
DILEMMA - Written Fate

After the brutal murder of his father which he finds unjust, Pusetso makes it his life's mission to eradicate the human race from earth, by collaborating with a magical snake that performs a spell that turns him immortal and stuck in the body of a bloody firsty beast, that would stop at nothing to see the humans removed from the face of the earth. In his quest to obtain the immortality he badly seeks, he meets and falls madly inlove with the daughter of a man who butchered his father, who by default, is created to be the only weapon that can kill an immortal. Which will he pick; immortality or love?

Liza_Sekheo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


In the thick woods, on top of a mountain just outside Taung village, a handsome dark skinned, tall, athletic built, teenage boy is seen kneeling before the lake with his head bowed down. A voice is heard coming from the lake.

"You betrayed me. Made the one mistake I told you clearly to avoid at all costs. I am disappointed in you, child." Yelled the angry voice from inside the lake.

"Please father, don't hurt her. She is a good girl. I promise, I will figure out a way to get back at her father for what he did to mine. But she doesn't deserve to be a part of these. Please. I swear, I didn't get caught. I was very careful."

"Oh! But you did get caught. That human child has you rapped up around her little finger. Look how you're begging for her pathetic mortal life like a little bitch!"

At this point, Pusetso could only stare at the lake in turmoil. It is at moments like this that he wished he could talk face-to-face with his mentor, without the lake as the barrier; at least then, his body language would express more emotions than his voice could. Except, even he knew, that was a dream beyond reach. The snake never revealed itself to anyone, not even to Pusetso who was like a son to him.

"I will do anything you ask of me!"

Feeling hopeless and defeated, Pusetso stood to walk away, but stopped to listen as the voice in the lake started speaking again.

"The feeble human has proven herself to be more useful than I had anticipated. Which is why, from her here hence forth, I will handle the mortal human child. You on the hand, will go your way and fulfil the mission that was assigned to you. A body is already prepared for you to jump into. Do us both a favour, don't screw this up."

Pusetso bowed his head and walked away as soon as his mentor was done speaking.

All he has known since he was born is seeing people die. There is nothing he enjoys more than seeing a person die. That's how he become a murder, and that is how he got his training as an assassin; Now they are hunting him down. They imparted this in him, they made him this way, now they want to change him. Unfortunately, this is who he is now, this is what he does and he loves it. Nothing is going to make him stop, or else, he'll kill them all. His name, Mi No.

Mi No is a twenty-year-old assassin. And yes, he is a Mosotho lad. I assume you'll must be wondering why he has an Asian name? Because that's what he does, he changes his identity every year. For instance, last year he was Justin, the year before that he was Jabu. He names himself depending on where his target is from, well he also happens to have superpowers that allows him to jump into other people's bodies.

You all remember Pusetso right? a little boy who was send out on a quest to find his master's treasure; well, this is him. He is a grown-up man now, but I think we have some catching up to do.

Pusetso has been living some kind of life since the last we saw him. After betraying his master and falling in love with the human he met on his mission, he was granted a second chance to redeem himself and prove that he was worth the sacrifice his master has prepared in store for him.

He had quickly found and jumped into the body he was told had been prepared for him, this time, ready to complete the mission and go back home. Little did he know, the handsome body he just found would not only send him on a wild goose chase, but would be the key to unlocking the secrets in his past.

Pusetso had found a 10-year-old with a rather valuable piece of jewel. He possessed the body as he had been instructed to, and as he was told it would, the body guided him to the life he was to live from then on. It is however very important to give you a little backstory about Pusetso's host body.

His name is…the name his parents gave him? He never had one of those. Parents I mean. They called him Sello while he was growing up. That's when he used to cry a lot of cause, but he doesn't cry anymore. At this point, I'll let Pusetso tell you Sello's history, he knows it better than any of us combined. I doubt even Sello knew it that well.

Well, this is how it all began…

"The day I was born, my house was broken into. I think they were some drug dealers that used to work with my father back in the day. See my dad, he used to be a drug dealer, the worst crook in town. Everybody in the day knew my father, they all feared him. Then my mom happened, a religious freak who thought she could change a man, well somehow, she managed to change him.

My father wasn't the type who could be influenced or talked to, my mother tried for ages but it didn't work out, however she knew how to play her cards well too. She got herself pregnant, and that my father couldn't resist. A son, his lifelong dream was about to turn into reality.

When he learned that my mom was expecting, he wanted to marry her at all costs, but there was one problem though. See my grandparents, they weren't just going to let their daughter marry a well-known criminal. They prohibited the relationship and banned my dad from their house, they even had a restraining order against him. He could not see my mother, neither could he see the baby when he was born. You can just imagine my dad's anger, he got so mad he would have burned the whole country down if given a chance.

See, what infuriated him more is that he was willing to change, no, what am I saying now? He changed. He told the boys he was working with, that he was out of the business, he gave up everything, being the gang leader, the drugs and everything that came with it, and he threw it all away for my mother. I think he didn't deserve that treatment, not when he had put so much effort in it. The saddest part is, my mother did not defend him. She just stood there and did everything her parents told her to do, as if she wasn't the one that went and got involved with a crook in the first place, and worse that went and got pregnant by him.

Knowing my father of who he was, well I didn't know him, I'm just saying, there was no way he would let them get away with shutting him out. The other night, he decided to put an end to that madness once and for all. He broke into my grandparent's house and tried to kidnap my mother, but before they got out, the police came and the whole house was surrounded. His only way out was to prison or to the morgue. Apparently, it was my mother who had called the police. My dad loved and trusted her so much, a mistake he should have never made. He never saw her for a snitch.

He locked them in and held all of them hostage in their own home. He said the police to let him and the girl go and no harm will be brought to the family, but see, the police were not willing to let the criminal they have been looking for all along to go that easily. He had to show them that he was serious, so he chopped off my grandfather's body parts one by one and send them out to them. The more they insisted, the more parts he lost.

My grandmother couldn't look anymore, somehow, she managed to grab hold of my father's gun which he had leaved lying carelessly on the table and shot herself. My poor mother, she ran back and forth to the bathroom to vomit. She couldn't cry, she couldn't scream, yell or anything, all she did was run to and from the bathroom every time another part of her father's body was sliced out. Both the hands and the legs were out when the police finally decided to grand my father his wishes, even so, they only let him go because he had promised to send them my grandpa's head next.

My mother and my father went away and left my grandfather dying. He was taken to the hospital but he died a couple of days later. They went away to a foreign city but the police had them followed. Of cause my dad knew that would happen, he was ready for them.

They stayed in the motel for a few days and waited for them to come looking. I said he was ready to welcome them, but there was something bothering him though, something that would get him caught if he wasn't careful. That thing was my mother. The women had gone mood, she couldn't talk, she couldn't eat, and she couldn't do anything. She was just sitting there staring into space. My dad literally had to carry her everywhere. The worst part is, she was sick and he didn't know how to help her because she wouldn't say what was wrong with her.

Apart from bathing her, feeding her, carrying her around, he had to think for her as well. Through all this, he couldn't even take her to the hospital because the police were out there looking for them, so he had to take care of her himself. A couple of days in that motel, the police finally found them. They caught him completely off guard, he had been too busy taking care of his girlfriend he didn't have time to worry about the police.

When they arrived, he had a decision to make, to run away and leave my mother there, to try and carry her with him and get caught in the process or to surrender to the police. My mother was four months at the time, her belly was abnormally big my dad wouldn't be able to carry her that far even if he wanted to.

He looked at her, his eyes filled with tears, you could tell he was out of ideas. He roamed about the house and swore angrily, breaking and crushing everything that he laid his eyes on. My mother stood up for the first time in five days and walked towards my dad, she held him in her arms and whispered softly in his ears. My dad tried to resist for some time but at last he gave in. He went out on his own and left my mother by herself. The police came in later and found her lying on the floor in pain, she was swimming in the pool of blood.

My old man, he wasn't far off when the ambulance came and took my mother. I wish he wasn't stupid enough to try and follow her to the hospital with the police on his trail, but see he did, and he got caught at it. He might not have thought of it at the time but the police were using my mother as bade. They knew that he wouldn't go anywhere without her, and that was what would get him caught. They took him in and he was charged with first degree murder, kidnapping, drug trafficking and many more crimes that committed during his days as the drug lord. At last, the judge made a decision and he got a death sentence.

My father was hanged, spit on, insulted and humiliated. He was looked at as the worst criminal there has ever been, which he kind of was. My mother moved to another city and settled there, but before that he inherited something from my dad. My father's lawyer came and gave her something that my dad would have wanted her to have. It was the only thing that she ever got from my old man, except the baby she had in her belly.

He gave her a golden bracelet with numbers on it, about eight of them. I don't know if my mother was happy with the gift or if she was more worried, she knew that the bracelet would get her in trouble for sure. Even though she didn't know what it was all about, considering the fact that my dad was a felon, it sure had to be holding something big. She hit it inside a metal box that was always locked, which she made sure to keep in the safest place she could ever think off, which was always on the wall. She dug a hole on the wall of every house she moved in to and snug the box in there, and covered the hole with one of her favourite paintings. The last painting of my father in prison a couple of days before he was executed. She always took that painting with her everywhere she went.

The time came when my mother had to deliver. She didn't go to the clinic because she feared that somebody would break into the house when she was away. I have to say my mother is one of the strongest women I have ever known. If I have not yet married even today, it's because I have never met a woman half as strong and brave as my mother. That day, she delivered two babies all by herself, but she was still able to get up and defend us when those people broke into our home.

The first thing that she thought off when the car stopped outside was to hide the bracelet, she knew that that's the only thing they could be there looking for. She took the bracelet out of the box and left the box in the save as if there was something in it. He hit the bracelet in my diapers and then took me out of the house through the window. He placed me on the window stone and then went back to dress my sister. She was carrying her up and feeding her when the thugs walked into the house.

They demanded that she hands over their property, she pretended to misunderstand but they knew that she was the only other person my father could have leaved that bracelet with. She asked why that little thing was so important but they didn't have the answer for her, all they wanted was the bracelet. They ransacked the place and searched every nook and cranny for it, but did not find it. At last, they found a hole on the wall and the box that was hidden in it. They forced my mother to open it up but she refused, she said she wasn't giving up the bracelet unless they told her why it was so important.

That day, my mother was killed, she was butchered like a street dog for a piece of bracelet that she had inherited from her boyfriend who was given a death penalty for having killed her parents in cold blood. That was the end of my parents, an orphan who made his life through trafficking drugs and robbing people, and an innocent little Christian girl who had a lot of dreams ahead of her like every other normal girl.

My sister was taken in by the boss of those mafia people along with the box that had contained the bracelet. You can just imagine what they did when they found out that the box was empty. She had a good life as a kid, my sister, she grew up not lacking anything in life. His father started a company with drug money and become a millionaire. Her parents loved her like she was their own daughter. I guess, some people are just that lucky, even from birth. I on the other hand, I was found by a poor elderly lady who happened to pass by my house and saw me on the stone by the window. She took me to her house and raised me up until I was a little boy.

Now enough about what I have been told, let me tell you about what I know. I was young when some things happened, but I will tell you a little about what I can remember. Some memories are still very clear and vivid but some are completely gone, as if they never really happened in the first place. Like I said, I was very young then.

I was about five when she died, my grandmother. I always think her death was my fault up to this day. The bracelet was the only thing that I inherited from my parents, so without knowing what troubles followed that bracelet, she kept it for me safely as my inheritance. But one day when she went out to fetch some water from the spring, which wasn't that far from home because she leaved me alone, she was still watching me so she wasn't worried, I took the bracelet and went out to play with my friends.

As we played and ran, I accidently left it alone and forgot about it, I only remembered when I saw this older man pick it up. I cried and wanted him to give it back but he wouldn't, he seemed quiet interested in it, like he knew what that was. For me, it was only a toy, and he was stealing it. My grandmother came and begged him to give it back to me. After my grandmother promised to give him her horse in exchange for that lace, he gave it back.

That night, some people came to the house looking for the bracelet. After that man left. My grandmother knew that it wouldn't be save to sleep with it in the house that night. I don't know how she knew but she was certain that some people would come looking for it that night. She took me outside sometime before we went to bed, we dug a whole behind the house and put that bracelet in it, then we put back the soil in. She said I should find something to mark the spot where we had dug so I took a stick and placed it there. Then we went back inside and ate dinner.

Soon after we ate, two men arrived and talked with my grandmother outside for a few minutes before they forced themselves into the house. They beat up my grandmother and tortured her so that she can tell them where the bracelet was, but she didn't talk. I didn't know what they were looking for at the time, I just shrunk into the corner and watched as they tortured my grandmother to death. They leaved soon after they killed her, I just went to her, hugged her and slept on her chest until morning when someone came and told me that my grandmother was dead. She was taken to the morgue and I was taken to an orphanage.

My granny was buried about a week later and on that day, I got a chance to dig out the bracelet and take it with me. I was taken into a foster home about a month later after leaving with the kids who bullied me and thought I was different from them because I had killed my grandmother. I never understood how people could believe a five-year-old could torture an elderly lady to death though, the only person I have known since I was born. Why would I want to kill her, and what would I have even known about killing at that age?

I was taken into a family with a lot of children, some older than me, and others younger than me. When I first arrived, my foster parents seemed to care a lot about me because I had just gone through a traumatizing situation, I guess they wanted to make me feel at home. It's very unfortunate that the other kids saw it all differently, they thought I got special treatment and they hated me. Every opportunity they got to torture me they made very good use of it. My bracelet became my only friend at the time. That was until this young lady arrived and we become friends.

I think her name was Reitumetse. You could tell by the way she talked that she was from a rich family. Apparently, her parents had died in a car accident on the same day. She had nobody to take care of her, after her father got himself in trouble and all their assets were taken. On that day she lost everything and her parents too. She was kind of like me, the other kids didn't like her so, we were stuck with each other. She was very nice to me; she brought me food and took care of me when nobody else did. For the first time in my life, I had the love of a mother, a sister and a friend all in one person.

We grew up together for about five years, after that she got adopted and we never saw each other again. I went back to square one, back to that miserable place that I was in when she first came in. I missed her day in and day out. My life was such a mess without her, worse than it ever was. That's when I realised, I didn't know how to do anything for myself. I had all this people taking care of me and I became very dependent. That was something I needed to change or I wouldn't be able to make it in life.

I ran away from home and went to live in the streets. I was only ten when I left my parent's house. I met a lot of kids out in the streets, the bullies, those that were there because they didn't want to be disciplined, the ones like me who wanted to learn more about life, and those that had nowhere else to go. That was the group that I pitied the most. I didn't have parents and I didn't have a nice home, but I had people who loved me and were willing to take me back at any time.

See, that's where I come in, that's where I, Pusetso the Sangoma met the little Sello and got him out of his miserable life forever. Well, maybe not forever, I was still hoping to return his body to him someday. I never thought anything could happen to it in my possession, my bad."

I learned how to abuse drugs there in the streets, the part that I wasn't exactly interested in. I learned how to traffic drugs, that wasn't too bad. And I learned how to fight, the best part ever. I liked that part the most, it was the one thing that made me go there in the first place. Well, that's got to be Sello speaking, we all know why I went there. It definitely wasn't to learn how to fight with sticks and blades, but I have to say, that could really come in handy at times.

At first, I thought it was just liking the fight, defending myself but in the end, it become a habit. It got into me and there was nothing that I thought off other than fighting. I even learned how to steer up a fight.

It all began as that, fighting with sticks and stones, then we grew up, even the weapons advanced. We started using knifes and screw drivers at times. With those kinds of weapons, blood had to be spilled. I thought I liked fighting but the first time I saw blood, I knew that was my game. I fell so in love I couldn't sleep at night, all I thought about was when I would see blood next. The best dreams were the bloody ones, my favourite staff. Then we moved on to guns, we barely used them though. We always thought they were far too dangerous.

Even though our fights always ended up with blood being spilled, it never really got to a point where someone died. The first time I killed a person, it was by accident. I can't say accident really because it was a mission, we had planned to go rob her but it wasn't part of the plan to kill her, that's why I'm saying it was an accident.

That day, we saw I lady in her audio 4, she looked so beautiful in it. We could tell instantly that she was swimming in money. She was young and glamorous, we all envied her. Most of the boys in the streets were around 18 then, I was 16. I mean Sello was sixteen. I was twenty-one then. The youngest of all the boys in the streets. We made it our mission to make sure that, the young lady loses her car, I think we were all driven by jealousy, but could you blame us? What were we going to do with a car anyway? Well yeah, most of us knew how to drive because we had learned from our friends who drove the taxis, but we were only street kids, we didn't need a car.

The plan was just to scare her and take her car, but things got a little out hand, she ended up dead. I went up to her and asked for a ride, I think they send me because I was the youngest and she wouldn't suspect me of anything. I got in and we started driving around in the car. I didn't even know where I was going if she was to ask me. The weird part is, she seemed quiet interested in the bracelet. She kept asking me some very bothering questions about it. Then we got to a place where the other boys were waiting but unfortunately, she saw them before I did. All this time, I thought I was on top of the game, but she was. She had everything planned out.

As we came closer to the gang, she made a phone call, kind of weird really. I couldn't hear what she was saying. After the call she looked at me and smiled then she locked all the doors and sped up. I tried to stop her but she was sure of what she was doing. She wasn't only good at driving she was also very good at defending herself, she drove and defended herself from me as if she trained for a really long time. There came a point where I got fed up with her, she was a pretty girl and fighting women has never been my thing really, but her, she wasn't a woman. I took my knife and stabbed her. That was the first time I ever stabbed a person with the aim to kill them. I stabbed her as many times as I could afford to, there was no way she could survive. There was blood everywhere, on the chairs, the windows and all over me. I could taste her blood in my mouth.

She crossed me, she provoked, I wasn't a monster but she drove me there. She deserved it. She called it upon herself. She was the one, she wanted to die, very unfortunate that she had to use me. I tried to convince myself as I buried the body in the woods. Soon after getting rid of the body, I had to think about my next move. I got the car, but there was no way of going back to the boys. The police were probably all over looking for me. I went back to the car only to find it completely surrounded. All men in black clothing, they looked like they were some mafia people or something. Some brutal cut-throats who wouldn't think twice before slicing my throat open.

That's when I started to realise that she had brought me to a con, all this was a mission from the beginning, only I never thought I was the target. I had nothing, nothing special to have them working so hard to find me. They said a lot of things that I didn't understand. I think they said something about me having just killed my sister. That was the craziest thing I had ever heard; I never had a sister. I told them. But they all laughed at me like I was some biggest fool that has ever lived.

They told me about my parents and my family, about how they had lost track of me about 10 years ago when I killed my grandmother. At that very instant, it all came back, my childhood memories, that awful day when my grandmother was killed. And I recognised them, well I can't really say I recognised them but something told me it was them. They killed my grandmother. They killed the only person I have ever loved in this world, they made me an orphan. At that minute, my blood started boiling with rage. Like a hungry lion, I could smell blood everywhere, I wanted to kill. I wanted to kill them all.

"Kill them all!"

In my head, I could hear this voice whispering from a distance, I knew the voice, it was him, my mentor. Even from that far off, he was still looking out for me. At that moment, I knew exactly what I had to do.

For the first time in my life, my anger took the best of me, I could not control myself, like something was boiling inside me. Something that was steering up my rage, making me unable to control my emotions. At the moment, the only thing that ran inside my head was death, blood and corpses. My body burned like fire, like my bones were burning from the inside out, infuriating me even more. By me, I really mean me this time, Pusetso the sangoma.

I looked at them from one to the next and listened to them telling me about how my father had taken something that belonged to them, and they knew that I had it so I should bring it back before something happened. As I went through all of them, I was trying to plan my attack, to see how many guns they had and how I would outtake them before they realised my true intensions. I don't know where I had gotten all of that strength but in just a blink of an eye, I was the only man standing surrounded by corpses lying on the ground.

There was blood all over. I was carrying a gun in my right hand and a knife in my left hand, which I'm not really sure how it happened. That wasn't the best part though, my nails had grown tall, as sharp as those of a wild cat, and my teeth could not fit in my mouth, again as tall and sharp as those of a wolf. I clearly needed a moment to figure out what was going on, unfortunately, a moment is what I didn't have at the time. That thing that killed those people, it clearly wasn't me. You should have seen their faces. That is what I call brutal assassination. Believe me, I would never do that to a human being.

I roamed about for a few minutes, not certain on what to do next. I looked at all the bodies and wasn't really sure what I had just done, I couldn't believe it. At last, the light just shone on me, it was so bright. I thought, finally I have found my way, this is what I want to do. I want to kill; I want to kill in cold blood everyone that got in my way. If that monster was really leaving in me and would keep coming to my aid every time, then I would finally be able to revenge the deaths of Sello's parents and grandmother. And I would be able to complete my task while at it. I got in the car and drove away.

I drove out of the city, and out of the country. In the big city far away from my country and my people, I met this man in the restaurant where I stopped by to buy some food. He seemed quiet interested in me, for a really long time he couldn't take his eyes off of me. He kept looking at me, and then back on the paper that he was holding in his hands. I borrowed the paper from a couple on the next table and went out as soon as I saw the headlines. I didn't even get my food. It was about me; the police were all over looking for me. The one thing I didn't understand is how they knew that I went into that country. I rushed to my car as quickly as I could, but that man caught up to me before I could get in the car.

He told me that all he wanted was to help me, so I went with him. I didn't see a reason why I shouldn't trust him, he seemed like an old man who just wanted to help a poor kid wondering in the streets in a foreign country. I lived with him for about two years as Jabu. He changed my identity and gave me a facial mask that I had to wear every time when I went out. Well don't think it was some scientific project there, it was magic.

Remember how I took over Sello's body? Yes, that was it, one more person had to disappear for me to leave, but see this one wasn't willing to go without a fight. Somebody snitched and told him that we were planning to take control of his body, so he put up a fight and somehow managed to stab Sello's body. We did all we could to save it but he died in the end, very unfortunate. It was sad but, the police would stop looking when they had the body in their possession.

When I first walked into his store room, that's when I learned that he was a professional felon. That was his life, taking possession of people's assets by killing them. Stealing cars and trafficking drugs. He didn't help me because he thought I was pitiful, he helped me because he thought I could keep his business running. I guess he didn't know who he was dealing with, I was nobody's slave. I was my own boss. I did things at my own accord, not because somebody would fire me if I didn't.

I learned a lot from that man, I have to say, I graduated in my assassin profession leaving there with him. There was something he didn't get though, I wasn't a thief, I wasn't a drug dealer, but I was just an assassin. I killed for pleasure not for money. Killing drove my desire for money not money driving my desire for killing. If he didn't get that straight, then we were bound to fight sooner or later.

He told me the significance of the bracelet and for the first time in my life I understood why everybody was dying to get their hands on that bracelet. Apparently, it was left to my father by the man who he used to traffic drugs for back in the day. The bracelet was the key to a treasure hidden somewhere. Nobody knows where the treasure is but the key is the only thing that would open the save box if it was found.

They said that a man who my father was working for before he died, the same man who had had my mother killed, the same man who took my sister, had found the treasure about 17 years back. The only problem was that he didn't have the key to the safety box, which is why he has been looking for that bracelet so badly. Then, I knew I had to protect that bracelet with my life if necessary. It was the only inheritance from my parents after all. Sello's parents I mean.

There was one problem though, the bracelet was cursed, so they said, but you know curse is my middle name. It brought sorrow and death to everyone who laid their hands on it. Nobody was ever able to get their hands on the treasure because the bracelet would have them killed before they got to it. Who believed that? I didn't buy it for a second. The bracelet hadn't killed me up to that far, it would probably never be able to. They say my desire for killing is driven by the bracelet, what a joke. I kill because it gives me piece not because of some stupid bracelet. Call me stupid but the story about curses and my strength coming from the bracelet, it didn't affect me even a tiny bit.

After I found out about that man having the treasure in his possession, all I could think about was when I would go and get it. The man I was staying with kept telling me that I wasn't ready, that if I really wanted to get that treasure, I should wait for the right time. He somehow managed to convince me though. I was still being chased after by the police so even under the fake identity and the mask they could still be able to link the murders if one other person was to die. So, I stayed and waited for the police to forget about me.

Two weeks later I woke up to find the whole house in uproar. Everybody was gone, the house was empty. I must have been very tired that day, I slept so much I didn't even hear when all the people were leaving. It took me sometime to understand why they all left me behind but it all started to make sense when I realised that my bracelet was gone. He took the bracelet and went to find the treasure for himself. After everything he said to me, he had to go behind my back and betray me.

From that day on, the game changed. It wasn't about protecting the bracelet anymore, it was about finding it and killing everybody who dared to take it away from me. After what they did to my parents, the least they could do is to let me keep the one thing that belonged to them. I never wanted to be a killer like I said before, they made me this way. They turned me into this monster that they are hunting out with cats and dogs today. Me leaving a double life, those would definitely be Sello's words not mine. For me, I just wanted to teach those punks a lesson, nobody messes with Pusetso the sangoma.

The first thing to do if I was going to go treasure hunting was to make money. I started operating as Jabu continuing with the business that, that man was doing. I literally became him, I became the boss and become a well-known man in that area. I made a lot of money and by the end of two years I had enough to take a plane to America where I heard that he had took my bracelet to. It was very possible that that's where the treasure was hidden. I took on the different identity, well you know how, and went to find him. It wasn't very easy, I have to say that old man could hide really well, but the one thing he didn't know is that I could seek very well too.

I stayed there as Justin for a couple of months and worked as a car mechanic. Even though I didn't have education, being smart is something that I was born with. No one could outsmart me, not even the great crook that has ever lived. I knew that once a criminal, always a criminal. See, that's the problem with what we do, once we are into it and saw how much money it can make you, it's very hard to get out of it. So, I was very sure that if there is the place where I can find my person, it was at a place like that. He would soon go there.

I got very close with the boss so I could find out if he had any connections with the person I was looking for. Well, I couldn't find him even at that, so I had to find another way. It took me about six months looking high and low for that man but it was all to no avail. At last, I found him, at the place that I least expected at that. I met this rich girl that was kind of infatuated by me. She chased me for some time before I decided to give myself a chance with her. At that time, I was almost giving up on my search for that person, I thought I would never find him.

This girl took me to some five-star hotel. We were in the restaurant when this couple walked in, a rather ridiculous couple ready. The man was so old the girl could possibly be half his age. I looked at them once and then looked away, but something said to me to look again and guess what, it was him. The man I had been looking for, for about six months.

I think he didn't recognise me because even when our eyes came in contact, he didn't seem like he knew me. Of cause he didn't, remember I was Justin now, so how could he recognise me. He just smiled pathetically between the laps of the girl that might as well be his daughter.

I tried you know, I really tried to hold myself and not embarrass the poor girl who made so much effort to win me over, but I couldn't stop myself, the moment I realised it, I was already over at his table with the knife subverted to the table with his right hand between the table and the knife. And even then, I only realised what I have done when the girl she was with started screaming and running out of the restaurant in turmoil.

They all tried to make a fuss about it but I told them to let me take what I wanted and there was no reason for anybody to get hurt. They were actually pretty smart to let me have him, unlike the police who had had my grandparents killed on that incident with my father, my bet, Sello's father. I pushed him out and as I went out, the car stopped next to us and I pushed him in. It was her, that girl who had taken me on a date. I wondered why she was helping me but I guess I must have been too overwhelmed I didn't have time to think about it.

We took him to my house and tortured him. We tortured him until he told us where it was, the bracelet. Even after he told us, I really didn't feel like letting him live, he did what he had to do so now he had to die. I made sure to kill him with my own hands, but before he died, he pleaded with me to spare his daughter's life. I didn't know his daughter, I didn't even know that he had one in the first place, but if she was to get in the way of my plans, I would kill her without even thinking it through. I guess he forgot that my first kill was a woman. After all the people I have silenced, to me killing was killing, man or woman, to me it was all the same.

Now the problem came when I had to go to Korea to find my staff. So it appears that, that's where the treasure was hidden, he had sent his daughter there to go and find my treasure. Tell me she didn't deserve to die. She was getting in my way, and that's what got them all killed.

The stupid girl who thought she was my wife now because she had seen that side of me wanted to follow me there too. See, if there is one thing I know, it's that you'll never make it anywhere if you worked with the crowd. The best way to succeed was working alone. Besides, I didn't know when the animal in me would awaken, I could possibly hurt her when that happened, the one thing I would never want to put her through.

She insisted but I had to tell her the most horrible things a person could ever want to hear to make her stay away from me, but she kept following me. I got to the airport and into the plane, there she was. She told me I would have to kill her first in order to have her go away. She said she knew how important that bracelet was to me and she wasn't going to stop until I have found it. Now the question is, how did she know about the importance of that bracelet? There was no way of her knowing unless she had known me from my past life.

Now it answered all my questions, why she was helping me even after finding out I was a murder, why she insisted on going out with me even with all the rejection. She got to be someone who knew me very well and there was only one person like that, Reitumetse from the foster home. It had to be her, I couldn't believe it, she had grown up to be such a fine woman. Only there was this sadness in her eyes, something terrible must have happened to her.