
Difficult Decisions

#Adventure #Fantasy #Swordfighting Tom was content with his life, he had everything he needed, his father Phill, his older brother Tactzo and his other brother Will. But things started to change when he turned 15. He always heard about his brothers's solo adventures and he thought it was time for him to have one of his own. Little did he know that this adventure would change everything. Sometimes he longs to go back to the days of naivety. Protected by the walls of his home but now every day Tom finds himself making more difficult decisions. (I upload near weekends and weekends)

Numi_inthenight · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: Trapped



The next day Tom hadn't gotten up from bed. 

The whole night he had nightmares of yesterday's events. Some of the nightmares were of Tactzo killing him.

He wished Billy's place didn't have a glass ceiling now because it was the afternoon with the sun shining upon him and Tom was trying to catch some sleep.

He went under the covers and tried to sleep.

He didn't get far as Billy's door swung open and Billy rushed inside.

"Oh my goodness Tom, I heard what happened yesterday! Did you lose a life?"

Tom sighed under the covers and uttered a small "no" 

He felt Billy go up the ladder to get closer to him. 

"I think I know what will make you feel better"

Sighing Tom sat up, he wasn't going to catch any sleep.

"wow boss man you have a lot of eyebags....did you get any sleep?"

Tom shook his head.

"It's going to be okay, where we going there is a hammock! you can try to get some sleep there"

Tom and Billy left the house and began walking.

"I used to go to this place with mom all the time. You will love it"

Now that he thought of it Tom hadn't seen Billy's mother around. 

"Where is she?"

"Oh she's dead.....she was killed by Tactzo..."

Tom froze and brought his hands to his head as if he felt a sharp pain.

"Tom! you okay?"

"Tactzo, Tactzo, Taczo....why is it always him?" Tom said through his teeth.

"Yeah, he's pretty bad...."

"I'm so sorry" Tom hugged Billy.

"Thanks, I'm also sorry that you had to experience what you did"

They let go and continue walking.

"You know.....that was the first time I ever saw someone die before me?"

Billy shuddered.

"I've never witnessed a murder before....so you are pretty strong"

Tom dropped his shoulders "I'm not strong.....If I was maybe I could have stopped it"

Billy grabbed him by the arm "Hey hey, don't suffer from survivor guilt on me! You are strong! and the fact that you are the only one who didn't lose a life is amazing! I'm thanking the heavens that nothing bad happened to you"

Tom threw his arm over Billy "Thanks Billy"

"Okay, here we are!" 

They were in this beautiful clearing and the middle of it there were two trees with a hammock tied to them.

"Race you to it?" Billy asked.

"Race ya!" 

Both boys ran and halfway through Billy tripped and fell. 

Tom laughed, continued to the hammock and threw himself on it.

Billy caught up and as he was catching his breath they heard a crow sound.

"A crow! That's a bad omen. Do you think the crow man is nearby? that's what the legends say"

Tom stood up and saw it circling above.

He knew who it was but he didn't want Billy to see.

"Billy, could you close your eyes? and turn around?"

Billy nodded and did what he told.

"I'll tell you to turn around....I'm going to try to kill it" Tom lied.

He extended his arm and the crow landed on him. 

There was a note strapped on the crow's foot. He takes it and reads it.

"Tom, Tactzo mentioned in passing that you two fought but won't talk more about it. Are you okay? Please come home."

Tom rips the paper and throws it away scaring the bird. It squawks, flies away and drops feathers as he does.

"Did you kill it?" Billy asked turning around.


"Don't worry about it, come on. get on the hammock and have some rest!"



Antok takes the key from under the welcome mat and opens the door to the crow mans door.

He's been wanting to explore this house forever. No one dared to break a single window from it in fear that death would follow them but Antok isn't breaking anything.

He entered and the door opening made all the dust go airborne. It made him cough loudly, he waved around the dust and walked inside.

He saw empty potion glasses, old books filled with cobwebs and a bed that was covered in feathers.

He grabbed one of them and pulled one of his feathers from his back. 

He compared them and he smiled. They are the same!

He pocketed the feather and went looking into the closet but found nothing. 

Then he checked the books to see if there were any Journals but they were all boring enchanting books.

Since there was not much to see Antok left the house, locked it and placed the key under the carpet.



He was glad he got some rest because when He woke up it was late night and Billy was sleeping on the floor beside him.

He heard a caw and he looked up and saw the whole tree filled with crows, the moonlight gave just enough to see their silhouettes.

"What the"

One of the four of them jumped on his chest. Tom began to read each of the papers attached to their legs.

"Why aren't you answering? You've always been so open with me, if you aren't going to answer could you send a message saying you need space and that you are okay?"

"Hello, you going to write back? when are you coming back?"

"Are you okay should I go pick you up?"

"Please you are worrying me, son"

Tom sighs and looks at all the crows in the trees. His father wanted to be contacted.

He takes a pencil out of his pocket and begins writing. "I'm okay. I'm fine you don't have to come"

He sticks it to a crow's leg and shooed them away. He watched as all the crows took flight and began to disappear in the distance.

He gets up from the Hammock and crouches next to Billy.

"Billy" He whispered, trying to wake him up by slightly shoving him. 

Billy only groaned and turned away from him.

Sighning he took Billy and carried him home on his back.

It was a good thing that his friend wasn't heavy. He walked back to the city and took him to his house.

Tom decided to rest some more even though he had slept the whole day already.

The next day there was an official announcement made by the King.

From a balcony of his black castle, the King spoke to his people. Antok and Tom were in the sea of people that was below the balcony.

"As you know we were recently attacked by the ferocious monster Tactzo. He and his crow father are wanted for their terrible crimes. We haven't been able to bring justice to your loved ones and I know as king I have failed just like every king before me in capturing Tactzo. He is elusive and we do not know where he stays but I will be sending our strongest soldiers to track and hunt him down. If we are unsuccessful do not fret because the people of Maryland City have strong wills and when fall what do we say?"

The crowds yelled in unison "Never give up!"

"My prayers are with the affected families. I will send money to help those families and build better defences for our sister village so that this time they may have a chance of defence if this creature attacks again."

The city cheered.

"We are heros!" The king yelled.

The crowd began to chant and the feeling of being part of something bigger filled Tom's heart.

"We are heros!" Tom Yelled.

Later that day he was called to go to the King's office. Axel was standing beside him, it was that day that Tom learned that Axel was the King's assistant.

"I spoke to every soldier that was present that day except you. Could you please tell me your side of the story?"

Tom gave him a story that wouldn't expose his conversation or relationship with Tactzo and the king looked truly sadden.

"It angers me how much injustice our people have suffered from that beast. First, it was the destruction of our city all those years ago, then the death of my wife and now one of our villages was attacked! Every day I wonder when will the time come when they get avenged?"

"If you captured him what would you do?"

"Although killing would be the best, that man has to suffer and since he lives forever, he'll be in jail as long as we can possibly have him"

Tom slowly nodded. He could live with that, he rather have his brother be in jail than get killed- 

'wait...what are you even thinking! he's your brother!' Tom thought in horror. 

"Tell me do you think that beast will ever stop killing innocent people?"

Tom sighs "no" 

'Perhaps it was time that his brother's sins caught up to him.'

"I don't know how I'm going to do it but I'll spend every day trying to capture him until I take my last breath!" The king slapped his table.

"The heros are meant to win not the villains in stories!" The king lamented.

As much as he wishes to do something he's not willing to set up his own brother to capture him. So he stays quiet but lets his resentment and disgust for his brother grow stronger.

The rest of the week became a bit better. He had fewer nightmares and his life started to feel normal.

He hung out with Antok and Billy.

They went on picnics.

He still kept receiving messenger crows from his dad which he ignored. Crows followed him around annoying him with messages.

He sparred with Antok. 

He genuinely felt as if he had spent his life in Maryland all his life. The bustling streets of Maryland were filled with smiles, small children, and men and women helping each other out.

He took a big breath, filling his lungs with fresh cold air.

The moon began to rise and the stars began to twinkle and he walked back to Billy's home.

Billy wasn't home today so he must be at the Black castle.

Shrugging he let himself relax on one of the couches.

There was a knock at the door and Tom didn't think much of it, thought it was just Billy but when he opened it he freaked out.

He drags the cloaked figure inside "Are you crazy?! Why would you just come here after Tactzo murdered a bunch of villagers that belong to this city? They want to kill both of you! you have to leave-"

His dad hugged him.

"I'm happy to see you are well" 

Tom melted in the hug. Goodness, he missed the warm wings of his father wrapping around him.

"Dad....I love that you came to visit but you have to leave. It's not safe here for you"

"Yes I know but can you blame me for worrying? My youngest hatchling is out there all alone and hurt"

"But I'm not hurt-"

"You are, here" His dad pointed at his heart. "whatever happened that day really upset Tactzo and that means you also must be upset. I know you sent back a message saying that you are okay but I think we need to talk about this" 

Tom was nervous.

"But not here. We have to go somewhere else. Billy could come at any moment" 

"We could go back home and talk about this on our way there"

"Dad.....I'm not ready to leave yet"

His dad looked sad but he leaned down and kissed his forehead. "Okay, where could we go?"

"Maybe we could go back to your old house? it's abandoned so there is no way they'd check there....Unless- what about we try to leave the city and talk in the forest? that would be safer?"

"Whatever you decide I'll be fine with it"

"Okay let's try to get out of the city," Tom said.

They left Billy's home. They walked the alleyways and they were headed towards the city's gates when they heard its large doors closing.

"Why are they closing the doors? they haven't done that before" Tom wondered out loud. He took his father's hand and pulled him back to the alleyways.

"Maybe we could go back to your old house then? talk there?"


"How did you plan to escape when you got here?" Tom asked.

"Simply walking out the gates or flying away. This cloke hides my wings well " 

They entered the old home and his dad whistled, "I haven't seen this place in ages" 

They sat down at the small dinner table and his dad gestured for Tom to start. 

Tom sighed and began the story.

At the end of it, his dad placed a hand on his.

"This....Is it all partially my fault" His dad said.

"I guarded you too much or maybe I didn't teach you enough? Maybe I wasn't with you enough....."

At those words, Tom gripped his dad's hand.

All this this time he had felt like an outsider in his home. He had felt like his father only cared about his two eldest sons.

These words...these words are what he wanted to hear in forever.

"If had done that then that day with Tactzo wouldn't have been the first day you saw a dead body"

Tom scrunched his face 'Wait what?' he thought to himself.

"Then you wouldn't see your brother as a monster"

"I- what?" Tom managed to say.

The man's face softened "Oh my son you are so innocent. I know it deeply troubles you those deaths but actions have

consequences! they have to know that if they mess with us there will be death"

Tom shook his head in disbelief "No...but it's so wrong!" 

"Tom these people are going to die anyway. We are not going age they will. They will be dead so what's the point?"

"The point is they will at least be able to live the rest of their lives and not have it cut short just because somebody got offended at the actions of a small group! The actions of a few should not affect the masses!"

"You are wrong. The actions of a few will always end up affecting the masses. Kings or the government, for example, their decisions could affect the masses. Here is another one, Your choices as an individual could affect your family. That's the way of life"

"B-but the consequences should not be like what I saw it at that Village. He was killing women and elderly people! they...they didn't deserve it!"

"They did deserve it. Your mother is Lady Death. She's the deity of Death if we are doing something wrong don't you think she would tell us that it's wrong? If someone isn't meant to die she will stop us. Maybe I should call your mother and she can try to show you how what Tactzo did isn't wrong?" His dad, Phill was tapping his chin trying to figure out if he should.

Tom felt sick like he wanted to throw up.

"No...don't call her" He was already

disappointed with his brother, now with his father and he didn't want to feel disappointed by his mother...did his other brother Will think this way too?

"This is all my fault if I had exposed you to death sooner all of this would not have happened," His dad says gesturing to all of Tom.

"Tell me Dad....Look out the window. You see these people, children, Humans and hybrids walking about do they deserve death?"

His dad looked out the window his blue eyes indifferent.

"If they mess with us, yes. In fact, I think Tactzo shouldn't have ever left survivors when he first destroyed this city long ago. He should have eradicated it."

Tom took a step back in horror.

"In fact, I think Tactzo should come back a destroy it for good this time since it's obvious that goat-hybrid king's ancestors haven't learned their lesson. Every generation seems to always be sending lookouts to "capture us" Maybe he should come back and destroy them for their insolence" 

"You are a Villain" 

"what? me?" His dad laughed "That's a good joke but I am not a villain. You haven't even scratched the surface of humanity. They are evil, greedy, lying creatures and soon they will betray you and hurt you. Hybrids as well because for some reason they always seem to want to be accepted by humans so they always do what they want."

"I wasn't joking, Dad everything you said makes you a villain!"

His dad looked hurt and he saw something in him he had never seen before, disappointment.

"If having my point of view makes me a villain then.... I rather be one than be whatever these pesky creatures are" His dad gestured at the window.

Tom closed his eyes and his fist shook.

"I realize that there is no convincing you. You and our family simply have different world views now-"

"Does Will think the same as you and Tactzo?"

His dad nodded, "and the questions you have to ask yourself are...will these differences keep you away from your family? will you ever go back home?"

Tom opened his eyes and looked at his father "I still love you all, but I can't go back home anymore"

His dad sighs and walks towards Tom. He hugs him and says "That may be the case but just know the doors to my home, your home, will always be open for you. You can always visit"

Tom was crying and hugged him back.

"You know what this means right?" Tom said sniffling.

"hmm?" His dad hummed.

"I won't stop defending this city if you or Tactzo come to destroy it one day. I will stop you if you do."

His father smiled and ran his hand through his hair. Moving his bangs and exposing his forehead. 

"My little fledgling sounds like a little warrior" 

He kisses his forehead "I'm proud"

Tom was shaking, he had many emotions running through him and when his father stepped away he wanted to not let go.

His father walked towards the exit but before he got there the door slammed open.

Axel, along with multiple soldiers rushed in.

Their swords were all out, pointing at his dad.

"Axel!" Tom said.

"Don't worry Tom I got you! I was walking by and through the window I saw how he had you hostage! So I ran to get soldiers and guards"

Phill turned to Tom "Are you going to do something?"

Tom just stood there frozen.

"Crow man you are under arrest! Surrender!" Axel yelled.

"You really not going to do something?" Phill asked in shock, staring at Tom.


Phill shook his head in disappointment, "You are just going let them jail me and not do anything?.....I was willing to leave this place and leave you and your little city alone. So help me out so that I can leave for good" 

Tom said nothing still frozen in place.

"Drop your weapons!" Axel yelled at Phill.

Realizing that Tom was not going to do anything Phill took out his swords and in a quick twirl he cut the heads of 4 guards that were closest to him. 

Everything became chaos. Because of such a small space, Phill couldn't extend his wings and fly away. Guards rushed him and people were yelling "GET THE POTIONS! GET THE POTIONS!"

Throwing the potion liquid onto the struggling Phil who was trying to push his way out of the house, Phill suddenly became very weak.


In the tussle, the guards holding onto Phill slipped dragging him down to the floor with them. Feathers were airborne, wings flapping, fists punching but there were simply too many soldiers against Phill and by the time they threw the slowness potion on him, his fists became hit like feathers.

Finally, Phill stopped struggling. He had about 10 soldiers on him holding him down. If he hadn't been given weakness and slowness potions he could have pushed these men off but now he couldn't.

Axel was laughing, jumping and clapping in excitement. 

"We caught the crow man! we caught the crow man! You know what this means Tom?"

Tom was still in shock.

"We can lure that beast and capture him too!" Axel turned to him.

Tom felt his heart beating he wanted this to stop. He didn't want to see his dad's wings tied with rope, his wrist chained behind his back or the collar with a long chain attached to it put on his neck.

"Come on Tom let's go present this to the King. Even if you are a victim of all this you are still just as important for your help in the capture of the crow man!"

Tom walked beside Axel he refused to look at his dad's glaring eyes.

what should have he done?

If he had helped his dad escape, even if it meant Dad would leave the city alone for good, they would have seen him as a traitor!

He just wanted this to stop.

Why is this happening?