
Are You That Tired Of Living?

Editor: Exodus Tales

The corner of Fang Zheng's eyes started twitching after hearing the gunshots. He glanced at the nearby crater from which smoke was rising before he helplessly turned around. He saw six to seven young men standing behind him, their pistols pointed directly at him. And their leader was none other than the thug leader who he had just recently beaten black and blue; the wounds on his face had yet not healed.

"Hey, bastard!"

The thug leader raised the gun in his hand and glared at Fang Zheng. The other gangsters around him were also swaggering at this moment, with an air of unparalleled grandeur. It seemed that the gun in his hand had bolstered up their courage. Three of them had been forced to kneel down to Fang Zheng and judging from their expressions, it was pretty obvious that they would ask Fang Zheng to kneel to them.

"You trashed me good, didn't you? Come on then, let's see whether your fists or my gun is stronger?"


Fang Zheng's heart didn't even skip a beat, looking at the black hole of the muzzle pointed at him. On the contrary, he even wanted to laugh a little. He really had never thought that the hooligans whom he had casually robbed would follow him out here. What the hell!

"What do you want me to do?"

"It's very simple."

A triumphant look appeared on the leading gangster's face at the sight of Fang Zheng's expression. He then winked to his few companions around him before looking at Fang Zheng and raising his gun.

"Give me my money back! And then, kneel down and let us take care of you! By the way, you also have to strip off your clothes. I will take photos of you and post them on the internet! This is the end for anyone who messes with us on our Craft Brothers' site! Guys, go and grab him, and you!"

As he instructed his subordinates, the leader of the hooligans turned to a woman who had such heavy makeup on her face that it was very hard to distinguish her age. With her protruded lips and makeup, she looked no different from a ghost.

"Come here and take pictures. This is going to be the top headline tonight!"

And upon hearing the thug leader's words, a smile also appeared on the woman's face. She raised the phone in her hand towards Fang Zheng.


Fang Zheng shook his head helplessly. He looked at the leader and spread his hands.

"Sorry, I have important things to do. I don't have the time to play with you. So, I will return you the rest of the money and you can leave. What do you think? I don't want conflict and you also won't really kill me."

"Why can't we?"

A hideous smile appeared on the leader's face after hearing Fang Zheng's reply.

"On this day, who knows when those damn aliens will be here? More importantly, not one or two fools have been killed by those aliens because they disappeared in this forest... I think the police won't mind adding one more to their list. Okay, kid, raise your hands! Don't make me repeat myself! You guys, go and hold him tight, let him taste our greatness!"

The two companions by his side walked over with a grin and rolled up their sleeves upon hearing their leader's order. Much to their surprise, just when they tried to grab Fang Zheng, a parasite jumped out at Fang Zheng's feet and screamed "Ji Ji Ji" at them.

"What in the bloody hell is this?"

The two gangsters were also taken aback by the sudden appearance of the parasite before them. They hurriedly backed away but the parasite obviously wasn't willing to let them go. It jumped suddenly and landed on one of them. Immediately after, tentacles emerged from the parasite's body and plunged right into the gangster's body!


The man immediately let out a hair-raising shrill before staring at the other gangster beside him, his eyes red as blood. Then, he smashed the steel pipe in his hand on his comrade!

"Hey, stop it!"

The leader was also shocked by this scene. He hurriedly raised his gun and aimed at his crazy subordinate. But before he could pull the trigger, he was horrified by the sight of his follower bursting into a gory pool of flesh and blood. Immediately after, the guy who was attacked also began to scream. He started thrashing on the ground, holding his head, screaming in pain. The leader turned pale. 

"What... What have you done to them?!"

The leader of the gangsters aimed his pistol at Fang Zheng and proceeded to pull the trigger without a moment of hesitation. But before he could even pull the trigger, his expression suddenly changed. His face flushed red. He opened his mouth to say something but not a single word escaped his mouth because just before he was about to pull the trigger, a mysterious and powerful force trapped him and the other people around him. And just like that, they had been firmly caught.

"Sigh... are you that tired of living?"

Fang Zheng also could not help but sigh helplessly at the sight of the flushed and struggling gangsters. He wasn't an evil person and he didn't like killing either. But the more polite one was to people like this, the more exhilarated they felt. Not to mention, they had seen the parasites... There was no other way as he could not let anyone leave.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng couldn't say anything anymore. But just as he was about to end their lives, the parasite skittered over to him, crying "jijiji" at Fang Zheng. Fang Zheng might not have understood what it was saying but he could understand what it meant.

"Do you want to absorb their life force?"

Fang Zheng was momentarily stunned by the parasite's request. He glanced at the struggling gangsters who were suspended in the air by the psychic energy. He thought for a moment before nodding in agreement.

"Well, alright... but do it quickly."


The parasite screamed happily after getting Fang Zheng's agreement. It turned around and pounced at the distant gangsters. At the same time, Fang Zheng also swung his right hand, canceling the psychic energy lock. The next moment, the gangsters fell heavily toward the ground.


The leader of the gangsters loudly panted for breath. His entire body was screaming in pain. He had no idea what just happened. All he felt was an invisible hand grabbing him by his throat and lifting him up. And no matter how much he struggled, it was all in vain. He even felt that if it went on, he might have suffocated to death!


Right at this moment, a strange cry suddenly rang by his ear. He subconsciously turned his head, hoping to see what was making that sound. But just as the leader turned his head, he saw a black silhouette leap up and pounce at him.

"Arghhh, arghhhh, ahhh...!"

Miserable screams shook the forest for a while before they were silenced. After a while, the forest regained its silence.


Fang Zheng shook his head, looking at the blood and mutilated limbs on the ground. These people were prime examples of people who wanted to die. Fang Zheng had really not expected them to quietly follow him for revenge. But now, they would no longer have to think about how to retaliate.

Fang Zheng cast this matter to the back of his head. They were already dead. Although he didn't want to do it, he would kill if he had to. After all, the other party had made the first move. So, he quickly cast his gaze to the nearby egg that was as tall as an average man. This egg was the very same parasite. The parasite had turned into an egg after having absorbed the life energy of those gangsters. It gradually matured and had finally become this egg. Fang Zheng didn't know how long it would take for the egg to hatch. After all, there was still a difference between reality and games.

With the passage of time, the egg in Fang Zheng's eyes began to rapidly change. At first, it was like an oval and opaque balloon. The balloon grew bigger and bigger with the passage of time. Its insides also became brighter. He could clearly see the figure of the bug swimming inside. Then, the bug's body slowly began to change; it began to grow bigger and bigger. The color inside the egg also gradually turned dark and turbid.

Suddenly, the huge egg started shaking ever so slightly. Its sides began to deform. Soon, the whole egg burst like a balloon filled with air as a tall figure emerged and appeared before Fang Zheng.

It was the Zerg Queen.

However, it was a little different from the Zerg Queen Fang Zheng was familiar with. This Zerg Queen looked more elegant and refined. Her upper body was quite similar to a human female but from the waist down, she didn't have those spidery legs seen in the game. On the contrary, her lower body took the form of a deer; God knows whether it was because Fang Zheng had put the parasite on a deer.


The Zerg Queen came to Fang Zheng and lowered her head in respect. Fang Zheng noticed that the Zerg Queen's hair was quite similar to Kerrigan's hair. But he had to admit that it wasn't ugly. It might have been slightly different from humans but it also had a unique charm of its own.

Hmm... according to the rules of the Zerg, I should give it a name now...

Recalling Kerrigan's information in his mind, Fang Zheng thought for a moment before he smiled and looked at the Zerg Queen before him.

"Well, from today onwards, your name will be Mylune."

[TLN: Mylune: http://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/Mylune]