
Different Sex Stories

Sex Stories From Different Sites. Short And Sometimes A Lil Bit Long Sex Stories... I haven't read all the stories so, i don't know if they contain NTR or not. if you find NTR, please mention it in the title comment so that people who don't like it can avoid it. Thanks! :) Enjoy all these stories...:) You can use these as a fap material, no one's gonna judge you ;) Ps: Cover Pic? Well, that's the cover of some manga on nhen*ai so, yeah just use Google scan...=_=))

TheGoddessSukuna · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs


"Yes," she moaned. "I ... ohhhh."

Sam squealed in my ear, and I gasped as her pussy tightened around me, her hips grinding into mine. As she released a series of soft yelps in my ear, Sam's arms and legs tightened around me. Her lips to my ear, she whispered, "I ... I love you, Justin."


"I ... I'm so in love you!" she said, and then cried out in my ear as her hips thrust harder into mine. She started to speak again, but all that came out was a long, high-pitched squeal as her pussy convulsed around me.

With a loud cry of my own, my body lost its battle to hold back and exploded inside her.

"Oh, yes!" she cried as I my hips pumped faster, each thrust ending in another spurt of cum deep inside her.

Sam squealed in delight and I whimpered at the sensation of her pussy contracting around me, milking my still squirting cock.

"God that feels so good!" she moaned. "I've never felt that before. It—ohh, yes." She sighed as my cock released another long, hot stream inside her.

"Oh, damn," I groaned as my spent cock gave up its last few drops.

"Hmm, that's it," she cooed as she stroked my hair, "give it all to me."

I slumped against her. Kissing my neck, she rubbed my back and spoke softly in my ear. "There you go, honey, just relax. Stay right here and let me hold you."

I closed my eyes and sighed at the feeling of my cock softening inside her. Sam lay beneath me stroking my hair and breathing heavy in my ear.

Releasing a deep breath, I rolled over onto my back and stared at the ceiling. "Oh, my god, I can't believe we just did that."

"Are you sorry you did?" she asked.

"Sam, I mean Samantha, that was ... beautiful."

"I like that." She giggled.

Rolling over onto her side, she slid up against me and put her arm across my waist.

My breathing slowing down, I put my arm around her shoulders and said, "Damn, I'm tired."

"So close your eyes and rest." She kissed my cheek and then resting her head on my shoulder, she asked, "Do you mind?"

"Not at all. You feel good close to me."

"So do you."

I closed my eyes and smiled. I couldn't ever remember being this relaxed. I lightly ran my fingers along Sam's shoulder and she cooed softly, nuzzling her face into my neck. I pulled her closer to me and kissed the top of her head, letting my head fall back on the pillow, my mind drifting.

* * * * *

I opened my eyes and turned my head to look at the nightstand. It was just after one. A couple of the candles had burned out.

Taking a deep breath, I smiled at the sweet scent of Sam. My smiled widened at the sensation of her warm, soft body next to mine. She had draped her leg across my thigh and the heat of her pussy pressed into me. Her breasts were pushing against my side and she was breathing deeply into my neck.

I lay there amazed at how good this felt. Actually sleeping with someone was something that had never crossed my mind. It felt far better than I would have imagined. I tightened my arm around Sam's shoulders and she whimpered into my neck. I kissed the top of her head.

A moment later she lifted her face from my neck, sighed, and said, "Wow, its late."

"Or early." I kissed her cheek. "Sam, that was incredible. I ... thank you." I felt stupid saying it but really had no idea what else to say.

"Hey, that's what friends are for," she said in a subdued tone.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah." She moved her leg from over mine and sat up.

The sight of her perfect tits caused my cock to respond all over again to the sight of her naked body. Reaching out, I ran my hand down the smooth skin of her back.

"Come here," I said, pulling gently on her arm for her to lie back down with me.

Sam pulled away from my touch. "No, I have to get going."

"You're leaving?" I sat up next to her. "You're not going to spend the night?"

"I can't." Sam slid over to the edge of the bed, swinging her legs over the side.

"Call your mom and tell her you're staying over at a friend's house and—"

"It's not about my mother. I told her I might not be coming home tonight."

"Then why are you?" I asked, confused.

"Justin, I"—Sam took a deep breath, and when she looked at me I was surprised to see that her eyes were wet—"I said something to you tonight and you ... you didn't answer me."

As soon as she spoke, I heard her plain as day telling me she loved me. I'd started to say something, but I'd cum and we'd fallen asleep. I'd been surprised she'd said it and hadn't been sure how I had felt, but after having her next to me and—

"And that's okay," she continued. "You didn't have to if you didn't feel it."

"Sam—Samantha ..." I started, but she went on speaking.

"But I had to say it. I've been in love with you for a while now, Justin. I ... I thought maybe you would notice or maybe say you felt the same way, but you just kept chasing girls like Jen. You were obsessed with her, and I figured there was no chance."

"You should have said—"

"When you called and said she cheated on you, I told myself tonight was the night. No more waiting for you to come around. I was going to not only tell you, but show you." She sighed. "I guess in a way I used you, took advantage of how bad you wanted sex, and used that to be with you. I figured if nothing else I could say I know what you feel like and maybe, just maybe, you would see me as more than a friend."

"Sam, trust me, I ... I see you very differently now."

"I'm sure you do. You've seen me as a woman and not just a tomboy who likes all the same things you do, but I was hoping for more."

"Well, I ... I wasn't expecting this and—"

"Just let me finish," she said, wiping her eyes. "Tonight was amazing. You felt even better than I thought you would. I ... I would love to spend the night, but we'd end up having sex again and then again in the morning and ... it's one thing to say I had sex with you so you would have a special first time."

"That I could tell myself was just sex, but if I spend the night it ... it would hurt too much if I sleep with you. I'll feel even worse, and I don't want to be a fuck buddy or a friend with benefits."

"Samantha, you're more than that. You're my—"

"Best friend, and I know that's all I am. I tried and it didn't work out for me, but at least I won't go to bed thinking about you and wondering anymore." She paused and then picked her dress up from the floor. "I'm going to ask that you don't tell anyone we were together. I ... I don't need to hear about it from anyone."

"I'd never tell people anything like that. Unless of course it was because—"

"My sister knows how I feel. She pushed me to come to you. She told me that even though guys try to play it off they never forget their first girl, so at least I know that no matter what happens as we get older you'll always remember me for something."

She started to stand, but I caught her arm. "Hey, hold on," I told her. "You did a lot of talking and didn't let me say anything just now."

"You don't have to. It's what you didn't say. That was enough."

"Sam, you caught me by surprise! I ... I never knew you felt that way."

"Don't worry, Justin. I'm not mad at you. I guess I should be mad at me."

"Sam, you're right. I will always remember tonight."

"I'm glad." She started to pull away, but I held onto her arm.

"Know what I'll remember?"

"That I give good head?" She rolled her eyes.

"You really are like a guy sometimes." I laughed but quickly turned serious when she didn't smile.

"What I'll remember is being amazed at how beautiful you really are. I'll remember how much I meant to you that you would be with me even if that's all it was. But mostly? I'll remember how good you felt when we were done. How good you felt lying here in my arms and falling asleep with me."


"Really, Samantha." Sliding over to her, I put my arms around her shoulders. "And there's one more thing I'll remember."

"What's that?"

"What a fucking stupid asshole I was for never seeing you as more than a friend. That it never hit me how much you care and how you've always been there for me."

"You have for me, too."

"No." I snapped my fingers. "There's one more thing about tonight."

"I ... I'd really like to go, Justin. I'll call you tomorrow and—"

"I'll never forget that the night we slept together for the first time was the first time I told you that"—placing my lips to her ear, I finished softly—"that I love you, too."

"You don't have to say that."

"I mean it. And it has nothing to do with the sex. It was lying here with you and how perfect you felt in my arms." I cupped her chin and turned her face to mine and kissed her. "I do love you, Samantha."

"Please don't be messing with me, Justin. I—"

I stopped her with a long, deep kiss. Leaning back against the headboard, I pulled her back onto the bed with me. Sam resisted for second and then dropped the dress and slid up next to me. As she had before, she wrapped her arm around my waist and put her head on my shoulder.

"I love you, Justin.." She said, "I want this to be the start of something for us, not a one-time thing."

"Then don't leave." I put my arm around her shoulders. "And we don't have to have sex again. You can just spend the night and—"

"Well, let's not get crazy." She giggled. "If I stay, we're fucking again."

"Fucking?" I laughed. "That's the Sam I know and love!"

"I don't want to be Sam to you anymore."

"Okay, but Samantha just isn't you." I snapped my fingers. "How about Sammi?"

"Sammi?" She kissed my neck. "I like that!"

"Sammi it is." I hugged her closer. "And I'll have no problem telling people we're together."

"Good. I'll be your dirty girl, but not your dirty secret."

"Dirty girl?" My cock stirred at her words.

"Hmm-mm" she said, laughing. "Making love was nice, and I'm sure we'll do that again. But for the most part, this girl wants to get fucked."

"I ... I think I can handle that."

"Good, and as much as I loved you cumming inside me the first time, I'll let you, you know, cum on me if you want."

"On you?" I smiled as my mind filled with sexy images. "Like on your tits?"

"Tits? I was thinking on my face, but sure, you can cum on my tits."

"You'd let me cum on your face?" My cock hardened, and I moaned when Sam noticed and reached down and took it in her hand.

"Why not?" she asked as she stroked me. "That's what friends are for." She giggled.

"No, Sammi," I told her, turning my head and kissing her, "that's what girlfriends are for."


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