his body seemed to be bathed in a blushing rays of light, only the rays of light he could see, probably because the iron rod he was holding was automatically recognized as a sword Shape.

After the Blessing of Swordmanship skill was activated, Arthur seemed to feel a force spreading all over his body. Even if he didn't understand Sword Technique, he knew how to wield a sword would cause the most damage to his opponent.

The strength damage of Blessing of Swordmanship is not simply an increase in attack power, because his attack power is not at all increased. Blessing of Swordmanship is actually to let him understand the true meaning of Sword Technique. How should the sword swing the most effective attack!

This is simply–

It's incredible.

Even if he has never been in contact with Kendo, it seems that he understands the true meaning of the sword in split second. If his state of holding the sword has continued, will it definitely grow?

Now Blessing of Swordmanship is 1-Star, then, after reaching 4-Star, he may become a superb Kendo expert like a self-taught.

Of course, this is just the feeling now. Blessing of Swordmanship has forcibly improved Arthur's Sword Technique experience, but the real battle depends on facts.

The footsteps behind him became louder and louder. Arthur didn't look back. He didn't have time to watch at all. He raced his life and put everything on the matter of running!


There was also a shattering footsteps in front of the night! ! !


There are evil wolves in the back and tigers in the front!

Has his time ceased?

Unwilling emotions stretched across his chest. If there is an opponent who still has the confidence to persist, but if there is another one, he really is—

In the desperate night, footsteps became chaotic.

Arthur, who was panting violently and panting violently, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and his steps became gradually chaotic, but he was still hungry for the hope.

Suzune do n't know what happened? Can I still make her breakfast in the future?

Will my uncle be disappointed with his performance?

Will it become a failed experiment of Nunotaba Shinobu's?

Will anyone remember his name?

I'm afraid I can't find my real life anymore?

Everything may be over at this moment.

In confusion, Arthur recalled the girl named Kirigaya Yuu's in the daytime class. At the same age as her, she decided to choose Dimensional World's journey.

'Find the lucky and usable things in the misfortune and try to use them! This is my motto. '

Such a sentence, has been stuck in his mind, Kirigaya Yuu's motto! ~

It's really enviable. Such a petite girl has a cool look that is comparable to that of boys, so–

How can he stop at this moment? !

Even if he lives an extra second, he still has to struggle, at least not to regret himself, even to struggle for a second, to find an opportunity to survive.

Overcoming a trace of fear, Arthur ran hard again. Although still scared, he still supported him with a trace of faith. He wanted to see if she was also struggling! ~

The bright moonlight shines through the dark clouds into the darkness, and in this trace of light, Arthur finds–

In front of him is not a parasitic human, but Kirigaya Yuu, who is clutching the pitch-black sword in her hand, and is running fast like him.

It turned out that she was also desperately living! ~


Arthur reached out to the abandoned factory at the 3-fork intersection. Before he turned the map of the city in the garbage, he remembered it in his mind, and he had long thought of this place.

This is an abandoned chemical plant.

Predicting the plot of Anime, he naturally knew that the human body of the parasitic organisms would also be harmed if they were attacked by chemicals such as strong acids. They can use chemicals to paralyze the reactive nerves of the parasitic organisms, but hit the other party completely unprepared!

What is certain now is that there is an already parasitic parasite behind Arthur, as well as Kirigaya Yuu's.

After seeing Arthur, Kirigaya Yuu was also surprised. She didn't expect that this ordinary boy with a good-looking face would spend Easy Quest.

Easy Quest is to prevent parasites from swallowing brain tissue.

The Quest rules explained by Nunotaba Shinobu are-

Easy, Normal, Hard, Hell, and Abyss 5 difficulty levels, this Dimensional World directly passed the simple Quest, the initial is the ordinary Quest, after the Easy Quest, naturally it is Hard Quest.

What surprised Kirigaya Yuu even more is that this young man who seems to be called Arthur's did not choose to return after completing Easy Quest?

(Not for no choice, but forgot to choose, the system will not remind the player to watch the information Quest panel, if one minute after the Quest is completed, if no choice is made, the system will automatically jump to the next Quest link)

This second Quest link is-

"Main Quest" Hard Level ": Escape from the pursuit of a complete brain parasite."

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