
Dimensional chat group:The tale of a wannabe general in the Multiverse

This is the Tale of Kana Endo, a man who was obsessed with everything Military He dreams to be a "Neutral" and "Strong" conqueror general emperor in the Multiverse! He will do whatever he wants in the Multiverse Watch as this wannabe General conquers everything he wanted! P.s I do not own anything except my OC

Imagination_GodR18 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

The encounter with Omnipotent beings

Let's continue...

Now let me explain why I emphasized the beings as NIGH-Omniscient

Well you know this Omnipotent beings as Akasha and The Root

They are only NIGH-Omniscient because "Anomalies" like Kana just appear randomly and they don't know when they are going to appear

Only 1 anomaly can exist at a time, because the last anomaly died early, another anomaly appeared which is named Kana Endo

They located him when he was born and took an interest and attachment to him for his uniqueness as an Anomaly

They observed him throughout his life and were dissatisfied with his death

Upon many delibiration, they came to the conclusion that they will reincarnate him and oversee his journey

And now we observe Kana just sleeping in a space filled with dazzling stars and galaxies

Kana right now is in his soul form, or better known yet the look of the soul, which is a white outine and blood red eyes with a mark on his soul form appearing as a black dragon mark on the right side of his body

With the tatoo as a mark for being an anomaly

"Mhhhmm...." Kana stirred awake

It took him a full minute until he got his bearings back and realize the position he was in

"Wha-! wha-! Where the hell am I?!" Kana shouted trying to make sense of the situation

He was confused until he saw 2 female figures just 4 feet away from him

He was about to ask them a question but he was interrupted by a very seductive, smooth, female voice

"Uuuwwwwh! Akasha-chan! He finally woke up! The female figure, with a very curvy figure, huge breasts, and a fluffy light blond hair that reaches her hips, exclaimed

She jumped on top of Kana

"Whaaaaaa-? Who are you? What are you tryin-" Kana tried to ask but was interrupted by the blonde woman

"Shshshsh!" The blond woman shushed Kana

" Kiyomi nee-san please let go of him, he is still very confused" the other long haired woman scolded the blond haired woman

"You're so mean Akasha-chan! Hmph!" The blond woman pouted cutely

Both parties calmed down and Kana introduced himself but was told that they don't need it because they already knew him

So the ones to introduce was the women

"I am Akasha Chie, I am pleased to meet you" the woman, with long, black hair now known as Akasha, introduced herself

Chie was like the reserved and noble sibling of the 2 women, She has long, flowing, black hair, purple eyes that are like gems, and luscious, red lips like cherry

"It's everyone's favorite big sister! Kiyomi A.H.A.N.EEEE!" The blond woman, now known as Kiyomi, introduced herself enthusiastically with special effects going off in the backround

Kiyomi was like the cheerful, airheaded, big sister who is very bright and cheerful, Kiyomi has a very curvacious figure and is VERY sexy ;),she has big breasts that seems like it could pop out of the clothing it is in, and beautiful long, light blond hair that reaches her hips

"So can Chie-san explain to me what is going on?" Kana finally asked the very crucial question that he had

"It's okay to just call me Akasha, and for your question; it is because you are special" Akasha told Kana

"Special? In what form?" Kana asked Akasha again

"It's because you are an anomaly that we normally couldn't find, the proof? That markings that you have in your soul right now" Akasha explained calmly to Kana while sipping tea that he didn't know where it came from

Kana looked down at his body and noticed large, tatoo-like markings coiling on the right side of his body

"That is called the Mark of the Void" Akasha pointed to his markings

"Yeaaah! And we decided to observe you but we ended up being attached to you~!" Kiyomi decided to chip in the conversation

"N-nee-saaaaan!" Akasha exploded in embarrasment and turned red with an expression of a maiden in love

"Oooooh! Don't be shy Akasha-chan! I also like him too!" Kiyomi put her hands on her cheeks as she blushed too just like a teenager

"We got too attached to you when we observed your life even though we are primordial beings that existed even before of creation but we developed things like emotions and feelings when we created laws and concepts because we are curious to try them" Akasha explained with her eyes twitching and burning red in embarrasment

"Wait...so you were secretly stalking me?!?!" Kana was surprised and also quite confused in his situation

What would you do if 2 primordials that existed even before Creation begun fell in love with you, what do you do?

"Teehee~!" Kiyomi knocked her fist in her head softly like those anime characters

"Teehee te nandayo!" Kana naturally replied

"Ehem! So as i was saying! Because we were disappointed in your death we decided to bend the laws we created and decided to reincarnate you with some perks!" Akasha told Kana calmly now she finally calmed down

"And! We are also gonna come with you of course!" Kiyomi interrupted again

Kana was naturally excited as he read isekai mangas and novels about reincarnation

Kana had the look of excitement in his face and Akasha seeing that, decided to start

"Now Kana because even I like you.... you will have to suffer! That's why... the way of choosing your perks is..... GACHA! muaahahahahhaahah!" Akasha laughed evilly as a big spinning wheel appeared behind them

"GAAAACHAAAAA!" Kana could remember it...he could remember those terrifying memories....that ....HELL!

Kana calmed down a little bit and shakily walked towards the wheel and shakily held the lever

"Hu! Hu! Hu! You can do it Kana!" Kana took deep breaths and motivated himself

"Hhhuuuuuuaaaaaah!" Kan raised a battlecry and pulled the lever down that caused the wheel to spin very very fast!


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