
A Sudden Encounter, Irak Ashville

The rain still fell, adding a hint of gloominess in the night scene; the streets now empty as everyone had long since turned in from their daily activities. This was even more so for those who live within the ever so famous Gutter Zone. Trash scattered about the asphalt, with dry paper and cardboard scattered at random areas.

Nero walked through these quiet and dismal streets unaffected by the stench, for this to him was home. He moved by the sideways with his umbrella unfurled and one hand in his pocket, the puddles below his feet splashing with every step taken forward.

While moving, Nero's eyes swept around the different alleyways he used to fear at one point, his eyes carrying a recollective look as if recalling in his early childhood years, terrible years by which he had to struggle with thugs.

Ka-Bang! Suddenly, a bright thunderbolt flickered across the sky, lighting more of these dismal areas compared to the dim and broken streetlamps.