
Digital Descent (A Journey Beyond Reality)

Ethan Lockhart, an ordinary programmer, is unexpectedly thrust into a nightmarish world resembling old video games. Here, Depravity festers in the shadows, and monstrous creatures, figments of a twisted imagination, stalk the old styled streets. Guided only by fading memories of the past, Ethan must rely on his skills and a hidden talents to navigate this corrupted world. Can he return home? or will he be trapped forever? stay tuned to find out!

DooomSlayer · Fantasy
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14 Chs


Ethan Lockhart: 5'11", 21 years old, bright blue eyes, light brown hair, average build.

Elara: 5'9" Radiant presence, shimmering white gown, moonlight-colored hair, cerulean blue eyes.

Ember: 5'6" 19 years old, fiery red hair, bright green eyes, lean and athletic build.

Kaia: 5'5" 17 years old, dark brown hair with auburn highlights, deep brown eyes, lean and athletic build.

Shawn: 6'3" Mid-20s, massive and imposing physique, piercing blue eyes, thick braided beard, short brown hair.

Cordelia: 5'7" Late 40s or older, silver hair in a neat bun, warm brown eyes, practical clothing in rich jewel tones.

Lila: 5'4" tall, 19 and half years old, twilight-colored eyes, light purple hair with vibrant blue streaks, youthful and expressive face, lean and agile physique.