
Last Resolve

Ailord observed two lizards, the same as yesterday. He had been watching them for a few minutes, observing how they lived. Were they hunters or stalkers? However, from the time he spent, Ailord realized that these lizards were hunters. Maybe yesterday he took the lizard's prey, making it angry and threatened.

Today, his goal was to get more meat from the large wild boar from before. Meanwhile, the lizard would only be used for practice. The meat from the lizard was too tough and difficult to chew, so Ailord would only use it as emergency food. Meanwhile, the wild boar meat was more or less the same as pig meat on Earth. Just a bit tougher, considering their bodies were not just meat but also muscle.

He wondered to himself. Were all monsters here full of muscles? Because he had seen some other monsters that looked a bit intimidating because of their large muscles.

Thanks to the help of the Overseers, Ailord was able to find more types of monsters and automatically record them into the computer to study later. So, he didn't have to face them blindly and end up like yesterday.

Still feeling the pain in some parts of his body, he forgot one important thing that should have been created on the first day. That is a med bay or medical bay. However you call it.

However, the base he created couldn't accommodate a med bay anymore. Especially the med bay that existed in his imagination. It was a cylindrical-shaped bed made of glass with steel as its base and glass support. Inside, there would be a scanning device that could detect various body malfunctions and repair them using nanobots.

"I should have created that first, instead of forming a cold room," he said irritably, feeling the pain again as he was about to move.

It seemed the two lizards in front began to smell Ailord's scent and became alert. It could be seen from their tensed bodies with every muscle stiffening. The gaps in their scales started to glow.

Ailord grinned at the sight. Last night, before sleeping, he observed the bad condition Walker. Most of the outer armor had melted with some parts damaged due to the lizard's tail and claws. Ailord wondered, what material could be used to repair and strengthen Walker's armor.

In his mind, various materials appeared. Materials that always existed in every story, materials that were not on Earth, even rare in the world of those stories. Materials that could be said to be on par with the gods.

Ailord found it, and now he wanted to see how strong this often-mentioned material really was.

The two lizards, feasting on the wild boar meat from their hunt, were startled when they saw something in the air and suddenly it crashed to the ground in front of them. They both were thrown back by the shockwave produced, making them angry with their bodies glowing brightly.

However, now the screen showed no warnings even though every tree around began to catch fire. Watching Walker's improvement, Ailord's grin widened with ignited enthusiasm.

"It's payback time!"

Not far from there, several goblins were running away from the pursuit of the same type of lizard. They were part of the explorers from one of the goblin villages assigned to explore the inner forest. Being among the best warriors, they found this task easy, confident in their abilities. Who would have thought that just in a day, they had lost more than five people.

Now, only four of them remained, running hard without caring about their burning chests from exhaustion. Sweat covered their bodies, clearly visible on faces now showing tense and fearful expressions.

Gasping for breath, hearts pounding so hard, and vision starting to blur. None of these things made them stop moving forward, even though their legs screamed to stop. Pain could be felt there, especially in their bleeding feet.

Goblin skin is relatively tough, stronger than human skin. Because of this, they didn't care much about shoes, sandals, and other foot protections. Humans had suggested that they should use such items, but the goblins felt their feet were strong enough to withstand the wilderness without them. Now, they deeply regretted not taking the humans' advice.

However, there was nothing they could do but keep running to save their lives. They had also used magic as an emergency signal so that the remaining warriors in the village could come to their aid. Unfortunately, they had ventured too far in, and it would take time for the warriors to find them.

The lizard behind them also didn't give them any chance at all. It kept chasing and chasing with its sharp gaze, as if considering this a game before mealtime.

Their weapons were useless against it, only ending up broken and shattered when faced with the tough skin of the Black Vermillion Lizard. Even spells had minimal impact, like a child's tap. Not to mention causing it harm, the lizard just stood there taking it, staring at them through the rising smoke. Those glowing yellow eyes managed to pierce and inflict trauma.

"WHAT DO WE DO, GLOK!?" shouted one of them, running while holding a broken hand from the lizard's tail strike.

Glok, the team leader who was now temporarily racking his brain, gritted his teeth hard, knowing there was no other way for them to live, except for one thing. He really didn't want to resort to this, aware that if he used it, he would most likely die from the forbidden power. A taboo.

He halted his steps, startling the three remaining members, confused to see their leader standing still with his body turned to face the lizard. It didn't take them long to realize what their leader, who was not only their commander but also a childhood friend, intended to do.

"NO! NO!! GLOK!! YOU CAN'T DO IT!!!" cried one of them, a female goblin who was quickly restrained by the other two goblins. Desperation and regret were clearly visible on both of their faces.

"Teena, we have to go."


"GLOK HAS DECIDED! ALL WE CAN DO NOW IS RESPECT HIS DECISION AND SAVE OUR LIVES AS HE WANTS US TO!" shouted one of them, struggling to hold back tears. Realizing this might be the last time they see Glok.


However, Teena was already lifted by another muscular goblin. The female goblin screamed, hitting his back repeatedly, begging to be put down as she wanted to stay with Glok till the end and didn't want to leave him alone to sacrifice himself.

Glok turned around, looking at them one last time with a wide smile. "Go, I'll hold off this damn lizard for you," he said, full of confidence.

The two goblins nodded, rushing away without looking back, knowing that if they glanced back at Glok once more, they'd stay there too, choosing to fight and die alongside Glok rather than run away.

Once they were gone, the smile on Glok's face turned into a raging fury. His hands trembled, realizing he couldn't possibly survive facing the monster in front of him, which was now so close. Each heavy step shook the ground, sending a warning to his heart.

His life was on the brink of death.


Every vein in his body began to glow brightly, coursing from his chest to his entire body, and finally to his eyes, which now glowed in bright white. His black hair turned white, a sign of someone possessing the 'Berserker' Talent. Those with this Talent always had white hair because they pushed their bodies to release power beyond their limits.

Although this power was immense, at the same time, it would consume the user from within until there was nothing left. A power only used as a last resort, resulting in few white-haired beings in this world. Because most of its users died.

Not far from there, one of the Overseers hovered in the air, watching the unfolding battle and broadcasting it to Ailord. The two lizards from earlier were now below, becoming a throne for him. A throne drenched in blood, forming pools.

"Oh? Interesting."

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