
Dimensional Anime-Villain Group Chat

Hey everybody! This is your typical transmigrated into a world of anime where the protagonist is gonna get a lot of anime girls trash fanfic, yadayadayada. Y'know how this works. This is your typical degenerate sh*t. Oh yeah, expect a little incest and some other totally wack stuff. Expect a lot of BS, especially around the love, smut. Like girls falling for the MC kinda randomly as well. P.S. The protagonist isn't a villain. Why? Cus there's no need for him to be. He's not some edgy guy who likes killing. He's an anime fan who transmigrated into an anime world, and then got invited to a group chat full of villains, so don't raise your expectations. Another P.S. Likely not gonna finish this so don't get your hopes up too high if you get attached. Also, if you can, make comments on stuff I get wrong on anime. Like hair color, maybe some lore or background cus I forgot half of all this. None of these characters are mine except for the protagonist. They all belong to their respective authors.

EvilFairy · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Finding Mosquito Girl (One Punch Man Part 2)

"Follow me for now" Ryu stated as they walked, trying to identify where the Mosquitos were heading.

In the next few minutes, Ryu grew slightly curious about Kaguya's goals. 

He didn't have a clear picture about her. So he decided to be upfront about them. 

"Do you miss your children?" Ryu asked. According to the anime, this was very much true.

Especially after she cried after seeing Naruto and Sasuke.

Kaguya was still as expressionless as always as she was wondering how to answer. 

This "Administrator" appeared to know more about them than they did themselves.

Or perhaps, she was just overthinking. She pondered the question a bit before answering. 

"Yes, slightly" 

In that case, perhaps being honest about herself might be the right way to respond.

After all, she was quite weak as of right now. 

"However, I do plan to absorb all the chakra in my world to achieve my goals"

Ryu knew that these goals were to establish world peace, through illusion and fear.

Especially since Kaguya had loved yet lost hope in humanity. 

"What about you, Administrator?" Kaguya suddenly asked. "What's your goal?"

Ryu paused for a minute. 

After all, it was the first time he was asked such a question from a member of the chat.

Did Ryu really have a goal? Ryu pondered over a moment before answering. 

"I want to become the strongest in the multiverse, find out the secrets within the chat, and get a huge harem. That's all"

Ryu's answers took Kaguya slightly back. It appeared that she misunderstood what an "Administrator", especially by how outlandish his last goal was. 

Ryu then pulled Kaguya in closer, his face was as close to her as possible to the point where they could feel each other's breaths. 

"I'd also like to change your goals and fates" 

Ryu felt pitiful for certain villains like Kaguya. They were just twisted in their own way.

Especially after her being betrayed by humanity.

Of course, Ryu didn't plan to act like a Saint to all villains. 

However, it would be nice to help them a bit and give them another path if possible. 

Suddenly, Ryu heard a rumbling noise. It was likely that Tier found Mosquito Girl!

Ryu then picked Kaguya in a princess-carry before jumping up the building and heading to the location of the fighting. 

It was impossible to understand what Kaguya was thinking at that moment. 

When Ryu went onto the scene, Mosquito Girl was kneeling down and prostrating in front of Tier. 

"What happened, Tier?" Ryu asked.

Tier shook her head. "I don't know. I only beat her up a little and she started crying"

"Please! Spare me!" Mosquito Girl cried out. 

Ryu looked down upon Mosquito Girl. 

This mission only required them to defeat Mosquito Girl, so it should be fine to just leave her here.

They had already defeated her. 

[Ding! Mission Completed]

Was the mission really that simple?

Compared to the last mission, this one was much easier. 

"I'll take her from here and take her from questioning. The Dimensional Gate should appear soon since we've accomplished our mission" Ryu said.

Ryu then left Tier and Kaguya to their own devices.

Ryu only shook his head, knowing how awkward it was to have them together.

"What do you want?" Mosquito Girl asked. 

Mosquito Girl then looked up to Ryu before looking down and blushing.

What was going on? Did she already die and an angel pick her up?

Mosquito Girl didn't take a good look at Ryu prior because she was kneeling down.

She then gulped. Ryu's piercing eyes seemed to see right through her, and she felt a flutter in her chest.

Mosquito Girl's cheeks flushed as she looked down, trying to play it cool.

But she couldn't help sneaking a peek at Ryu's face again.

As she looked into his eyes, Mosquito Girl felt a strange sense of calm wash over her.

Ryu was about to question her about some things from the House of Evolution.

Although he was sure that most things there weren't important, they could serve as important if he was able to utilize some of their technology without using Dimensional Coins.

In the next moment, something unexpected happened. 

Without thinking, Mosquito Girl leaned in, her lips parting slightly as she closed the distance between them.

Ryu didn't know what she was going to do. For a moment, he thought she was going to attack. However, seeing her aim for his lips, he thought otherwise. 

Ryu's eyes never left hers as he met her halfway, his lips brushing against hers in a soft, gentle kiss.

The world around them melted away, leaving only the two of them, lost in the moment.

Mosquito Girl felt a spark of electricity run through her body as Ryu's lips touched hers, and she knew that she was in trouble.

Ryu was even more shocked. However, he wasn't the type to back down from a kiss, especially from such a pretty girl. 

As they broke apart for air, Mosquito Girl's eyes fluttered open, and she looked up at Ryu with a dazed expression.

"Well, I didn't expect that," Ryu said, his fingers on his lips.

Mosquito Girl's face flushed, and she looked away.

Ryu was aroused. Mosquito Girl was practically naked. 

His dragon started burning as it slowly arose. 

Mosquito Girl was coming onto him, and she was so naked that left nothing to the imagination. He couldn't help but feel aroused even further.

At that moment, both of them knew what each other wanted to do. There was nothing but lust and passion in them. 

In the next moment, Ryu removed his pants and let it drop to the floor, revealing his hard dragon to Mosquito Girl.

She gasped, her eyes widening with desire. "Oh my god, you're so big," she said, her voice filled with lust. 

Ryu's heart raced as Mosquito Girl reached down and wrapped her hand around his cock. She stroked him slowly, her fingers tracing the length of his dragon, very slowly. 

He moaned, his head falling back as she touched him.

Mosquito Girl leaned in and kissed him, her lips soft and wet against his. He kissed her back, his tongue exploring her mouth as she continued to stroke his cock.

She broke the kiss and looked up at him, her eyes filled with desire. "I want to taste more," she said, her voice low and sultry. 

She dropped to her knees and took his dragon in her mouth, her lips wrapping around the head as she began to suck him.

Ryu moaned, his hands gripping the door frame as Mosquito Girl sucked his dragon. 

She was good, really good, and he couldn't help but feel himself getting closer to the edge.

He looked down at her, watching as she sucked his cock. 

She was beautiful, with long black hair and bright brown eyes. 

Mosquito Girl sucked his cock harder, her head bobbing up and down as she took him deeper into her mouth. 

Passion coursed throughout Ryu like electricity. 

He could feel himself getting closer to the edge, and he knew he wasn't going to last much longer.

"I'm going to cum," he groaned, his hands gripping the door frame tighter.

Mosquito Girl looked up at him, her eyes filled with desire. "Cum for me," she said, her voice low and sultry.

Ryu's cock throbbed as he came, his cum shooting into Mosquito Girl's mouth. She swallowed every drop, her tongue swirling around the head of his cock as she milked him dry.

When he was finished, she stood up and smiled at him. "That was amazing," she said, her voice filled with satisfaction. "I can't wait to do it again."

He smiled at Mosquito Girl. "Me neither," he said, his voice filled with longing.


It was time to leave One Punch Man. 

He had the option to choose a Villain to invite to the group chat. 

He could invite Mosquito Girl, but he'd rather invite Garou or some other villain like Psykos.

However, he hadn't met them yet, so he couldn't invite them. 

He remembered what between Garou and the Monster Association.

Ryu then looked down at the sleeping Mosquito Girl. Should he invite her?

Ryu bit his lips in completion before shaking his head. What should he do about her then?

"Hey, Mosquito Girl. Are you awake?" Ryu nudged Mosquito Girl. 

"Hmmm. What?" Mosquito Girl asked, while practically sleeping. 

"Do you want to come back to my world with me?"

"What!?" Mosquito Girl immediately got up. 

Ryu told her that she came from another world before their lovely time together.

Of course, a part of her didn't believe him. However, she felt as though Ryu wouldn't lie. 

She knew it herself. There wasn't much left for her in this world. 

"Could I?" Mosquito Girl asked, curiously. It was a chance to explore another world, after all!

"Of course" Ryu guessed that anyone could really transfer through the Dimensional Portal.

Ryu, for now, decided to not invite her into the group chat because there were many more interesting villains in One Punch Man that he could invite for now.

It was time to leave. 

"Goodbye, everyone. Thanks for your help, Tier and Kaguya" Ryu said politely.

It was a pity Ryu didn't meet Saitama, but he enjoyed his time here.

Ryu then walked up to Kaguya and gave her a hug. Kaguya was slightly shocked. 

"If you need anyone to talk to, feel free to reach out in the chat" Ryu then stated. 

"I know you believe that peace can only be created by controlling all the power in the world. However, I'll make you change your mind"

Ryu then patted Kaguya's soft white hair-head. Tier didn't seem interested in their chat. 

As Ryu and Mosquito Girl left, 

Ryu bought a [Disguise Ring], which allowed the user to hide their appearance from normal people, which cost [10 Dimensional Coins], which he planned to give to Mosquito Girl. 

He lost half his profit from the mission, but considering that it was really easy, he didn't mind it. 

Ryu took one last glance at his status.

[Name: Ryu]

[Race: Human]

[Powers: Martial Arts(Lv. 3), 1-Tomoe Sharingan, Sword Arts(Lv. 5)]

[Items: Sword (Uncommon)]

[Dimensional Coins: 60]

[Harem: Sarah (No Game No Life), Miu (Core World/Kenechi), Raynare (Core World/ HS DxD), Rias (Core World/HS DxD), Murayama (Core World/HS DxD), Katase (Core World/HS DxD), Mosquito Girl (One Punch Man)]