
1.9.2 Moving In

"Alright everyone's stuff should be out," Jennifer said to Rui and Takashi.

"You ready T?" Rui asked.

Takashi took a deep breath and was ready for the next step in his new life. He opens the door and sees the living room and stairs leading to the second floor on the right. He looks around and sees 2 young girls sitting on the couch. He realizes that they are the "2 more people" Rui was talking about.

The 2 girls talking to each other noticed Takashi and the 3 stared at each other.

"So uhh…you 2 I'm assuming are living here."

One of them spoke up, "Yeah we live here. You must be-"

"I see you've now met my daughters," Rui came into the house interrupting.

"Your daughters?" Takashi asked.

"You know how you're adopted, they are too. They know they are not blood so it's okay to say this out loud… Well, introduce yourselves. We all are going to be living together. I'm gonna put this away real quick," Rui said to Takashi and her daughters.

One of them spoke up," Well my name is Natalia and this is my older sister Aki."

"Nice to meet you. I guess you're the guy mom told us about," Aki asked.

"I'm Takashi… it's nice to meet you. So what are you guys anyway? I see that you Aki have purple ears, a cat tail, and… a wukong tail? How does that work?"

"How does what work?" Aki asked.

"You know having 2 tails at once."

"Do you… not know how that works or like or did you have bad teachers?"

Takashi begins to get nervous. Rui comes back to the front door and luckily she overhead Takashi's question.

"Aki, Takashi has been homeschooled since he was 8. That's why I haven't been seeing you much lately and have been depending on the other girls to be a mother. I'm… I'm truly sorry that I haven't… well… *heavy sigh* been here much and only passing by here and there. Takashi's situation is well… the most I can say a little complicated. And I couldn't do what I wanted to do as your mother so I hope you can forgive me," Rui said sincerely.

"It's okay mom! At least we're all gonna be here together! We have like 500 years ahead of us!" Natalia said.

"Yeah it's fine since Takashi's problem is what you said complicated," Aki said.

Rui smiled and hugged all 3 of them. "From this day forward we're all going to be together as one family. That's… okay for all of you right?" Rui asks this question hesitantly.

"Of course!" Takashi shouted happily. Aki and Natalia also agreed happily.

Rui released a deep relieving exhale. "That's good. Now going forward-"

"Yo bae wassup!" Author shouted while he, Andria, and Risa made their way down the stairs.

"Hey everyone, how was the drive?" Andria asked.

"We could've been here by 12 like we originally planned but Takashi kept throwing up," Rui responded with a slight attitude.

"Haven't you thrown him through the air? How does he have motion sickness?"

Takashi stood there in slight embarrassment. A few seconds passed. Author gave Rui a kiss on the lips and started a small conversation, whispering. A few more seconds passed and Takashi began to ask, "So where's my room? Or is there not an extra room for me?"

"Oh, your room!" Author shouted it's the first one on the right of the stairs. But you are gonna deal with your stuff later."

"Wait what? What do you mean?" Takashi asked with a sobby voice.

"Get in the car, we have to get something important real quick," Author said. Takashi stood there confused but listened. He walked outside and saw Jennifer on the phone and got into the car. Author then called on Andria and Risa interrupting their conversation, and asked them to look after his daughters. They agreed.

Author and Rui said goodbye to their daughters and told them they will be back in a few hours.

"Bye, mom bye dad!" They shouted and waved back. The two got in the middle seats of the car with Takashi in the passenger front and Jennifer driving. They then drove off.

About 2 minutes later,

"Um where are we going?" Takashi asked.

Rui spoke up, "You see in order for you to live well… 'legally' we need to get you citizenship. Because a random unregistered 10-year old all the sudden living in FlareVolt kinda makes no sense. So Jennifer knows a guy that I also know myself is going to help us."

"Wait how I'm going to do that? Won't I get caught?" He asked concernedly.

"Trust me lil' guy I got it covered," Jennifer said happily.

"Oh! Well… that's good then… Wait hold on, how do you know this 'guy'?"

"Tssss, you see I know people and those people know other people and they come back to me," She responded.

"You're lucky we had no evidence of you at the time. You were seen as an anonymous person," Rui said with a jokingly stern voice.

"Ugh, you people almost found out my identity, but I'm a sneaky one," Jennifer then chuckled proudly.

Takashi sat there with pure confusion just trying to figure out what the conversation was about.

"That's not something to laugh at proudly, but it ain't my life." Author said with a smile while shrugging his shoulders.

Takashi then was taken to a Citizenship Control Center and got his card.

Outside the center, Rui started talking to Takashi. "Takashi, next week you're going to school," Rui said

"Won't I get caught or something might happen?" He responded.

"Not if you keep your mouth shut." Rui then bent down a little and put her hands on his shoulders. "Listen, I understand that you're worried about yourself, your power, and the people that are looking for you. Trust me I'm nervous too. But, you can still have fun and enjoy life. The people who know are us 5 so there is no need to worry. Just stay quiet, near me, and we are good to pass."

"Good to pass?" He asked puzzled at that statement.

"Um… yeah… good to pass. That's a saying here,"

"In my world, we say good to go."

Rui slightly tilts her head up with her eyes rolling up as well. "Hm," she hums to herself softly. She looks back at Takashi and continues, "So I guess we use different words, but the statements mean the same.

"Not exactly. I say that because when they were young they had a friend who was a hybrid and he ran away to who knows where. So they know about the hybrids, but only the tip of the mountain."

Rui, Takashi, Jennifer, and Author got in the car and drove home.