
Dimension System

Join our protagonist Zanir Coffey as he unlocks the mysterious Dimension System which allows him to absorb the environment around him. Seemingly able to absorb an endless amount of material, he will have to use this new system to survive in a brutal new world. Armed with the knowledge of modern day technology and his ability to manipulate the world around him, he will craft an empire the likes of which have never been seen. To reach his final goal he will have to go far beyond a single planet, in a single dimension. His journey will take him to the stars and beyond.

Zicon · Fantasy
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113 Chs

Making a Deal with the Devil

Murmurs spread, as the incensed nobles voiced their discontent.

"He doesn't bow before the King?"

"Perhaps the custom is not known to a foreigner?"

"Who does he think he is?"

Exerting his control over the crowd, King Reginald coughed twice to silence them. All eyes focused on him as he gave his response. He addressed the crowd and myself at the same time.

"Silence! This young man is not a formal citizen of the Kingdom, thus he is under no obligation to kneel before a monarch he has not recognized. Beyond that, his family was attacked by corrupt officials under the employment of the Kingdom. It would be very remiss of me to exert any authority over a victim of such crimes."

I watched as the crowd quieted down and was convinced my first impression had been correct. Just as weavers spun fabric cloth, the King spun words into tales. Like a waterfall, it kept coming out, with the King decrying the iniquities that plague the hearts of men.

"...and so we must safeguard the virtues that we hold dear, so that the innocent do not needlessly suffer such vile crimes!"

Finally it was over. Someone in the audience stood up and started a slow clap that ignited into applause for the King. As the noise died down the attention shifted back to me. Everyone wanted to see how I would respond to the King's eloquent speech.

It was time to break out a little eloquence of my own.

"Thank you for granting me this audience your majesty. Even though I was attacked by officials of the Kingdom, I recognize that the actions of a few do not represent the entire Kingdom. Therefore, I shall return the criminals, on the condition that the matter be concluded once and for all."

I noticed a twinkle in the King's eye as he caught onto my plan. Being a quick thinker, he was able to respond immediately. I already knew that he would have pardoned me, even if I had killed the Baron and tax collector, as spatial mages were inherently higher value.

"I've already prepared a pardon for you under the self defense laws of the Kingdom, but if those criminals still live, we will enact a formal trial and let justice be served."

I smiled in response to the King. Often, it's easier to predict a somewhat intelligent man than a fool. Raising my jade dragon hand in an exaggerated manner, I slowly manipulated it into an ethereal dragon shape. From the jaws of the 'dragon', both the Baron and tax collector were spit out onto the floor.

The nearby Kingsguard moved in quickly to shackle and prostrate both criminals. Meanwhile, the nobles began to boo and hiss at them, with a few even throwing food at them. Some of the hatred was genuine, while others simply joined in due to mob mentality.

Moving quickly to appease the audience, the wise King addressed the criminals directly and immediately.

"Lord IsDrake, third of your name and first of the house IsDrake, your actions have brought shame upon the Kingdom of Ishtar. Effective henceforth, you shall be stripped of your lands and title, and imprisoned until such time that a trial can be arranged."

"Tax collector Farnaby, your actions have also brought shame upon the Kingdom of Ishtar. Effective henceforth, you shall be stripped of your title and authority granted thereof, and imprisoned until such time that a trial can be arranged."

"Let the King's spoken word be recorded by the officials of the high court. These royal decrees will be added to the annals and posted on all official bulletin boards throughout the Kingdom."

With the orders officiated the prisoners were dragged away to prison to await their trial and sentence. As the guards opened the entrance doors to remove them yelling and screaming could be heard from outside. Soldiers rushed inside to deliver an urgent report.

Bowing before the King, the least winded soldier gasped out.

"Iskarii.. beetle.. hoard"

Everyone in the room went wide eyed at the mere mention of their name. After a brief period of shock, everyone sprang into action, moving like their pants were on fire. Even the fattest nobles sprang off their chairs like gazelles.

Confused, I moved behind the crowd who were barking orders to mobilize all available troops. I had to find out what was going on. Speaking to one of the nearby nobles cleared things up, while presenting an opportunity.

"Why is everyone so worried about a few beetles?"

He looked at me briefly with incredulity on his countenance, before his features softened a bit and he answered me.

"The beetles are a scourge throughout the entire Iskarii continent. They are decennial in nature, emerging every ten years to devour farmland and crops. They're the size of wolves and swarm in thousands, clearing out entire fields and plunging Kingdoms into famine! We have to move quickly to save our investments!"

It was apparent that everyone took the threat very seriously. The nobles and even the King were giving orders to mobilize their personal armies. Orders were sent out to draft any able-bodied men and woman to take up defense of the remaining fields.

Jogging up to the head of the crowd, I hailed out to King Reginald.

"How much would you pay to save your Kingdom?"

Caught off-guard, the King gave his first flustered response.

"To hell with the cost! We haven't a moment to spare! How much do you want‽"

It didn't feel good to take advantage of people in their time of need, so I asked for some of the things that would cement the establishment of my own spatial Kingdom. Things I had been trying to locate for some time.

"A dozen healing potions, raw gold ore, and access to every library in the Kingdom."

Without any hesitation the King agreed to my terms.

"Done. If you can save my people from starvation, I will grant you these boons."

With a flourish, my dragon hand summoned two soldiers clad in full suits of armor. Both sets of armor were identical, except for the contrasting colors. One was completely white, while the other set was completely black, with both soldiers' faces covered in full facial helmets.

"A, you will command a squadron of wolf riders to evacuate the civilians. Prioritize the wounded, as well as the woman and children."

The soldier in white armor gave a slight nod before departing to sortie the troops.

"D, you will command two squadrons of bear riders to attack from both flanks. Coordinate with the Forest Eagles to locate optimal strike zones. You are authorized to use lethal force!"

The soldier in black armor grunted, then moved off to prepare both the recon and strike teams.

With the orders given, I turned back to King Reginald and addressed him once again.

"Once we arrive on the battlefield, I can assess the situation and provide auxiliary troops through my commander."

Shuddering, the King only nodded in response, hoping that he hadn't traded one disaster for another.