

Although born of parents of which both are demons,he was a half breed,his eerie existence cloaking a prophecy of doomsday for his kind but he was born with purity. His birth was prevented yet was he begotten,with a fate of which he fought to escape from. His name is Ramses He's the origin,the end an agent of both destruction and peace. ******************** ***************** Ariane turned abruptly to leave but Ramses blocked her way. Before she could utter another word she found herself in his arms,his hand tightly wrapped around her waist She was so close that she could hear his heartbeat And with those grey eyes peering deeply into hers he whispered, "Despite you being human,not even destiny nor Fate can take you away from me".... Note: This book is in three parts. Part one:In a Demon continent bathed in lies the events occurring when Ramses was a child,an unusual being who is neither demon or human,including the Demon emperor's investigations in the murder of his wife as he fights to protect his son at all cost. Part two:Something different...years had passed with changing times,read to discover... Part three: The present day (modern times).

Bluebird001 · Fantasy
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71 Chs


"Why do demons look so similar to humans"Gaby asked a classmate of his,a dark skinned black haired young demon about his age both seated under an oak tree.

"Have you seen a human before?"Farhat replied raising his head from the book he was reading.

"Not in real life...there are pictures of them in the books sorcerors library.We are similar in appearance except our ears and magical abilities,every thing is the same.

Farhat's light brown eyes studied him for a while.He was the brightest student in the class and an apprentice to one of Sheba's superior.Whenever they sat like this Gaby always brought questions,both the meaningful and unmeaningful.

But today wasn't a day to take his questions they had magic exams in five hours time to prepare for.

"Gaby we have exams...I think you even need to study more than I do seeing you easily forget things".

"I know Farhat...I have been reading and practiced a lot of spells yesterday...Trust me I have them upstairs"Gaby said although he knew it wasn't all true.He had read through some spells yesterday but right now he could only remember a few.

He would study but these questions had kept him curious for a while and now Farhat was in front of him he had a chance to get answers.

"What about me?I need to study I came here just so we can study together not so you can distract me".

Farhat returned his gaze back to his book,sank back into his chair and crossed his legs.Gaby watched him for a moment,then he stretched out an arm and lowered the book from his face.

The young demon released his crossed legs and frowned.

"I think I'll have to leave this spot for you then".

"No..no no"Gaby pleaded."Farhat we both know you know these things...I be the one that needs to study more.So for a little time let's have a chat"

Farhat eyed him conspicuously then he closed his book.

"So why do you think we have similar appearance to the humans,the same hair colors even similar dentition except our long fangs_what is that tooth called again_"

"Canines"Farhat reminded and Gaby snapped his fingers.

"Yes that's it...Canines and our finger nails lengthen all too quickly as well_"

"Gaby if you remember all we are thought this well you might as well have been the class best_This isn't what we should concern ourselves with at this point".

Gaby's shoulders lowered as well as his gaze.

"I don't know_my mind just choose a few things to recall...it never let me choose"

"I once read..."Farhat looked around and sniffed his nose in the air,when he couldn't smell any demons in the vicinity he locked eyes with Gaby who now stared at him expectantly.

"There is this history book I stole a year ago from my master"

"I read though it and it was a lot different from the ones in sorcerors library.A lot of things were omitted and to be honest...some of the details placed in the one at the library are all a lie".

"Where's this book now?"Gaby asked eye widened as he drew his seat closer to farhat's.

Farhat knocked his head.

"Just kidding" he laughed.

"No you're not"Gaby argued covering that part of his head with both arms.

"Yes I am_"

"No you're not_I always know when you lie Farhat,the look on your face betrays you...Tell me about it or you don't get to read no more...You haven't even answered my question.Ill distract you until the exams come and we both get to study nothing...And we both get to fail"Gaby smiled

"I'll leave this place".Farhat threatened

"And I'll follow you can you even run from me?"Gaby said letting out a sinister laugh.

Farhat jumped to his feet, irritated his brows furrowed.He wasn't angry,it was more like he wanted Gaby away from him at the moment he wanted to study,wanted to pass and his friend before him had now become an obstacle.

"I'll fight you"

Gaby raised a brow knowing fully well his friend couldn't beat him.

"Can you fight me?...well then we'll fight but I'll ensure we fight for the next five hours"Gaby laughed.

Farhat considered this for a while then slowly took his seat.He couldn't beat Gaby, he knew it was his fault for making him more curious now his friend wanted more answers and he had to supply them so he could study in peace.He knew how his friend could be, whenever he was curious about something he only never kept asking till he got an answer.

"Fine I'll tell you..."Farhat closed his eyes then he reopened them."The book says,Demons had the same origin with humans,infact demons were originally humans who had corrupted themselves and their souls thousands of years ago.They had refused to serve the one above and deviated from the human way.Those set of humans performed a forbidden ritual which turned themselves into something else, something that wasn't human no more".

"You mean us?beast form?"

Farhat nodded.

"As a result they were granted magic abilities but they didn't like their looks,they were found out and casted out from the human community"

"How about Delvin?"

"Delvin had always been in existence but it was nothing more than smoking coals with hot flames everywhere,it was unhabited and deserted as a matter of fact not a single life could be found here.The supreme being punished those humans and sent them here_to Delvin but luckily for them,they had the power of the elements so they used their powers to make here more habitable and so they reproduced,they were the first demons.Despite these humans gaining powers their life span never changed,it is same with humans"

"If we are similar to the humans in appreance I guarantee our hearts are nothing alike".Gaby said while writing down what Farhat was saying.

"The spell corrupted their hearts even more not just their appearance that's why even our hearts have a darkened color physically,that's another difference.But they did find a way to change back to a form similar to the humans,the form we now call stable form,so they were later able to switch forms at will...the first demons are pretty smart".

"What about holy objects? How did they come about?"

"I'd say this conversation is taking longer than I expected"Farhat protested folding his arms

"Please_"Gaby pleaded clasping both arms "I'll do anything,I just need to know"

"Anything?"Farhat raised a brow now looking interested as a smile broke across his cloudy features.

"Anything...that I can do"Gaby corrected eying his friend while wondering what was running through his friend's mind.

"My master punished me to clean up both is quaters and work on his garden...if you'll help me after our exa_"

"I'll help you"Gaby cut in"you can go on".

Farhat held out an arm as his eyes darted all over his surroundings.

"Hold on,there's a demon nearby can't you smell him,he might hear us".

Gaby sniffed and confirmed this then he smiled and sank into his chair Crossing his legs.

"Use telepathy come on you are wasting the time we should use to study_we both know we can use telepathy"Gaby said.

Farhat grumbled for a while then he placed his index and ring finger to his head to establish a telepathic link.

"About holy objects,they have always been in existence they were gifts the supreme being gifted the humans from the very beginning but got lost for a couple of centuries before they were discovered again,when the human turned,they discovered they became repulsive to these objects.They returned for revenge with their seed and were subdued by the humans.These objects were anointed by humans they called priests we can't even behold them".

"Is that all you read?"

"I didn't finish the book"

"Where is this book now?"Gaby questioned.

"I returned it back to my master's library so I wouldn't get caught".

Gaby grimaced then he wrote down what Farhat had said.

"I didn't know you were a master of breaking into people's homes you also hunger for knowledge though you pretend".

"I broke in to get something he seized from me,it was my mother's"Farhat protested.

"Which means you can break in again"

"What! you're insane!"Farhat said out loud now as he abruptly stood up.

Gaby motioned for him to calm down then took his hand.

"We've got to get that book...Tell me don't you want to get that book, might hold some information that would lead us straight to dark,imagine if we held such information someday we might get to see the emperor and think of the reward"Gaby said via telepathy,he wasn't interested in the reward but he was certain his friend was,Farhat had always been the type that craved recognition,his family background had earned him the position of an apprentice of one of the top judges in sorceror city who was his uncle even though he wasn't as good as Gaby but he had always wanted recognition for his own abilities he wanted to earn such recognition by his own abilities.

"I didn't know you were this smart,being smart at things other than academics will do you no good now".

"What matters now is not academics there are a lot of things to figure out in this realm and a lot of people too...we are just living under their shadows and following all what they tell us like puppets,it shouldn't be that way".

"What does a history book have to do with dark?"his brown eyes looked down at Gaby who placed a hand to his chin looking thoughtful.

"Although it doesnt from your uncle's library we could find a book that would get us some clues,dark is a sorceror so something about him and his abilities, something that might lead us straight to him might be in there,every graduating sorceror is registered I think so we could find details about him or something of his that could help us track him".

"When did you become a tracker?of what good is your nose over an impossible distance?"

Gaby shook his head.

"Not my nose,the hell dogs".

"The hell dogs!"Farhat almost said out loud but used his hands to shut his mouth instead and pulled his hand away from Gaby's grip.

"Those dogs are untamed,even the imperial knights don't use them no more they are never obedient that's why they are locked up in a deserted place and never let out".

"I've done my research,those dogs are good trackers they even have a heightened smell than most commander tier demons as a matter of fact I have been taking some trips to the death hole lately and I have one of a friend,been feeding him and taming him am certain he would listen to me".

"He would bite your head off"Farhat snapped.

"I have proof,after the exams I'll show you"

"You are crazy!"Farhat shook his head and grabbed his book.

Gaby grinned.

"I know I am".