
Chapter 11

After flirting with Ruki, you left school and made your way to the grocers. You picked up what you needed, idly eyeing a cake you would have loved to treat your digimon to, to celebrate Black Greymon's digivolution.

Oddly enough, on the way home while listening to some music with your headphones, you passed by Ruki who seemed to be in a hell of a rush, already in a tight white and blue t-shirt and skinny blue jeans that moulded into that lovely round ass of hers like a second skin. She seemed to be making her way towards some odd gathering of smoke you saw drifting above some buildings.

You hope nobody she knew got hurt in a fire or something.

The second you made it into your apartment, you practically threw your bags down in the kitchen to pull at and loosen your tie, "Fucking monkey suits man," you hated the damn preppy uniform you had to wear all the time. The only good thing about uniforms was the females ones that actually got you a nice panty shot with Ruki earlier.

Heading in to your room, you threw your shirt and tie on the bed and kicked off your shoes so you could pull off your trousers. "Hey boss!" Demidevimon greeted you from your computer screen.

You tossed him a wave as you went over to your wardrobe and pulled on a pair of grey sweat pants and a black tank top, "Hey buddy," you replied, "Did you make any headway into that digivice?"

"Yeah boss, I cracked it within an hour of you leaving for school," the little bat digimon replied, "It was an alt account though, all the guy had on it was sixty thousand yen and the Function Call skill - there wasn't even a private server connected to it."

Ah, an alternate account. Loads of people used them to do illegal shit so their actual account couldn't get incriminated. Oh well, the Function Call skill was worth a good fifty thousand yen, and with sixty thousand on top of that, you'd made a pretty decent haul all things considered.

"Have you already made the transfer?" you ask, sitting down on your computer chair and sighing as your back sunk into his plush softness.

"Yeah boss, the money is in your account and the skill program has been sent over to your digivice." DemiDevimon replied.

Lovely. Today was shaping up to be a very good day. Got some fan service with Ruki, and you already made some dosh without having to do anything. Not for the first time, you thanked your lucky stars for running into those little twin Pagumon those months back.

With most buisness taken care of, and not really wanting to take on a job at the moment thanks to the little bit of cash flow you got thanks to that idiot who's digivice you got, you logged into Eden and from there your private server.

You left the entrance and made your way down to the beach where your digivice told you your digimon were located. You found them easily, finding DemiDevimon relaxing on a hammock just a bit away from the other two, with a terminal open that he was somehow typing into with his wings. Still hard at working doing all he could with your personal buisness website.

Black Greymon more or less was quite stationary on the sand, allowing Gazimon to lunge at him, jumping around and attacking for all he was worth.

Gazimon was pretty powerful for only being born a day, but Black Greymon thanks to all the data he'd absorbed even before digivolving, was taking eahc and every blow without even a wince.

It showed you just how powerful your Greymon was. Considering that Gazimon could at least make some of those champion's from yesterday like Tyrannomon and such take a knee from his attacks.

You were really proud how far you and your team had come in just one day. You really were the ultimate team weren't you?

DemiDevimon tossed you a lazy wave of his wing when he noticed you and got right back to work. The other two broke apart as soon as they saw you, stopping their spar, with Gazimon sprinting to you fast enough to outpace a speeding car and tackled you into a hug that ended up with you on your back on the sand.

You broke out laughing and wrestled with him. Thanks to the buff you got from Gazimon's previous incarnation when you scanned his data, it was pretty even, albeit he was stronger but you had much much experience in a fight, even a play one such as this so it let you pin him after a bit of a struggle.

"Man, if you're this tough after only a day you'll be smacking around ultimates in a couple of weeks." you praised him, scratching gently under one of his floppy ears and laughing when he gave a pleased rumble and his long tail began to wave back and forth behind him like an actual dog.

"Boss, boss check this out!" Black Greymon called out, his voice rumbling through the air and drawing your attention to him.

You looked over and when he saw you were looking, flames pulled in his mouth and he turned towards the ocean, drawing his massive head back into the air before throwing it forward, "Mega Flame!" he roared, spitting out a literal wave of flames that covered the ocean from for tens of dozens of feet.

Holy crap, the range and area of effect on that attack was insane. "So awesome!" you cheered. "Do it again!" you egged him on, wanton destructive power was so amazing to see.

You might end up turning into a pyromaniac at this point. You want a skill to breath fire too! Or like Meramon's Fire Fist, you could be like Ace from One Piece! You should have scanned his data to try for it yourself yesterday! Damn, such awesome abilities passed you by!