
A Meddlesome Admirer

The atmosphere was now a tense one within the Battle Ring's quarter, as every Digitizer that was once idle now cast their eyes onto the sight of a handsome, black-haired hair youth with a polearm axe hoisted over his shoulder.

His heavy armor made each of his steps seemed no different from a giant, shaking the room with every motion forward. The different parties now watched as he quickly made his way over to Nero and Elly with a burning fire in his eyes.

"Heh, I didn't think it was this fellow Delkan, that talent from the Newman Family."

"Huh? You're not talking about that family from the Vermeulen Sector, are you?"

"Which else could it be? Unlike the Balkras and Mendez, they aren't unassociated with the UEG; in fact, they are a subsidiary force to the Central Government's association in the DU."

"Oh crap, then doesn't this mean that this boy is in for some trouble? I mean, this Rampant Ax isn't anything to scoff at all."