
Dimension Apart

Kaia always thought ghosts are different entities living in the same world. For someone who grew up seeing ghosts, she got used to it. She thought she knew everything about ghosts and paranormal stuff. However, it changes when she met Asher, a guy whom she thought a ghost. What if everything she knows is not true? What if the world she perceived as reality isn't really reality? How could Kaia, a ghost enthusiast person, handle this kind of reality? Updated will be posted daily at 12pm ( GMT +8). Also, please check my other novel Why Did I Become the Villainess. I’m sure you’ll like it.

pshyyyy · Urban
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6 Chs

: Water Bottle

'Is it weird if I say I am in love with a ghost? I know it sounds weird and creepy, but I really am. I know him since I was a child. You could say I grew up with him. However, unlike me, who's getting older every day. His age and look stays the same. I first met him when I was five years old, and he told me he's already twenty three. He died because of a heart attack.'

Kaia closed the book she is reading. The female lead could see ghosts, and the male lead is one of the ghosts she grew up with.

   Why did the female lead could talk to a ghost, but she couldn't? Kaia also grew up seeing ghosts. However, she never has a chance to speak to them. She tried to, but they just ignore her. It's unlike those ghosts in the movies. Where they pester and bother people.

   "It would have been good if I could talk to them," Kaia whispered. She has a great interest in paranormal stuff. It's probably because she wanted to prove to everyone that she could really see ghosts.

   Yet, she still hasn't got evidence to prove her claim. Kaia walks towards her study table and sits on the chair. She took the sketchbook that is full of drawings of the ghosts she saw.

Kaia skims through the pages and stops on the last page that has a drawing. She stared at the drawing for a while before she sighs. It's the guy she saw in the cafe shop the other day.

   Kaia still couldn't believe that he is a ghost. He looks so real. Too bad, she didn't get the chance to tap his shoulder. At least she would have known if he is really a ghost or not.

   Kaia got startled when the door of her room suddenly opened and then she saw the guy in the cafe entered her room. The guy closed the door loudly that it startled her again.

   She abruptly stands up from her seat, that the chair falls on the floor. The guy stops in his tracks and looks at the chair that is now upside down.

   It's him! It's the guy Kaia saw in the cafe shop. However, what is he doing in her house?

  The guy walks towards where she is standing. He's coming at her? Did he saw her? The guy kneels on one of his knees and looks at the chair. He then looks up at her for a moment before he shrugged his shoulders.

  He stands up from the chair as he got up. Kaia saw him say something, but she couldn't really hear a thing even though they are a few inches away from each other.

   The guy looks around her room before looking at her. He looks at her straight in the eyes! He could see her. She tried to touch him, but the guy already walks towards her bed and lay on it.

   "Hey! What are you doing? Get up from my bed." Kaia tried to make the guy stands up, but he seems preoccupied with something. He just stared at the ceiling. It's as if he didn't see her or heard her.

   Kaia walks towards her bed and sits on the side. Is this guy really a ghost? Kaia looks at him from head to toe. He looks so...real.

   The guy gets up abruptly and sits on the bed. He looks in her direction. She could see that his eyes dilated. It's like he saw something unbelievable. He then slaps his both cheeks and rubs his eyes.

   What is he doing? The guy says something before he messes his hair. Kaia just stared at him. Is he mad? But why is he mad? She couldn't hear what he said even though he looks like he's saying the words loudly.

  It's one of the things Kaia noticed about ghosts. Aside from she couldn't communicate with them. She also couldn't hear what they are saying, no matter how close their distance is. It's as if they are on mute.

   The guy gets up from the bed and walks towards the bathroom, and slammed the bathroom door loudly, which resulted to Kaia's mother to shout at her. "KAIA! DON'T SLAM THE DOOR! YOU'RE DISTURBING OUR NEIGHBORS!"

   It's not her, though. She wanted to reply to her mother, but she didn't bother. Her mother wouldn't believe her even if she said it. Her mother would just say it's all in her head.

  Kaia sighs and walks towards the bathroom. She could hear running water inside. What is he doing? Is he taking a bath? She knocks on the door.

  "Hey! Are you there? Can I enter?"

   She didn't hear anything from the inside, only the shower running. Of course, he's a ghost, so how could she hear what the ghost said?

   After a minute, Kaia slowly opened the door. She doesn't want to startle the guy inside. However, only the empty bathroom welcomed her. Kaia sighs her disappointment and turns off the shower.

   He's gone. He disappeared again.


   Asher had a very rough day. He just got the result of his final exams, and he got a low score. Aside from that, his basketball training didn't go well too. His coach scolds him for being too absentminded today.

  "Asher, honey, how's school?" His mother immediately asks him the moment he opened the door of their house.

  Asher looks at his mother and sighs. "It was okay, mom." He said in a bored manner before walking upstairs.

  He opened the door of his room abruptly and slammed it after. He was about to walk to his bed to lie down for a bit when the chair of his study table fell on the floor upside down.

  Why did it fell? He walks towards the chair and kneels on one knee. He looks up and sees nothing but the opened window in front of his study table.

   Maybe it's because of the wind. Asher shrugged it off and stood up and fix the chair. There!

  "I've got a bad day, and this chair decided to join. Really? Why does my day suck?"

   He then walks towards his bed and lay on it. He's tired and just wants to sleep off his bad day. Maybe after he wakes up, everything will be okay.

   However, he couldn't sleep, and he just ends up staring at the ceiling. He feels something sit beside him. It feels like someone sits on the side of the bed. He looks up and saw a gorgeous face of a lady. He stands up and slaps his face, and rubs his eyes. After doing so, he looks at where he saw the lady. She's gone now.

  Asher sigh. "Arghh, my mind is a messed. I probably need to take some sleep. I am now hallucinating." He messed his hair before he walks towards his bathroom.

  He was enjoying his shower when the door suddenly creaks. He looks back and saw the door opening slowly. Asher frowns. What the heck?

  Asher shakes his head. Maybe it's just the wind too. He continues showering and just let the door open. His mother wouldn't barge in his door uninvited. So, he was assured no one would enter his room.

   However, he was startled when the shower stops all of a sudden. He looks at the shower in confusion.

   "Did I shut it off accidentally?"

   Asher sighs and opens the shower as if nothing happened. There's only one thing in his mind right now. He needs to sleep.


"Kaia!" Someone shouted her name. She looks back and saw Aurkene running towards her.

She just finished her class on Abnormal Psychology and was about to go to the cafeteria to eat lunch when she was stopped by Aurkene.

Aurkene runs towards Kaia in excitement. She just received a piece of good news and was looking for Kaia everywhere.

She hugs Kaia instantly when she saw her. Aurkene couldn't wait to tell Kaia her good news. She just received a call from the restaurant she applied to the other day. They ask her to come to the office so she could sign her contract.

   Kaia looks at Aurkene. She noticed how happy Aurkene's disposition today. She probably received good news.

   Aurkene pulled her to the side of the hallway so they wouldn't block the hallway. "Kaia, you wouldn't believe me. I got a call from the restaurant I applied to the other day. They are asking me to go to their office. I got the job, Kaia!"

   Kaia feels happy for Aurkene and hugs her. She knows how Aurkene needs this job. Aurkene's mother has an autoimmune disease. It's a long-term disease that occurs when your body's immune system attacks your own tissues and organs. It has no cure, and the symptoms can only be managed.

   It's the reason why Aurkene really needs this job. It's to sustain the maintenance medicine for her mother.

  "I knew it! You'll get the job. Congratulations, Aurkene."

   Aurkene hugs Kaia back. She was really grateful because she has Kaia in her life. Aside from being her friend, she also helps her sometimes if she didn't have enough money to buy her mother's medication. Her father died when she was younger. Right now, Aurkene only have her mother and Kaia.

   They were both startled when Aurkene's watch suddenly beeps. Oh no! She still have a class. She immediately bid her goodbye to Kaia and runs towards the direction of her classroom. She's late. Again. Arghh

   Kaia smiled at Aurkene. She's probably late again to her class. Kaia shakes her head and walks towards the cafeteria.

  Good thing there aren't many people eating. It's already one o'clock in the afternoon, and most people already eat their lunch.

  Kaia sighs and walks towards the counter. She chooses adobo as her viant and one cup of rice. After getting her food, she looks around and looks for a corner place to eat.

  Kaia isn't really that good at interacting with other people. So she always chooses to interact less with them. It's kind of ironic, actually, because she chooses Psychology as her major. Even though she knows that as a psychology practitioner, she will need to have excellent social skills.

  Kaia sits at the corner most table and eats her lunch at peace. She was enjoying her meals as usual when she feels someone sits in front of her. She looks up to let the person move seats, but she was stunned when she saw who's the person sitting in front of her.

  It's him! It's the guy. He's sitting in front of me and eating his lunch. Kaia doesn't understand. It's the first time she met a ghost that she could see almost everywhere. She saw him in the cafe shop, in her house, and even the university she's enrolled to? What's the meaning of this?

  Most of the ghosts she met, she only see them once. Afterward, they would be gone forever. However, this guy is different. It's like he's everywhere.

  The guy stops eating and looks up. He stared at her! Kaia got startled. She was sure he stared back at her. However, the guy just continues eating his lunch as if he never see her.

  Didn't he really saw her?

  Kaia looks at the water bottle in front of her. She frowned because there is only one water bottle. She was sure the guy had bottled water a while ago. Where did it go?

  The guy was about to take the water bottle. Kaia instinctively moves the bottled water in front of her. The guy frowned and looked at the water bottle in front of her. He then sighs and moves it back in front of him.

  Kaia frowned too. She moves the bottle in front of her again. That's hers. Why is he taking it? The guy looks at the water bottle and frowns. He sighs and stands up, cleans up the side of his table, and drinks the bottled water in one drinking. He then walks away.

  Kaia was about to call him when he looks down and saw an unopened water bottle. What happened? She's sure that's there is only one water bottle a while ago.

  She looks back at the guy, but he was nowhere to be found.

And now we met our male lead. What can you say about our leads?

Updates will be daily starting for today. So, stay tune. There are exciting things that will happen in this novel. I assure you that.

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