
chapter 1

Adrenaline pumping around her system, she panicked and ran. The sound of voices and gunshots in the distance made her mind freeze. Luna ducked behind the steel boxes to record the conversation of the two men. Both wore uniforms with what seemed to be a bullet proof vest underneath. One of the men looked about 27 while the other looked older and going grey.

It didn't matter who they were anyways. They would be gone soon. Well dead actually as Luna took her fox form, Stealth activated as her sly fox features started to show and she set her eyes on the targets. if she didn't kill them both, she would get shot. If she did take them both out, most likely there cameras would catch it. Luna made up her mind to take down the signal for the cameras and then take down the men.

How did a young girl at 14 end up doing this though?

Well Luna Haruka was a metemorphus. Born part fox, part human. she learned of this power to transform after noticing a small birthmark like patch on her stomach. Unsurprisingly shaped like a fox. Later that day a girl in her gym class made fun of it. So Luna lost control of her powers and accidentally killed her from blood loss. No one ever found out about that. In a panic, Luna left her old life behind and walked into a small town. This was deep inside the forest and she ran into a small gang who took her in after she took out some security cameras for them. That's why Luna Haruka was the leader of the 'Orange skullz' at 14. The young girl was on a mission to find out what the government was planning to do to all metemorphus'. The government always made sure that everyone hated her kind. No one knew why this was but Luna wanted to stop that. Some insane thought making her believe that she would end up in the same place as all the other metemorphus'. The digital asylum. The place where the humans would test all metemorphus' and break there minds to act 'normal' around people by placing some kind of digital device inside there bodies.

As Luna got to the signal room, by crawling through the vents, she noticed a memory stick on the desk.

" Info might be on that."

She thought as she swiped the stick and placed it in her pocket. Then she tried to hack the systems but failed. The young metemorphus decided to use the only thing she could do. The alarm system had gone off and she was going to be caught any moment. So much for being careful.

Using her claws could drain her energy but she had no choice. It was that or abandon the mission. She swiped the screen with her claws as electric sparks jumped out, Luna managed to climb back into the vent before her vision went fuzzy, then her body collapsed.