
Dimensional Chat Group: The Ordinary in Extraordinary

I was an ordinary person with simple dreams and pleasures. [You are being invited to a Dimensional Chat Group!] [Accept invitation: Y/N?] But one invitation, one completely out of this world, had opened mine and introduced me to the world of extraordinary people. My dreams began to get bigger, goals becoming far from ordinary, and me? No matter what, I won't ever regret my decision. ----- Involved Dimensional Chat Group Characters are from: -Nier: Automata -RWBY -Kim Possible -Tokyo Ghoul ---- Disclaimer: The cover image isn't mine, same as with the animes, video games, and T.V. Series.

JazmineShyly · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


Once it was decided which world we were going to, us non-androids all opted to sleep right after to get an early start and prepare everything we needed.

After the Missions were given we were allowed 48 hours to decide, and if we failed to choose a mission before that then we would be given a mission different from our options. Also, we initially had a problem with how long we would be staying in the HOTD world, but fortunately Penny found out that in missions where all DCG members were involved time in our own universes would stop.

After a day of preparing and coordinating, at 10 PM we were finally good to go.

[Yuri has entered the chat.]

[Sleepdeprived has entered the chat.]

[Real Girl!: Yay! Everyone's here!]

[2B: I am...excited.]

[Possible: Me too!]

[Yuri: Have you triple checked everything?]

[Real Girl!: I have!]

[2B: I have done as you have asked.]

[Sleepdeprived: I've got everything i need.]

[Possible: All's good on my end.]

[Yuri: You brought the EMP blocker @Real Girl!?]

[Real Girl!: Yes!]

With everyone good to go, we opened the Mission list and proceeded to choose the HOTD world. Then, without warning, everything just went °blank°.


As instantly as it came, the weird feeling of blankness disappeared just as fast. Opening my eyes, I immediately noticed that I was somewhere outside instead of inside my room.


Sounds of exclamation came from behind me, causing me to jump, despite already guessing who they were. Turning around, I was ready to greet them as I had rehearsed beforehand, but stopped once I finally got a look at them.

Upon seeing them, I froze due to shock and awe. There stood four women. Four, °exceedingly° gorgeous women, with two of them being women I was °down bad° for.

Touka Kirishima, Kim Possible, Penny Polendina, and 2B. As these four women stood in front of me, eyeing each other in both wonder and wariness, the reality of it all began cramming itself back into my head.

This was it, proof that I truly was not crazy! Or maybe I am.

We all just stood there, staring at one another. It was 2B who broke the standstill by walking towards °me°. Like a rabbit facing a wolf, I froze, in fear, anxiety, and wonder.

Once in front of me, I finally got a clear look at her. She was so utterly beautiful that it wouldn't even hurt my already broken self-esteem if I were to be ever compared to her.

Then, she was hugging me. 2B was °hugging° me!

'Oh god oh god oh god!' My mind went °haywire°! Despite being an android and covered by her clothes, 2B felt absolutely, positively, °soft°, as if someone a god had personally made!

Then, her hugging got a little tighter, jolting me from my fantasies. It was there I noticed that she was °sobbing°! Gone was my gay panic and it was immediately replaced with sympathy.

With my anxieties pushed back in the recesses of my mind, I gently hugged the taller woman back, causing her to jolt, but then lighten her embrace.

Moments later, one by one, everyone joined the hug. First was Penny, then Kim, and lastly, Touka.


After that heartfelt moment of our first meeting/2B's first contact with humans, we proceeded to introduce ourselves once again.

"Hello again! I am Penny Polendina! My favorite color is orange, I like my father and making new friends, and I love you all!" The ever peppy android introduced herself first, smile as bright as the sun.

"Great to meet you guys, again. I'm Kir- Touka Kirishima." The ghoul was laid-back in her introduction, but there was a stiffness to it, apprehension, maybe. However, in her °eye° there was a kind of gentleness hidden in them.

"Kim Possible! If you need any help, just give me a call, okay?" The only other human in the group except for me smiled and waved with eyes gleaming with friendliness.

"I am 2B and I wish that we could all...get along?" The other android of the group greeted rather confusedly, most likely not knowing how to properly do so or was probably °nervous°.

"J-Jasmine Opinia at y-your service!" Many times have I practiced my introduction, and many times have I gotten them all right. Just when it truly mattered did my stuttering came in and wrecked everything. However, the smile on everyone's face made it worth it.


Looking for a decent place to set up shop was easy enough. After getting a map to get a lay of the land, we ultimately decided on choosing a house right beside the bridge that led to the main road towards the Takagi . And why exactly this location? Mostly because this way we can help people without getting fully involved, acting as guards and giving a safe-ish passage for survivors.

We really didn't have to worry about food and essentials because Kim had her inventory jam packed with food while the rest of us took whatever item that would help us out.

"Oh? How did it go?" I asked Touka and Kim as they entered the house. No one was in it when we chose the location, so we just broke in.

"No problem whatsoever." Touka replied with a drawl, quickly finding herself lying down on the couch.

Kim, for her part, just smiled sweetly as she placed a bag of food and stuff on the table. "Oh puh-lease! Touka didn't even do anything and just waited outside while I snuck into the estate!"

Hearing her complaint Touka simply waved her arm at the redhead. "You shouldn't have looked so eager to be a ninja then."

Rolling her eyes, Kim just playfully pushed Touka, with the purple haired woman kicking the air in retaliation.

Seeing them like this, I can't help but smile! It was great seeing my friends bond like this!

And as for what Touka and Kim went out to do, it was to leave the EMP Blocking device at the heart of the Takagi Estate. With the knowledge of a nuclear EMP being set off in two days, I was worried with how our two android friends would fair against it! Fortunately Penny's father had the forethought of making her EMP-proof, or just really resistant to it, while 2B and YoRHa androids were just built differently. But of course, being the thoughtful girl that I am, I asked Penny if she had any item that could block an EMP lying around, and when she actually did have one, I just decided to help the Takagi's out. It was mostly on a whim, but I do hope that it would help them and other survivors out.

"Lunch is ready!" I call out as I place our food on the table.


With a dagger in hand, I watched the chaos unfold. Below us were people, °hundreds° of people, screaming and running for their lives. An hour after we ate lunch, everything began. Touka was reading a book, Kim was helping me with exercises, and 2B and Penny were in their own space, a domestic atmosphere, really. Sadly, that domestic feeling was destroyed once someone screamed, which was then followed by more screaming.

As we watched, I tightly held onto Kim's hand, whose other hand was being held by Touka. The screaming, the look of horror in their faces, it was °heartbreaking°. I wanted to save them, I truly did, but I cared more about my own and my °friends'°, survival more.

'Is it wrong that I'm trying to get myself desensitized with all this?' A dark thought passed by, but I quickly shook it away as I pulled Kim back inside the room.

"How's she doing?" I asked Penny, who stayed behind to keep 2B company. Honestly, looking at it now, was choosing such a bloody anime a good idea? Especially for 2B?

Feelings of regret and guilt quickly filled my head as I stared at 2B's downtrodden expression, but knowing such things wouldn't do us no good, I looked for ways to distract myself.

"Ki-Kim... Can you he-help me with m-my form?" I asked the redhead, voice slightly cracking.

I don't know if she had the same idea I had, but there was a fire in her eyes as she nodded and pulled me towards the living room below.


It was deep in the night, yet many gunshots can be heard. Among them were silenced shots that rained down on zombies crossing the bridge.

"Yeah! I'm getting better at this!" Penny exclaimed as she used a modified sniper rifle. This sniper rifle was unlike any other, that being it used to be a normal one but was now modified with spare tactical support units. Penny and 2B had their errors, but eventually they made a sniper rifle with °infinite° bullets! Of course, it wasn't as strong as an average sniper rifle, but it was enough to one shot a zombie.

Standing behind the prone Penny on top of the rooftop was me, acting as lookout for survivors.

"Penny, I think we should end it here." I suggested to my friend, seeing as there were barely any zombies now surrounding the bridge.

"Ooh! Just in time for dinner too!" She exclaimed and I smiled at that. Despite being androids, 2B and Penny had an °appetite°.

Rolling my eyes, I retorted playfully. "It's 10, Penny. That's pretty far from dinner time."

Once 2B and Penny finished modifying the sniper rifle, Penny and I had been on top of this roof ever since while the rest were down below helping out with the evacuation. Earlier they weren't able to help with the evacuation due to the amount of people, but once people lessened they started to help.

"Come on Jasmine! I want to eat!" Ignoring my comment, Penny proceeded to suddenly °princess carry° me! Shocked by suddenly being carried as such, I scrambled to hold onto Penny's neck. Then, without warning, she °jumped° down, and without stopping, she ran towards our "base", which was on the other side of the road.

"Uhhhh?" Once entering the house and reaching the dining room, Touka was greeted with the sight of us, an excited android and me, who was trying to calm her heart down from all the scare she received!

"Bad Penny! Bad!" With righteous fury, I bonked Penny's head, surprising her and causing her to let go of me. Thankfully, I was prepared for it and saved my ass from a nasty fall.

Covering the spot I hit, Penny cried with a pout. "Oww! Why did you do that!"

Feeling a vein throb, I answered. "You nearly gave me a heart attack, Penny!"

In a sudden shift of emotions, Penny was now suddenly fussing over me!

"A-are you fine!? I truly didn't give you a heart a-attack, right!?"

Seeing Penny's frantic expression and worry, my initial anger quickly disappeared. Holding onto her wrists, surprising her, I said, "I'm fine, Penny. Sorry about getting mad, but that really scared me. Just...just warm me when you're going to do something like that again next time, alright?"

Pulling Penny into a hug, I gently caressed her hair.

"This is nice. I like this." Penny said softly, nuzzling deeper into the nook of my neck. Then, without realizing it, we were once again in a group hug.

Image of Jasmine.