
Digital Dreams

When a lone player becomes trapped inside a virtual reality game, he quickly discovers that he is more powerful than any other player in the game. With extraordinary abilities at his fingertips, he embarks on a solo quest to unravel the secrets of the game and find a way back to the real world. But as he battles his way through increasingly difficult challenges, he realizes that the ultimate test may be against himself and his own morality. Can he resist the temptation of unlimited power and find his way home, or will he succumb to the allure of being the most powerful player in the game?

DailyBudiiess · Fantasy
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Extra Infomation, Please read!!

Welcome to "Infinite Realms Online," my first novel. I'm excited to bring you on this journey through a virtual world full of adventure and mystery.

In this novel, you'll meet Mike, a young man who finds himself transported into a video game. As he explores the vast world of Infinite Realms Online, he discovers that he has been given a unique opportunity to become a hero in this virtual world.

Follow Mike as he embarks on a journey to become the greatest hero the virtual world has ever seen. Along the way, he'll encounter all sorts of challenges and obstacles, but he's determined to overcome them all.

I hope you'll join me on this exciting adventure through the world of Infinite Realms Online. Happy reading!

In "Infinite Realms Online," players have access to a variety of stats that determine their abilities and strengths in the game. These stats include Vitality, Strength, Defense, Agility, and Luck.

Players can allocate points to these stats as they level up, allowing them to customize their characters to fit their playstyle. However, the "Chosen One" class has some unique benefits when it comes to stats.

First, players in the "Chosen One" class have higher base values for their stats compared to other classes. This means that they start out with higher Vitality, Strength, Defense, Agility, and Luck than other players.

In addition, players in the "Chosen One" class receive 10 points to allocate every time they level up, compared to the usual 5 points for other players. They also receive 2 points to distribute to each stat every time they level up, rather than the usual 1 point.

Finally, the Luck stat does not increase with level for players in the "Chosen One" class. This unique stat remains fixed at its base value and does not change as the player levels up.

Players in the "Chosen One" class also have access to a wide range of unique talents and abilities that are not available to other classes. These talents are grouped into tiers ranging from F to S, with each tier representing a different level of power or specialization. Players can choose which talents to unlock as they level up, allowing them to tailor their abilities to fit their playstyle.

Players will have access to a variety of features and menus that allow them to manage their characters and progress through the game. One of the most important features is the character stat and leveling system, which allows players to customize their abilities and strengths as they progress through the game.

When players first enter the game, they are presented with several tabs that they can access to view and manage their character's information. The first tab is the Player tab, which displays all of the player's basic stats and information. This includes their name, level, class, and current stats such as Vitality, Strength, Defense, Agility, and Luck.

The Inventory tab allows players to view and manage their inventory, which consists of all the items they have collected during their journey. This includes weapons, armor, consumables, and other useful items that players can use to aid them on their journey.

The Skills tab allows players to view and manage their skills and abilities. In "Infinite Realms Online," players can unlock and improve a wide range of skills as they level up. These skills can be grouped into different categories, such as combat skills, crafting skills, and social skills. Players can choose which skills to unlock and improve as they progress through the game, allowing them to tailor their abilities to fit their playstyle.

Overall, the character stat and leveling system in "Infinite Realms Online" provides players with a wealth of options and customization possibilities as they progress through the game. Whether they want to focus on combat, crafting, or social interactions, players have the freedom to choose their own path and build their character in a way that suits them best.

If you need a more visual style.


[Level: 1]

[Class: Chosen One [Unique]

[Vitality: 10] Normal 5

[Strength: 10] Normal 5

[Defence: 10] Normal 5

[Agility: 10] Normal 5

[Luck: 20] Normal 5

[Alloicate points: 10] every level a user gets 5 points to alloicate while Mike gets 10

Every level Mike gets 2 point in every stat while others get 1

The luck stat does not change.

After taking a Class you can get diffrent talent ranging from:







