
Difficult to deal with (GL) 难缠gl,作者鱼霜 翻译版

Please read this introduction before reading the novel!! This is a Chinese to English translation of the story 难缠gl by 鱼霜(The translation is mainly done by machine and I will proofread it before I release it, therefore there can be some mistake in the story. Feel free to point out the mistake and I will change it) This whole novel will be free to read!! I asked the original author if I could translate it and she told me that I am allowed to translate it as long as I don't make any profit from it. Update schedule: I am probably gonna stop updating due to my studies. Once I finish, I will continue updating(about 3 weeks) Twitter: gxyx1334 I will place the synopsis below. You can support the original author by paying for the novel on jjwxc, here is the link to the original novel: https://www.jjwxc.net/onebook.php?novelid=5870745 Synopsis: Voice actor/streamer Vs Writer/CEO After two years of dating, Lu Zhenqiu found out that her girlfriend Tang Yingxia had cheated on her. Instead of questioning her or making a fuss, she asked her friends to help her find a new place to live and move away in one night. As luck would have it, the new landlord is Tang Yingxia's arch rival Jin Shuilan. Jin Shuilan is a well-known writer and screenwriter. She has a withdrawn personality and is difficult to get along with. She is a typical flower of the high mountains in the industry, referred to as a lonely person. She has countless suitors, but she has never pretended to be with one and spoken bluntly about it and she has no scandals. No one knew that she had someone hidden in her heart. Later, this person knocked on her door in the middle of the night and moved into her house. Mini theater: The sales of the new book were good, and the magazine wanted to do an online live broadcast with Jin Shuilan and invite several guests, including Tang Yingxia. Not long after the broadcast started, there was some barking sound from Jin Shuilan's end, and a golden retriever appeared in the camera. The editor wondered: "Doesn't Teacher Jin not have dogs?" Jin Shuilan, the king of loneliness, explained with a smile: "My girlfriend raised it." All the readers in the live broadcast room: What!!! Tang Yingxia's face turned green when she saw the golden retriever's customized collar and stood up.

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23 Chs

Chapter 22 [Closing stream]

22 Closing stream

If the Weibo about Lu Zhenqiu is only stated by Lou Yifeng, then it is not a big deal. Lou Yifeng was originally a rookie anchor, and she was not very famous on the previous platform, so the number of fans is not large, but this retweet of Lu Yan, is intriguing.

After Lu Yan reposted it, the popularity of this incident skyrocketed. She has a lot of fans in the entertainment section. 

Those who participated in the PK last night were not only rich fans but also many netizens. Now when they see this they start to type out on their keyboard:  [Is it real? ]

[Fuck, there is such a way of playing? ]

[Don't play if you can't afford it, isn't this cheating? ]

Of course, some people objected to this saying.

[Eh, I think it's normal, some people are signed by a company and the company would support them by doing so. ]

[That's right, only having a strong ability is true. I heard that newcomer sing yesterday, **** it, She is very good at it! ]

[Which newcomer? Are there any socials? ]

Netizens @ Lu Zhenqiu under this comment.

Lu Zhenqiu was chatting privately with the administrator, and the administrator asked her: [You didn't smash the gifts yourself? ]

It doesn't matter if you do it yourself. At the end of the year, many event streamers will pay out of their own pockets and do so. After all, how can there be so many rich fans who can smash so many gifts at every stream? However,  those are all done privately, and the meaning is different when it is revealed.

Besides, Lu Zhenqiu is a newcomer. If she smashed it by herself and managed to keep it away from herself, it would become the biggest joke in Sanshui this year.

Lu Zhenqiufa: [It's not me. ]

If she had so much money she would have already made a down payment to buy a house. Why would she smash so many gifts for herself? If she loses money, she doesn't know when she will be able to make it back!

The administrator couldn't make up her mind either. Privately, she didn't want Lu Zhenqiu to smash her own. She finally brought someone with potential. She could get a share. Moreover, Lu Zhenqiu had a good temper and didn't have the temper of those top streamers. She is very comfortable to get along with, the administrator gritted her teeth: [I will ask the person in charge again. ]

The person in charge of the entertainment section was chatting with Lu Yan, and Lu Yan was calling Brother Zhou and the person in charge was very happy with it.

Lu Yan said, "Brother Zhou, isn't there any punishment for her? She has done too much. It made me humiliated yesterday."

But knowing that Lu Zhenqiu smashed it herself, Lu Yan felt much better, which shows that Lu Zhenqiu's side is fake, but her side is real, and her charm is also real.

When she is in a good mood, her voice becomes more delicate.

The person in charge said: "It is still under investigation. If it is true, there will be corresponding punishments."

The so-called punishment is to see if anyone reports it. If someone reports it, Sanshui will deal with it accordingly. If no one reports it, then the matter is over.

Lu Yan didn't want it to go away like this, she said, "Understood Brother Zhou."

After speaking, she sent a 2888 transfer to the person in charge.

As soon as the person in charge received the money, Lu Zhenqiu's administrator came to him. She tried to please him, but the person in charge ignored her and was not very enthusiastic.

The administrator had no choice but to ask: "Brother Zhou, I asked Qiuqiu, and she said it wasn't her."

"It does not depend on what you say!" The person in charge said in a serious tone. He snapped a screenshot of it, and it had the IPs of Lu Zhenqiu and the boss on it. There was a clear overlap rate, and the administrator was shocked.

The person in charge didn't plan to investigate Lu Zhenqiu. After all, half of her money went into Sanshui's pocket. Sanshui was bound to make a profit. Other than that, her being famous brings benefits to Sanshui. There was no need to investigate, but Someone used the influence of PK rules to report her, so he checked it out, just when Lu Yan came to complain, he said it casually, and now that the trouble is big, he wants to protect Lu Yan.

The administrator said: "Brother Zhou, Qiuqiu has just arrived, she is a newcomer, she doesn't understand anything, she will inevitably make mistakes, let's..."

"If you know that you make a mistake, you will suffer." The person in charge said in a low voice: "It's not that we don't give her a chance to make mistakes, but her mistake is a bit big. Who was the one who picked her yesterday? Lu Yan, those fans of Lu Yan, you are not I don't know when they make the thing big, who can hold it back?"

The administrator frowned. The person in charge is standing on Lu Yan's side. It is obvious that Lu Yan has a million fans, and Lu Zhenqiu is less than one-tenth of it. But is there a need to make it known? If he doesn't tell Lu Yan, will there be trouble on Lu Yan's side? The administrator was so angry that, however, she could not do anything about it and could only hold it back.

She was even angrier when she saw what Lu Zhenqiu had sent "It's not me". The administrator of the game team around her saw her and asked, "What's the matter? Are you reprimanded by the boss again?"

They looked at the office where the person in charge was and said, "Was it about the new streamer?"

The administrator turned her head: "You heard about it?"

"I heard, it's quite difficult to deal with it!" The administrator of the game team said: "Hey, do you know why Lao Zhao is so supportive of Lu Yan?" (Lao Zhao = nickname of the person in charge)

The administrator leaned over: "Why?"

"What else can it be, She gave him money!" said the administrator of the game team, "He could receive this amount of money every month." She stretched out five fingers: "Can he not support Lu Yan?"

"Is he not afraid of being reported?"

"You have to have evidence to report it, Lao Zhao is like a thief." The administrator of the game team said: "And, do you think the incident of the new streamer is a big deal? It's just smashing gifts, but it happened to be Lu Yan, Lu Yan. Lu Yan must have lost face, and her fans reported her."

The administrator sighed.

She is helpless now.

The administrator of the game team saw her like this and said, "Do you want to protect her?"

The administrator turned her head: "Is there any other way?"

"There is a solution, it's what I've used before."

The administrator came to the spirit: "What?"

The administrator of the game board said: "Find the leader."


What he said equals to not saying it.

The administrator of the game team patted her on the shoulder: "Try it, let's just say that this matter is not a big deal in the first place, let's solve it privately then it looks better in public. And it's hundreds of thousands of dollars in one go, maybe the new streamer has a backstage. There is also no benefit of offending her, right?"

The administrator nodded when she heard it and seemed to be persuaded. She was not going to take care of this at first, but now she is thinking about going to fight with the person in charge.

Lu Zhenqiu didn't know the twists and turns. Before her live broadcast room was affected, they were all joking about making her sing. Two fans ordered a song. Lu Zhenqiu played music, and Jin Shuilan opened it and listened only to the voice. She didn't exit the live broadcast room, but she didn't watch the bullet screen. She was revising the script while listening to the song.

After handing in the script of the radio drama, there is still one movie script that is going to start shooting next year and a new novel. She has already written a third of the new novel. Just after opening the document, the person in charge of the Sanshui Platform contacted her and sent her a plan to train new streamers.

Training new anchors is to do corresponding publicity according to the popularity of the newcomers and the gift list. Originally, the most potential in this group was Lou Yifeng, who brought her fans, and Lu Yan helped to promote it. It was only after the official stream that it was discovered that Lu Yifeng had Zhen Qiu was the black horse, and directly left the other newcomers behind by a big gap!

Among the new anchors this time, the first trained streamer is Lu Zhenqiu.

Jin Shuilan was very satisfied when she saw the list and typed 1. The person in charge was just about to send her a message when he heard a knock on the door, and the person in charge of the entertainment section shouted, "Boss."

He frowned: "Come in."

Brother Zhou opened the door went in, and asked, "Did you send the recruit training plan to the boss?"

The general manager asked, "Why are you asking?"

"Isn't there something wrong with us here?" Brother Zhou sighed anxiously: "The new streamer, named Zhenqiu, has a problem."

The person in charge put down his fingers that were about to respond: "Is there a problem?"

He just sent the plan, and his face turned pale immediately: "What's the problem?"

Brother Zhou said: "She paid the PK out of her pocket, that's fine, we can suppress it. However, Lu Yan is the one who PKed with her. Now Lu Yan's fans are clamouring for an explanation, and—"

The person in charge was unhappy: "And what?"

"And not more than one person reported that she violated the PK rule."

While talking, Brother Zhou glanced at the face of the general manager. Seeing the gloomy face of the general manager, he continued: "I think this matter should be dealt with as soon as possible. It is going to be the end of the year. If it is not handled well, the boss will be unhappy."

The person in charge glanced at him and then went to Weibo. At a glance, he saw Lu Yan's Weibo, and several game marketing accounts followed the issue of new streamers. Lu Yan's fans quarrelled.

[Hehe, It is okay if we can't deal with real swords and real guns, but how can it be compared with cheating?]

[Yesterday, our Lu Yan did so many squats and was punished. Unlike certain people, f you have money, you can do whatever you want. ]

[Don't say that, even if someone smashes gifts to themselves, that's because the new streamer is rich. ]

[Yes, she is rich, but that doesn't prevent me from despising her! Stepping on the old streamer to reach a higher position is awesome enough. She really knows how to play and manipulate the rules. ]

The person in charge frowned at these comments and asked Brother Zhou, "Do they have to make such a big fuss?"

Brother Zhou: "I didn't stop Lu Yan."

"How did Lu Yan know that the boss and the new streamer are the same person?"

Brother Zhou was speechless.

After a few seconds he said: "Someone reported it, we checked the IP."

"You—" The general manager gave him a stare, and Lao Zhou said, "If this is not the case, let's let the new streamer stop streaming for a few days to suppress this matter, how is it?"

The person in charge pondered for a few seconds and nodded: "I think about it, you go out first."

Brother Zhou left the office with a sigh of relief, looking complacent. He seemed to have seen Lu Zhenqiu's ending. He felt that there was not much room for turning this matter. It is an indisputable fact that Lu Zhenqiu's and the boss's IP overlapped. It's also justified, does she dare to refuse this fact? Brother Zhou smiled and left the office of the leader.

The general manager rested his head on his hand and browsed Lu Yan's Weibo. The relevant marketing account smelled this smell and immediately fished in troubled waters. There was a tag which said that a Sanshui new streamer smashed gifts for herself with 500,000 popularity. He sighed and called the assistant: " Let the HR manager come to me."

The assistant responded and was busy contacting the HR manager. After all, it was the person who was introduced by the HR manager. He had to tell them how to punish him.

The HR manager just came out of the conference room, got a notice to get on the elevator, and had a face-to-face with the manager next to him. The administrator recognized him and shouted, "Manager Pei."

Manager Pei turned his head: "Xiao Du?"

He saw that Xiao Du didn't press the floor and asked, "Are you going up too?"

Xiao Du nodded: "Well, something is going on up there."

Manager Pei snorted and suddenly asked again, "Are you the administrator of the new streamer, Zhenqiu?"

Xiao Du was stunned, and then said, "Yes, Manager Pei knows Qiuqiu?"

"Me?" Manager Pei laughed. Of course, he didn't know her. He only knew the person who recommended Lu Zhenqiu. Manager Pei replied: "I kinda know her."

Xiao Du looked relieved when she heard that he knew her, and she said, "Then can you talk to the boss?"

Manager Pei asked, "For which situation?"

Xiao Du hurriedly explained to him what had just happened but he didn't say clearly about the relationship between Brother Zhou and Lu Yan, but only said that Brother Zhou wanted to protect Lu Yan, Manager Pei laughed angrily after hearing this: "This Lao Zhou …"

He said, "I see, you can return first, and I'll handle this matter."

Xiao Du was grateful: "Hey, thank you, Manager Pei!"

Manager Pei straightened out his suit and walked to the door of the office of the chief executive, knocked on it, and shouted, "Come in."

He walked in and saw the person in charge sitting in front of the computer with a dark face. Manager Pei asked, "What are you looking at?"

The person in charge sighed: "You can come and see."

Manager Pei walked to his computer and lowered his head. Not only was he annoyed when he saw the comments, but he also asked with a smile, "Did Lao Zhou say what to follow up with?"

"He said it." The person in charge hesitated for a moment and said, "I think the new streamer should stop streaming for 2 days."

"That's it." Manager Pei said, "It's better to terminate the contract with the new anchor."

The person in charge looked at him: "Don't be angry, it won't be much if you stop it for two days and then start it again..."

"It doesn't have much impact." Manager Pei interrupted him and said, "Is it?"

The person in charge thought that he was unhappy that his people were treated like this, but the matter was so big that it was impossible to justify without punishment. Manager Pei turned his head sideways: "I didn't say anything angry, I'm telling the truth, you can the new streamer pack up and leave."

"Aren't you angry?" The person in charge looked at Manager Pei.

Manager Pei smiled: "There is nothing to be angry about."

He said: "Anyway, as soon as the new streamer leaves, we will also pack up and leave."

The person in charge looked slightly dark, looked at Manager Pei, and frowned.

Manager Pei couldn't help but say, "Why are you so stupid! Why are you still looking at me? Didn't I hint to you when I handed her over to you that day? Do you think she was recommended by me?"

The person in charge was stunned: "Isn't it so?"

Manager Pei pressed his head and looked at the person in charge: "I sometimes wonder how you got here."

The person in charge was puzzled: "Speak clearly."

"Okay, let me be clear." Manager Pei said, "I didn't invite this person into Sanshui, it was the boss."

The person in charge was stunned: "Boss? Why didn't you tell me at that time?"

Manager Pei rolled his eyes at him: "Who knew you were so stupid!"

"And don't tell Lao Zhou about this, if it leaks out, all of us will be dead!"

The person in charge chased after and asked: "What about the IP..."

"If the gift wasn't smashed by the new streamer, who are you talking about? It also has the same IP address. What relationship do you think the new streamer has with the boss?"

Is there a need to make it so known?

The person in charge fully understood, after trying to settle this situation for a long time, she was the boss' wife!

His face changed suddenly, and he was about to call on the landline immediately. Manager Pei pressed the dial button of his landline and said, "Don't involve the boss in this matter, she will be unhappy, check Lao Zhou and Lu Yan first."

"I know." The person in charge used the expression you said, Manager Pei shrugged, sat on the sofa, and listened to the person in charge on the phone.

Since Lu Yan finished talking to Brother Zhou, she was refreshed, and the streaming room became active. Many people comforted her, saying that it was okay, the new streamer was smashing the gifts herself, and what they smashed was real, and their Lu Yan is very popular! They also ridiculed Lu Zhenqiu's "boss" for talking big, and if she loses a game, she will send 8888 red envelopes, and she is not ashamed to set up a boss persona for herself!

Lu Yan reassured the fans: "Okay, okay, let's forget about other people, I'm not angry, just a little aggrieved, we could have won yesterday."

The gifts were sent in rows, and the fans were very pitiful. They even went to Lu Zhenqiu's live broadcast room to curse and curse. The administrator blocked several IDs in a row, and Lu Zhenqiu's fans were rebutting them. [Qiuqiu did not smash gifts herself!]

[If Qiuqiu has so much money, why didn't she spend it on the old platform, and come here instead? ]

[Who knows, maybe the old platform can't satisfy her vanity at all. ]

[What are you talking about! ]

The bullet screen was so noisy that someone posted a link [Don't argue, the official account said, that they have dealt with this incident, and the offenders will be unable to stream for three days. ]

Lu Zhenqiu's live broadcast room was full of Lu Yan's fans, all sneering.

[Hahahahaha, closing the stream for three days, you can wait for it to happen!]

[I am waiting for its closure!]

[Isn't she correct? Why are you closing your stream? ]

[Offenders, they also said that it is not only one person! ]

Lu Yan also saw the link, she

  sneered, and just wanted to talk to the fans, she saw her stream room display this message: [Hello, your live broadcast room is suspected of violating the rules and has been closed for 72 hours. ]

The fans in the two live broadcast rooms were surprised!

Lu Zhenqiu: When did I become the boss' wife?

Jin Shuilan: Although I don't know, but I think it's pretty good.

Lu Zhenqiu: ...

Thank you Armykookie35 for 2 power stones

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