
Chapter 10: Another Fight? (2)

We shook our Hands and Claws?/Flipper?/Wing? Garurumon introduced the three… Gizamon, Betamon and Elekmon then my buddies came out after the introduction, Garurumon will give a reward to the winner… it was a card that has a metal claw Garurumon introduced it as an Item card very useful to the claws of a beast type that spiked the Digimons But it didn't to me because i do have claws but I have a GLOVE in my hands but since garurumon said that i won't be participating he said that if my group won ill get 1 Kilobyte of data but if he won well have to help clear his territory meaning well have to help on making it A territory, I have to ask him what is a Kilobyte and its uses and also i should ask him about the cards uses and schematics but after we rest and eat

The participants are

From My Group


Gazimon- Gazi and Gazu

Hawkmon- Hawk and Hick



On Garurumon side which surprisingly increased From 5 with garurumon to 12 without garurumon






Gabumon Black


Clearly my team is at a disadvantage, Garurumon propose a fight between his Newbies and his Old digi's

Betamon v.s Penmon

Elecmon v.s Gabumon (1)

Gizamon v.s Gabumon Black

Skipping the hassle the winners of the fight was Penmon, Elecmon, and the last participants end in a draw between Gizamon and Gabumon B (B= Black) after a few minutes rest My guys between Garurumon's digimons are going to fight

The match was given and we decided ((Garurumon) since i am confident in my guys capabilities that they will win) that the match will be like this

Pulse v.s Gabumon (2) = Gabumon (2) (He has a good control on his attacks and his relentless physical attacks)

Gazu v.s Gabumon B = Gazu (He ran so fast that gabumon could only do nothing and take damage)

Gazi v.s Elecmon = Gazi (Elecmon was weaker than him in any way)

Hawk v.s Psychemon = Psychemon (Hawk can't come close or he will get toasted by the Colorful spark attack)

Hick v.s Gizamon = Gizamon (Hick underestimated Gizamon and it was too late to make a comeback)

Gabumon v.s Gabumon (3) = Gabumon (He won just by pure attacks that Gabumon (3) can't make a comeback

Bearmon v.s Penmon = Bearmon (Bearmon won just by purely tanking attacks and Delivering Physical attacks)

For the second round the Fighters was mostly mine but Garurumon digimon are on the brink of digivolution that if Psychemon fight in a few seconds he will digivolve and it was Psychemon himself trying not to digivolve and him resting right now was a way for him to control it but like i said and Garurumon himself knew that Psychemon WILL digivolve in the next round

Gabumon (2) – Psychemon – Gizamon

Gazu – Gazi – Gabumon – Bearmon

It was 4 to 3 but with a potential of an adult stage… entering the fight.. things might go rough for my guys but i know they will win SURELY! Gabumon (2) was close but i think he wont digivolve yet but maybe after a few fights? and Gizamon is too far away from digivolving even though he had fought battles with his old team he didn't have enough time to digest what he learned so yeah still far away from digivolving

My guys? I don't problem myself with them, I know they wont digivolve yet because we aren't still hitting our limiters and besides we had evolve not so long ago so the risk of digivolving was low

The fight became like this

Gabumon (2) v.s Gabumon

Their fight was quite long if you consider 15 minutes long then its long, the start was all but just firing petit fire when Gabumon (2) was slowly losing his cool Gabumon took the chance to use Crash Nail, Gabumon took a big chunk of health from Gabumon (2) and that was the signal of fist fighting because launching attacks like petit fire in close range was dangerous because both of them or the caster will take damage from the explosion from point blank

So both of them use physical attacks granted that Gabumon have more stamina than Gabumon (2) Well in my opinion and what looked like it was Gabumon took that chance to train his physical capabilities on another opponent, Well Gabumon (2) knew too late that he was being use as a training partner until he lose stamina and just drop