
Dimensional Artificer: Forge of Creation

A charismatic and talented 3D modeler in his mid-20s, who finds himself mysteriously transported to a world of magic and power unlike anything he's ever known. Unlike the conventional magicians and warriors in this realm, Ailord discovers that his unique power lies not in traditional sorcery, but rather in the ability to manifest his creations from the digital realm into physical reality. As Ailord navigates this fantastical world filled with mythical creatures, ancient civilizations, and treacherous adversaries, he must harness his creativity and technical prowess to forge innovative tools, weapons, and constructs that defy the conventional limits of magic. With his modern military knowledge and expertise in 3D modeling, Ailord becomes a formidable force as he blazes a trail of ingenuity and innovation, reshaping the very fabric of this new world.

Jayzentz · Fantasy
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89 Chs


"What!? You can understand what we're saying?" Glok asked later, still incredulous about the story of the knight who spent time talking to the iron Construct owner.

"I've told you, yes. I can understand what you're saying and you can understand what I'm saying," Ailord replied for what seemed like the umpteenth time. Ever since the knight shared this with others, they kept asking relentlessly, making sure he really understood. They even asked him to repeat what they said.

"Then why did we make those strange movements last night?" one of the knights asked, starting to regret their shameful behavior.

Ailord smiled, "Oh, thanks for the show last night."

Glok could only stay silent, mesmerized by his voice. "I know we've spoken before. But hearing your voice even clearer, especially when I can understand what you're saying, you actually have a very nice voice."

Ailord was surprised, not expecting to encounter another person like Glok. While still on Earth, whenever he played games online, everyone would be amazed and bombard him with various questions, just to hear that voice again. He himself admitted, his voice was indeed pleasant to listen to, even when Ailord played it back in a recording.

"But, you more or less understand where we're taking you and why, right?" Teena asked to make sure.

Ailord wanted to nod, forgetting that Walker had no energy at all. "Of course. You'll take me to the land of the elves, they're the ones who will heal me using their special healing magic, and to avoid suspicion from humans, you'll bury me beneath the food supplies," he explained, restraining himself from breaking his neck because his neck had been stiff since yesterday.

'From their stories, one of the human kingdoms has betrayed and is now starting a coup to slowly destroy the other three human kingdoms. One against three, yet it's that one kingdom seems to be winning that every race is on alert. What is it with that kingdom? How can one kingdom win against three? What do they have that makes them so bold?' Ailord thought because however, he's a human. He didn't want to be on the wrong side once the war broke out, let alone now that he was with the goblins and later with the elves too. There's a possibility they'll do something once they know he's human.

From Ailord's observation and their conversations, none of them mentioned that he was a human or asked why a human could be in the goblin territory alone. In other words, they still weren't aware, and Ailord didn't know if that was a good or bad thing. But at least now he could make plans, especially after somehow being able to understand their language and vice versa.

The journey resumed as usual. Of course, with Ailord once again buried beneath the food supplies. The difference now was that the goblins engaged him in conversation with enthusiasm. As if he was something so unique and they had never encountered before. Luckily, Ailord had already stated that he had no memory of what happened the day before he met Glok in the forest. They seemed skeptical, but chose to accept it for now.

The goblins were aware that Ailord must still feel wary, especially when he couldn't do anything and was among goblin knights. Not to mention Glok and his friends are here. Being alone with unhealed wounds sent shivers down their spines just thinking about it. If they were in his position, it would be difficult to feel calm, especially in such a heated situation. One wrong move, and war could break out.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the outer part of the forest of elves, famous for its beauty. Just arriving in front of those long lines of trees, warm sunlight could already be seen piercing through the sides of the golden-yellow and orange leaves, making the grass below appear as if it were coated in beautiful golden light. Birds chirped there, sounding so melodious, like a musical chant making the heart feel so comfortable.

But of course, to enter the heavenly-like forest, they had to pass through a checkpoint first.

Two elves emerged from behind the trees, holding beautifully crafted, shining white arrows adorned with intricate carvings. On their backs were a number of brown wooden arrows with golden feathers, stored in light brown leather quivers with magical seal motifs. The magical seal belonged to the elves, meaning the arrows could only be used by them, while in the hands of others, they wouldn't mean anything. They wouldn't even be able to kill a rabbit.

They approached with calm expressions after seeing the goblin figures, especially Glok, as he was already known to them. Glok was one of those who helped confront the Golden Core before.

"Ahh Glok! It's truly a pleasure to see you again!" the male elf exclaimed, coming to embrace Glok without regard for the etiquette being performed by the female elf behind them, who had greeted them first.

She bowed her head, placing both palms together in front of her chest and giving him a sharp gaze. "Reyn! You didn't greet! Do you want to be scolded again by the elders!?" she scolded.

"Come on, Heyla, just let it be. Men are always like that," Teena said, pointing to the goblin and elf who were already hitting each other on the shoulder.

Heyla was curious, when did Reyn start to change like this? He used to be someone quiet and so closed off, only obeying the elder's words without wanting to listen to anyone else. He was like an impenetrable block of ice. But since they went to the academy, or more precisely, since they met Teena and Glok, Reyn slowly began to change. Even Heyla herself.

She wasn't as cold and stoic as Reyn. However, she was far from being 'friendly'. It could be seen from how those of her age preferred to keep their distance rather than approach Heyla. Yet, she was considered beautiful in the elf race, with features akin to an angel.

In the past, Heyla wouldn't let anyone touch her like Teena was doing now, embracing her so tightly, longing for her friend.

Luckily, Heyla had already cast a body protection spell. Otherwise, her bones might have already cracked since the strength of the goblin's body are above the elf.

"Ahhh! I haven't seen you in so long, and you've become even more beautiful!" Teena shouted.

"T-Teena..." Heyla could only smile gently, knowing what she said wouldn't register in her friend's ears at a time like this.

Teena jerked, remembering something so important, and quickly pulled her away from the others to tell her, "I'm getting married."


Teena covered Heyla's mouth, surprising her as Teena was quicker than she was at the academy. "Shhh! It's still a secret."

"What do you mean a secret?" Heyla asked after taking a deep breath.

Teena approached, glancing at Glok and Reyn who were just watching them without saying anything. "I accidentally overheard Glok talking to Uncle Grako. Uncle asked for help to convince his wife not to be angry because he wants to send Glok here."

"And then?"

"Glok agreed, but on one condition, he wants to marry me."

Heyla almost screamed with joy if Teena hadn't quickly restrained her. "Sorry, sorry," she said as soon as her mouth was released. "So, what are you going to do? Have you told Glok about your feelings?"

Seeing Teena's suddenly flushed face, something that only happened when Teena talked about Glok, made Heyla feel so curious and suspicious that something had happened between them. She raised an eyebrow and folded her arms, waiting for Teena to tell her.

"W-We... we, we..." Teena grew even redder, unsure if she could say it, especially with her heart pounding so fast like this.

"Tell me quickly before I scream that you two are getting married."

Hearing the threat, Teena pushed herself and blurted out, "We kissed."

Heyla's eyes widened, not expecting that to happen between two people who were so oblivious to each other, unaware that they liked each other and made others suffer watching them. She could only stay silent, imagining Glok and Teena kissing, something that had been longed for by the academy due to their strong chemistry but had never happened.

'How will they react when they find out this happened?'

An idea popped into Heyla's head, an idea that would surely be a big surprise for the new couple. She couldn't wait to see their faces later.

"You have that look again," Teena remarked with a suspicious glance.

"What? I'm not going to do anything," Heyla replied, trying to restrain her smile from widening. She really had to keep her expression in check in front of her friend.

"Do you know what they're talking about?" Reyn asked Glok, who was also puzzled.

"I have no idea."