
Digital Contract

This is a world where the digital world and the human world are intertwined, and this is also a world where the human contract Digimon is. When a person reaches the age of 16, he can communicate with the digital world, awaken the digital soul, and sign a contract with a Digimon to become a beast trainer. He Zheng, reborn sixteen years ago, at the moment of awakening the digital soul, the system appeared... (I only translated and edited.) Author: 不闹不吵 Link for raw: https://wap.faloo.com/new_1015477.html I hope you enjoy it. Disclaimer: I don't own anything from this. All copyright goes to their original owners.

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Chapter 29 Wang Wei and Black Agumon

So far, the overall strength of the elite class 1 is actually not much worse than that of the second class.

Wang Wei, who is known to be the strongest in the group, is naturally the finale.

So, after all the other students in a class took the test, Wang Wei also walked slowly onto the test bench.

At the intersection of everyone's eyes, Wang Wei's expression was very indifferent, he walked to the instrument that detects the accumulation of digital souls, stretched out his hand, and directly attached it.

The next moment, the light blooms.

There are also some large characters on the top of the instrument.

Apprentice trainer, progress: 80%

When they saw Wang Wei's Digital Soul's accumulated value at this time, the judges and school leaders in front of them also whispered, but judging from their smiling faces, it was obvious that they were in a good mood.

"Please summon your Digimon!" said the teacher in charge of checking the Digimon's energy level.

Wang Wei nodded, and immediately began to summon his own Digimon.

As he whispered, a group of data quickly gathered into a figure in front of him.

The dark small dinosaur figure is exactly Agumon (black)!

"This is... a different form of Agumon! Is it a black Agumon!"

"As expected of Wang Wei, even Digimon fits his status!"

Following the appearance of Wang Wei's Agumon (Black), there were continuous discussions in the class below.

Even He Zheng was a little surprised.

Agumon (Black)! This is no ordinary Digimon!

And the faces of the judges and school leaders are naturally more radiant.

"Go, Agumon, show your strength!" Wang Wei said to Agumon (black) in front of him.

"Yes!" Agumon (Black) slowly opened his eyes, and then jumped to the machine that detects the Digimon's energy level, the huge claws clenched tightly, and for a while, the number on the machine Also beating like crazy.

500! 700! 900...1000!

In the blink of an eye, this value came to 1,000, but at the next moment, this 1000 even had a trend of rising, and finally came to the 1024 -point energy level.

"1024 points can be able to break a thousand!" The teacher nodded with a smile, and then looked at Wang Wei and said.

"Hmm!" Wang Wei nodded, and immediately looked at his Agumon (black).

The latter also jumped off the instrument immediately and returned to him.

"It is worthy of the beast trainer Miao Zi, who was struggling to dig out! This talent really opened a lot!"

"OK, Peng Liang in Class Second Class also has a class of Mingxi, and these two students are okay!"

Everyone communicated in the judges and leadership seats.

Then the score was written, and Wang Wei also took back his Agumon (black) calmly and calmly stepped down the test desk.

"The next class! Four classes!" A school leader glanced at the host, and the latter shouted immediately.

Immediately, the head teacher of the fourth class also walked up, and shouted the first name calmly.

The classmates in the fourth class went up one after the other. Although there were also several students who had a child stage, the level of level was just floating up and down from 500 and grid. , but it is also some distance away from those two elites.

I don't know if the teacher in the fourth class deliberately did, he did not name He Zheng's name.

Of course, He Zheng didn't care either.

However, Peng Liang, who was always staring at He Zheng's position on the second shift, was a little anxious.

"What are you doing! Is it possible that He Zheng is going to be the finale? Is he worthy?" He cursed inwardly, but Peng Liang could only wait in secret.

In the first class, Ming Xi was also watching the position of He Zheng in the fourth class.

"Ming Xi, is that He Zheng really your boyfriend?" A girl who was usually able to talk beside her asked her.

"Yes!" Ming Xi smiled and replied.

"Ah?" The girl named Li Ya was a little surprised. She didn't expect Ming Xi to admit it directly.

"However, this is a secret between me and him, Xiaoya, please, keep it a secret for me!" Ming Xi said with a smile.

"Yeah! I won't talk nonsense! Don't worry, I'm just curious!" Li Ya nodded and said seriously.

"Thank you!" Ming Xi said with a smile.

"Where, but I think that Peng Liang from the second class seems to be targeting He Zheng!" Li Ya said.

"Don't worry, I don't need to worry about this kind of thing!" Ming Xi said with a smile.

"That's it!" Li Ya nodded.

With the passage of time, the 30 students in Class 4 also came to the stage for testing.

So, only the last He Zheng was left.

"He Zheng!" The head teacher of Class 4 announced He Zheng's name, and at the same time, he took a deep look at the boy who walked out of the team with a calm expression, and was also cheering for the boy.

Come on! He Zheng, it's time to prove to the whole school that you are back!