
Dimensional Anime-Villain Group Chat

Central World - High School DXD, Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks? Outer Worlds - No Game No Life, Re: Zero, Naruto, Bleach, Akame Ga Kill, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, Fairy Tail, Fate Series Hey everybody! This is your typical transmigrated into a world of anime where the protagonist is gonna get a lot of anime girls trash fanfic, yadayadayada. Y'know how this works. This is your typical degenerate sh*t so I hope you enjoy it! Oh yeah, expect a little incest and some other totally wack stuff. P.S. The protagonist isn't a villain. Why? Cus there's no need for him to be. He's not some edgy guy who likes killing. He's an anime fan who transmigrated into an anime world, and then got invited to a group chat full of villains, so don't raise your expectations. Another P.S. Likely not gonna finish this so don't get your hopes up too high if you get attached. None of these characters are mine except for the protagonist. They all belong to the authors.

EvilFairy · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

The Ten Pledges (No Game No Life Part 3)

Everyone's faces were full of fear, shock, or desire. Some of them jumped back. Ryu looked normal. He watched the anime, so he knew all of this already.

Tet let out a mischievous chuckle, enjoying the reaction he provoked. "Greetings, travelers," he said, his voice carrying an air of mystery.

"In this world, known as Disboard, conflicts are resolved through games instead of wars. And it seems that your current mission from what I heard is for one of you to become the King of Imanity."

Ryu could sense the gears turning in the minds of his fellow villains as Tet's words sank in.

He knew that the concept of settling conflicts through games rather than brute force was a novel and intriguing idea for them.

Pandora's eyes widened with interest, her curiosity piqued by the unique nature of Disboard. "Games, you say? How fascinating. It seems like a realm where one's intellect and strategy take precedence over sheer power."

Tet nodded, pleased with Pandora's astute observation. "Indeed. Disboard is a world where cunning, wit, and strategic thinking reign supreme. It is a realm that rewards cleverness and resourcefulness rather than raw strength."

Esdeath's lips curled into a sly smile, her competitive nature ignited by the prospect of challenging opponents through games. "So, it's a test of skill and cunning. I like the sound of that. Count me in for this challenge."

Gilgamesh, ever confident in his abilities, crossed his arms and smirked. "A kingdom won through games? How quaint. But fear not, for I, the King of Heroes, shall dazzle this realm with my unparalleled prowess."

All for One's brows furrowed in confusion. "Imanity? What's that?"

Tet smiled, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Imanity refers to the race of humans in this world. To become their king, you must excel in games and outwit your opponents."

"I also need to discuss the Ten Pledges"

Tet, the god of Disboard, continued his explanation, floating in the air with a sense of grandeur. "The Ten Pledges are the fundamental rules that govern this world. They ensure fairness, justice, and order in all games played within Disboard."

"The First Pledge: All murder, war, and robbery are forbidden in this world." Tet explained with a firm yet benevolent tone.

"The Second Pledge: All conflict in this world will be resolved through games."

Tet's voice resonated with authority as he continued, "The Third Pledge upholds the binding nature of the game's outcome. In games, each player will bet something that they agree is of equal value…"

"…The Ninth Pledge states that in the name of God, the previous rules may never be changed."

"And finally, the Tenth Pledge: Let's all have fun and play together!"

Tet's vibrant eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he concluded his explanation of the Ten Pledges. He smiled warmly at the group of villains, his presence radiating a sense of wonder and mystery.

"Now that you are acquainted with the rules of Disboard and the mission at hand, I bid you farewell, travelers," Tet announced.

"May your journey be filled with thrilling games, unexpected encounters, and personal growth. Remember, the path to becoming the King of Imanity is not just about victory but also about enjoying the game. Have a good journey!"