
Digital Emperor (Naruto X Digimon)

Dying without regrets but it seems the world wasn't done with him. Naruto walks a new path as a Digimon Tamer and fight against the evil of the new world with new comrades. Disclaimer: I don't own anything. A.U.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 8

A.N. This is a long story as I want to cover most of the digimon setting and make one complete story about it.


Takato walked in to the room with a hop in his steps and he couldn't control his emotions. He was filled with excitement and wanted to start shouting out his lungs.

Finally, he was going to meet his dream partner.

Among the team members, Takato was the most innocent and childish as he came from a chill back ground while the other three members were part of top.

Takato was determined but he never forgot to have fun. He was always filled with positive thoughts and would rarely have negative thoughts.

He had been very shy as a child but opened up and bloomed into a social butterfly after getting to know Naruto.

Takato saw Naruto as his big brother figure and looked up to him. They weren't just best of friends.

Henry was the person he considered his best friend among the boys, Naruto was above that.

Outside this group, Takato had other friends from his region and only led some of them to meet the trio. Takato was also the only one in the group to have a girlfriend from a very young age.

He had confessed to Juri Katou after Naruto's words and they had been going out since the age of 12.


"Come on, come on" Takato called out as continued to pound his legs on the ground in impatience and finally his dream came true, the first one.

His partner took shape and he couldn't keep his face from morphing into a wide grin.



Guilmon was a bipedal dinosaur-like creature with red scales and yellow eyes. It had three claws on each hand and two claws on the front of each foot, and one claw on the back of each foot. It had two wing-like appendages on its head. It had white scales on its belly, and a Digital Hazard on it. It also had black horizontal lines on its arms, legs, neck, back, and tail, two black marks under its eyes, and a black triangle mark on each shoulder. Finally, it also had an inverted Zero Unit on its snout, and incomplete Zero Units on its hands and feet.

Guilmon was a Reptile Digimon. It had an appearance like a dinosaur that still retains its youth. Although it was still a Rookie, its potential as a "Combat Species", something which all Digimon naturally possess, was very high, and it hid the ferocious personality of a carnivorous beast. The mark drawn on its abdomen was called the "Digital Hazard", which was inscribed on those that have the potential to cause massive damage to digital world. However, as long as this ability was used peacefully, it can probably become a being that protects the Digital World.


Takato couldn't keep himself in check and jumped his partner.

"YEAH!" Takato screamed in joy as he hugged Guilmon who was confused at his actions but acted joyously with his partner.

Guilmon gave of a child-like aura unlike Rika and Naruto's partner. It came from Takato's innocence as such partners wouldn't suit him.

Takato's excitement was from his partner being Guilmon and Guilmon being the rookie stage of the Royal Knight, Gallantmon.

Guilmon was a rare starter just like Renamon and most of them never achieved their full potential because of the difficulty.

"Takato, Takato, why are we dancing?" Guilmon asked as Takato was spinning him around while holding his claws.

"Because you are awesome!"

"I am awesome, yay!" Guilmon was also easily excitable like his partner but the system didn't wait for their antics to finish and both came face to face with the hologram of the Royal Knight. It's presence caused them to stop and respect it's appearance.



Gallantmon was an archetypal armored knight. Its body was encased all over in white armor with red parts on its pauldrons, poleyns, and end of its vambraces and the ankle plate of its sabatons as well as gold trimming. It wore a huge, flowing, red cape. Its helmet contained Guilmon's face as a crest. It wielded a circular shield called the Aegis and a huge lance called Gram. Its cuirass and poleyns were adorned with the symbol of the Digital Hazard, its crest, gorget, and Aegis bore the Zero Unit, and the DigiCode on its Aegis read ("Digital Monster").

Gallantmon was an Exalted Knight Digimon. One of the "Royal Knights", it was a being containing contradictions, as it is called a guardian deity of the Net despite being a Virus attribute, and if by any chance its balance was lost, it was possible for it to become a dangerous being. It piloted the Flying Dragon machine "Grani" as a dragon knight that races across the skies. It was clad in holy armor refined and constructed from 99.9% pure Chrome Digizoid, and its right hand could become the holy lance "Gram", rivaled only by Darkdramon's "Gigastick Lance", while its left hand could become the holy shield "Aegis". It honored chivalry, and was a loyal vassal towards its lord.


"Arthur, you are awesome!" Takato screamed in delight as he picked up Arthur and spun him around like he was carrying a baby.

"Is Guilmon Arthur?" Arthur didn't understand

"Yes, and you will be the King of Knights." Takato's eyes shone with ambition and he put Arthur down before picking up his digivice.

It was red and white with the Digital Hazard sign on the back.


Henry walked into the room calmly and took in everything with curiosity. He was excited about meeting his partner but he was also overjoyed by coming so close to the center of the Hypnos System.

The Super Computer that could utilize data to form digimon and create miracles. It was one of the most powerful creations of humanity and the reason for their advancement.

Without the system people would have a hard time finding a proper partner. The Digital world was vast and it made the real Universe look tiny in comparison so finding the best partner was an impossibly hard task.

It was also a dangerous and time consuming task.

The system changed the world and increased the speed of progress. It also helped reduce crime and increased the safety of the world.

To Henry it was like coming close to Holy Grail but he knew all information relating to the system was confidential and no one even knew the creator.

Henry wouldn't be surprised if Digimon had something to do with it, even King Drasil/Yggdrasil might be involved.

Yggdrasil was the world tree that enveloped the digital Multiverse and ruled over them. Many different forces served under it.

Royal Knights and Olympus 12 were its most powerful servants, making Drasil an almost invincible force. It was a cold and logical being with no emotions.

It cared for nothing but the survival of the Digital World and it would cause all kinds of disgusting acts for that purpose.

The Digital World had gone through several genocides under this being and no one knew when the next time it would strike out.

No one knew what it wanted. Protection of the Digital World from what when it stood at the top, no one could tell and none had the power to force the answer from it.


There was temptation to act but Henry was a disciplined person that would never indulge in selfishness. He was very soft and enjoyed spending time with his little sister when he wasn't with his friends or busy with experimentation.

Today was the day he would receive the Digivice and all his work would finally have value to his team. He could create weapons and other equipment for them.

He could create cards with various affects for their digimon.

Every team had a person like Henry or they would have to settle for fixed cards and other equipments. Unlike Henry who was a genius and had a mutant ability to help, the others would have to deal with these things using a computer device to interact with the data while Henry could go without it.

Having a look around, Henry finally saw his digimon take shape and understood his path with one look.



Terriermon was a cute bipedal canine with white fur that was striped with green on its collarbone, paws, and the tips of its ears. Its most prominent features were its long, frayed ears and the solitary horn on in its forehead. Like a dog, it had black toes and paw pads. While it was primarily reminiscent of a dog, it necessarily shared design elements with its twin species, Lopmon, who was reminiscent of a rabbit.

Terriermon was an Animal Digimon. It was an extremely precious Rookie Digimon that was a twin to Lopmon. While Terriermon had only one horn growing from its head and had calm but robust personality, Lopmon had three horns growing from its head and had the personality of a lonely crybaby. It's a very cute type of Digimon, and from its calm behavior, it didn't seem like a "Combat Species", but when battling, it showed that it was more powerful than it appeared.


It looked like a cute little pet that wasn't even 1 m as it stood at 50 cm. Its looks gave it a harmless feel but it hid power behind that weak appearance.

It seemed to be very calm and perceptive as it also analyzed him. Terriermon walked around him and Henry felt that there was childish curiosity from it.

It wasn't fully grown-up or robot like. It reminded him of his little sister.

"Your name is Tesla. Let's work together from now on, Partner." Henry said in a gentle tone as walked closer and went down to talk face to face.

Tesla looked at him with shining eyes and nodded enthusiastically. He was happy with Henry's tone as Terriermon were very sensitive digimon and didn't like people that were excessively aggressive or brainless.

"Yes, please take care of me." Tesla jumped into Henry's chest, forcing him to catch him.

He was just like his sister, smart but childish.

Turning his head, he saw the figure that was expected.



MegaGargomon was a titanic robotic Digimon with a canine motif. Its arsenal of weapon systems and huge size gave it the appearance of a mecha. Its face resembled that of the St. Bernard breed of dog, wearing a helmet with a spike protruding from the forehead. On its shoulders rested a pair of massive missiles with scowling rabbit-like faces. It had a pair of long airplane-like wings for ears. Its feet and wrists were connected by thin, loose wire-like cords, and its lower midsection consists of tunic-like attire covering it. It wore a pair of minigun-like gauntlets and its ankles wrapped in spiked collars. Its ears bore the Zero Unit.

It was a colossal Digimon whose whole body had become a mass of weapons. The amount of weapons it had equipped rivals that of MetalGarurumon (incidentally, while MetalGarurumon was a low-temperature species, MegaGargomon was a high-temperature species). Each of its weapons, such as its lasers, missiles, bazookas, vulcans, and flamethrowers, were concealed. Although its speed was considerably slow, because it puts all of that energy into power, it possessed unbelievable destructive force. Because its lack of speed was compensated for by its weapons, it was able to cope with attacks from every direction without moving even a little.


The final form was powerful and something that people would be happy with. Henry was satisfied but he wasn't going to accept such limitations.

Looking at the form, his mind had already planned the steps. He would modify the evolution to his desire.

With expert level skills or other powerful resources, it was possible for the tamer to influence the evolution.

"I will give it different forms, speed, attack and defense. What do you think, Tesla?" Henry asked his little partner.

"I agree. This form is too bulky and slow, we will get taken out in the wild and it looks ugly." Tesla replied and shook his head at the figure. He wasn't happy with the form. It preferred the cute look that that mechanical abomination.

"Hehe, I will keep that in mind." Henry chuckled at those words and walked towards his digivice.

It was green and white with the Zero unit sign (A red triangle with three smaller triangles on different sides) on the back.


Once all of them were finished, the team regrouped in the meeting room as they came face to face with Mitsuo.


A.N Hope you enjoyed