
Dimension Records: Records Of Demonic Vampire

Ark got betrayed by his fiancee, lost his company, his sister was hit by a truck and died on spot. After loosing everything he finally decided to end his life and..... shot himself. You can call it fate or coincidence...... At the same time when Ark died, the devil of time Astaros's soul was destroyed by god, but before Astaros died he seperated a small part of his soul and turned it into a small gem, whoever finds it will inherit his will and a system will guide the host to be the new devil of time and slay the gods. After Ark Shot himself and died he was reincarnated into different world as a vampire child but. his father who was a vampire lord died and his entire race was massacred by the apostles of god, but his pregnant mother was able to escape and hide herself from the apostles of god, after she gave birth to the newborn vampire she gave him the name "yuxi" from a loser named Ark in his privious life to a vampire named yuxi in a world filled with magic and supernatural powers , will he be able to live a better life in this different world? Release schedule: 1-2chaps/week

U_R_I_E_L · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The visit to Eldg

In the continent of alar, there are three kingdoms that rules half the continent and the other half is dominated by the empire.

The three kingdoms; astrin kingdom of flare, zefrta kingdom of hail, luker kingdom of shadows. All this three kingdoms being indirectly under the emperor of the mighty hero's land also commonly called the empire.

The empire is mainly known for its power and authority over the alar continent. But it is also quite famous for its beautiful places, one of which being the city of Eldg. Eldg is the center of attention in the empire. Located on the northen border of the continent. the city eldg is primarily composed of elves, fully active during day and goes on a pindrop silence after sunset that's the beautiful city called Eldg.




"It was hard to get but... Lurir vornil agreed to meet during his visit to the empire." A man dressed in greenis-grey robe said looking through a piece of paper in his hand. "So if we consider the timing, we can meet Lurir vornil tomorrow. Sir dixua." Waiting for a reply from the head of serbearus the man looked at dixua.

"I never thought we will get to an agreement with the hail-lord Lurir vornil. Considering he was one of the subordinates of hero isra... It's like meeting a deity for lowly lives like us." Dixua was a huge fan of the stories of chosen hero and his subordinates, during his childhood he use to read a lot of books based on hero isra's journey, thus he had a huge respect for chosen hero isra and his three subordinates. One of which is Lurir vornil.

"You seems to hold a huge respect for hail-lord lurir, sir dixua. Anyway we will reach empire in just half-hour, so we will have a lot of time before meeting with hail-lord Lurir vornil." The man in greenis-grey robe said so to dixua while looking outside the small window of the carriage they were in. The carriage itself was made out of pure magic crystals, somthing only high-class peoples can afford; as it had the properties of defence and offensive magic.

"yes. We will definitely have a lot of time to spend in empire, and this is a profitable deal. Even though at first i thought of reaping all the fame, glory and money one will get from capturing the last remaining vampires of the world. Getting into the good side of someone like Lurir vornil will be still a profitable thing" Dixua's clam face said it all. He was happy with his deal with hail-lord.




The city of elves. Eldg was as active and busy as always, with natural beauties doing their daily works. Amidst all this a carriage with the symbol of the serbearus hunter-organization entered the city, it enteret from the main gate and went directly to a high-class-inn. A man in greenis-grey robe came out of the carriage, followed by a bald man wearing a green-white robe.




As both of them entered the inn they instantly drew attention because if their odd dressing code. "hello visitors. Welcome to the famous inn of Eldg, sifen." The receptionist said in a cheerful manner. It was a girl in her late twenties, She was a beautiful elfe woman, with a slender and voluptuous body, and a height of 170 centimeters. With long hairs. She was wearing a yellow-green shirt, covered by white suit and purple pants, the suit was unbuttoned, allowing a generous portion of her cleavage to jiggle out.

"We will like to book a room for three day." Dixua said while rubbing his bald head with a smile.

"only one room? Sir perhaps are you two lovers?" The receptionist said teasingly

"what did you say? Say it again" as vines became visible on Dixua's bald top he said in a angrily manner "do i look like i am into mens ?"

"Si-r sir dixua clam down please, i think she is joking. Right?" The man in greenis-grey robe said while he looked at the receptionist with a sharp look.

"yes. Clam down visitors it was a joke, yhehe. Here is your room keys, your payment will be five hundred yunas for one day so three days will be fifteen hundred yunas." The receptionist gave the key to dixua while he handed over a pouch of gold coins.


Dixua after entering, directly opened the window of the room he just paid fifteen hundred yunas for. "Even a hundred yunas are too high, as it is the monthly income of a average family. So fifteen hundred yunas is expansive fo three nights isn't it?" Dixua was looking outside of the room while talking to himself.

"Hey reher do you know why the emperor built such a expansive city in the empire?"

"no. I don't sir dixua." Dixua's question was instantly answered by the man in greenis-grey robe, apprently his name was reher.

"he built such a expansive city because he is too fond of elves, god knows how many illegitimate childrens the emperor has with the females of Eldg city."

"He seems to be a entertaining guy then" reher's answer was to Dixua's linking

"he is."