
Chapter 12: Another Fight? (4)

Gazu Started gathering the energy from his feet's and claw, He positioned himself in the 2 feet's and claw down to the dirt, Psychemon is gathering his energy on his Hands or Claws and Eyes? Huh that's weird? Why eyes though? Maybe to see Gazumon when he will attack but if you cant react then that will just be null or in basic words it was useless

Back to the Field, The energy gathering stop they look at each others eyes and once the lead touch the ground They moved Gazimon was the first to land a hit and it was a direct hit! Psychemon manage to graze Gazimon But when Psychemon was about to turn back we was already attacked by Gazimon, Psychemon knew that it was already hard fighting Gazu, Grazing gazu was the best he could but he had a plan if he just manag…

Psychemon: "Tsuno Kougeki!"

Gazimon was swept away a bit, When he was about to attack It was already happening

Psychemon Digivolve TOoo!! Astamon!!

Astamon burst out of the light when he was about to look at gazimon, Gazimon already was IN front of him using Gazimon Claw on his face, Astamon was about to dodge when suddenly he can't move

Garurumon X: "Paralyze breath? When?"

Impmon: "Well when Astamon was just standing in there Gazimon shoot first his Paralyze Breath then Lunge at astamon with Gazimon Claw"

Penmon: "That was fast! He recovered too fast, I was just staring at Astamon and in the next second Gazimon already landed on the ground with Astamon Kneeling already"

Gazi: "Hehe We needed that Awareness when we were digging you know, A slightly small mistake could Or Would bury us alive and how do you know it was useful in battles too"

Floramon: "That was… Amazing!"

Gaomon: "Yeaahh fast reaction is need if your with Boss, He literally is a bundle of energy"

Floramon: "HUH??"

Gaomon: "Well i think in the impmon line an impmon who likes to prank has to have the very energy to think and to know how to execute the prank but with our boss His energy is spent on both thinking and moving his very body"

Gabumon (1,2,3): "Wooooow"

Back to the fight

Astamon was still stuned so in that moment Gazimon Attacked and attacked as much as he could, When Astamon stunned state was done he fired his THOPMSON gun at gazimonm, Gazimon was hit many times so he use the under ground tactic! Pitfall tactic he dug underground so the field is in silence

Astamon was focusing on the sound while stopping some of the wounds he had, The very silence was so loud that the suspense was getting higher and when Astamon relax albeit a little bit gazumon attack him in the face that made Astamon staggered on his footholding and fall on the Booby pit, The pit wasn't wide No.. no no no it was perfectly fit for astamon, Astamon Can't use his gun, He cant even draw it

He can only aim at the top or the bottom, Gazu new that so he use Paralyze breath on top of Astamon, Astamon tried to cover his mouth but he was still paralyzed in the end and so He surrendered

With that win Gazu also surrendered he knew that the fight totally spent him, Floramon gave them a card and the soup, The next fight was between ma Boyss