
Chapter 31 Luo Ge Exploration Team

 "Hey hey hey, hey hey hey, ah ha ha ha ha~~"

  Wei Yuan waved the big stick in his hand as he hurried on, in a state of high spirits and unable to extricate himself.

  The chicken legs didn't dare to lie on his shoulders, for fear that he would hit him with the stick.

  Chicken legs: The poor man picked up gold nuggets!

  After all the hard work of burning incense for Mr. Guan, strengthening the cards, and eating, it was already afternoon by the time one person and one cat were on their way.

  Time is limited, so be sure to take a look at the blood mine today.

  Since Wei Yuan has seen through that this world is the fusion of the first act of Diablo 2, it is naturally impossible for him not to have any unreasonable thoughts. He had played the first act dozens of times and was very familiar with it. As for the back, I haven't beaten it...

  Queen of Pain Andariel (I don't know what she is called in the current world) naturally doesn't dare to think about it, but I have to try those main quests, right?

  Especially the two missions "Evil Cave Corpse on Fire" and "Necropolis Bloodbird".

  Regarding the "Evil Cave", I got some information from Billie Zhou and the old fairy Li Weihong.

  It's just that Billy Zhou only knew that this mission would happen once a year, but the content always changed; but the old fairy felt that Wei Yuan was incompetent with his current strength and asked him to train again...

  As for the "Blood Bird" mission, the information is more Young Master, all he knew was to get the approval of Xia Yanan, the camp security captain, and then go to Chaoyanggou Cemetery to kill the former Houyi master who turned into an undead.

  Now I still have to complete some small tasks. One is to brush up my reputation and favorability with the old fairy, and the other is to upgrade quickly.

  With Wei Yuan's current strength, thinking about anything else would be too much.

  Wei Yuan finally recovered from his excitement, but the drumstick suddenly stopped and his ears pricked up.

  "I seem to hear the sound of fighting!"

  Wei Yuan pointed to the distance, "You heard it, but I saw it! Get ready to fight!"

  Chicken Legs jumped up on a section of the wall to look into the distance, and then exclaimed: " Wow! So many zombies!"

  Not far away, several people were retreating in embarrassment, followed by dozens of zombies chasing them.

  These zombies also look different. They are all green and black, their limbs are complete and full of muscles, and they move much faster. They look like high-end goods.

  "We need some help!" Wei Yuan said. He glanced around and saw that there were many broken walls and ruins. The terrain was complex and very narrow, making it suitable for sniping at the corpses.

  Wei Yuan stretched out his hand and said, "Chicken Legs, knock down this wall, and I'll help them!" Then he rushed towards those people.

  "Ah? Wait! You want me to push the wall? I'm just a poor little kitten!" Chicken Legs helplessly shook his fat and looked at the wall.

  Among those people were a white girl holding a long staff, a man with weak legs and feet holding a short bone staff, and an athletic young man holding a bow and arrow; the remaining two people with broken backs, One is a very tall woman with short hair, and the other is a middle-aged man wearing full body armor.

  These five people fought and retreated, trying to get rid of the zombies, but the zombies were much faster than normal and more resistant to fighting. If you fell, I would pounce on them and keep fighting.

  In order to avoid misunderstanding, Wei Yuan shouted from a distance: "Hey, you run this way, we can hold it here!"

  Those people heard Wei Yuan's shouting, exchanged a few words and rushed here.

  The reason why Wei Yuan asked them to run this way was because there was still one to three floors of a building here. As long as you guard the entrance, you won't be afraid of being surrounded by corpses.

  At this time, the sound of the wall collapsing came from behind Wei Yuan, and the chicken legs came out from the dust: "It turns out that pushing the wall is not difficult! Just lean on it and it will fall~" The

  collapsed wall further blocked the entrance and exit.

  At this time, the few people running in front had already come closer, and Wei Yuan quickly led them into the broken building.

  Wei Yuan and others went up the stairs to the second floor, and the two men behind the scenes also entered the house. While beating the zombies severely with their weapons, they went up the stairs in an orderly manner.

  "Get out of the way!" Wei Yuan shouted and threw the iron cabinet he picked up from the stairs. The two people quickly leaned against the wall to hide.

  The iron cabinet hit several zombies at the back who had stiff joints and had trouble going upstairs. The two people took the opportunity to go up to the second floor.

  At this time, those people were moving things to completely block the stairway. Wei Yuan quickly stopped him: "Wait! We can't leave the corpses alone! Let me come and I'll clean them up!" His

  expression was righteous and awe-inspiring, just as he had sworn before. It was exactly the same when I joined the Young Pioneers.

  These aboriginal survivors naturally hide when they can and are unwilling to waste any energy on these zombies who have basically no loot to speak of, but Wei Yuan is different!

  How can he level up without killing monsters?

  He threw a lot of things down the stairs one after another, blocking half of the stairs. It was difficult enough to let the zombies go upstairs, but now they can only go up one by one.

  Wei Yuan was holding a cold ghost gold stick in one hand and a long metal stick that he had picked up temporarily in the other. The zombies came up and swung the ghost gold stick against their heads. These zombies were much more powerful than the ones he encountered in the suburbs. They were like big truck tires full of air, and they would bounce back when hit with the stick.

  However, Wei Yuan's Ghost Gold Rod has been upgraded and has three properties: heavy hit, headshot, and evil-proofing. Hitting the head is very effective and can kill you in two or three hits!

  When encountering zombies that were so skinny that they had to hold up their arms to resist two sticks, Wei Yuan used the long iron stick in his hand to stab them down.

  These zombies are inherently unstable and can roll down the stairs if pushed.

  And those few people would also help, which made Wei Yuan feel much more relaxed.

  Seeing Wei Yuan happily knocking five or six zombies to death, the more he knocked, the more excited he got, and the situation was under certain control. Several people felt relieved.

  "We are the Our Lady's Rose Exploration Team at Camp Luoge. Thank you for your help, friend." The man who spoke was the man wearing full body armor, one of the two people behind the scene.

  He is in his thirties, has a stubble, is a typical Northeastern man and looks very strong. He looks like the captain of this small team.

  Due to the shortage of resources, full body armor is quite expensive in Luo Ge Camp! I'm afraid he can't afford one or two hundred yuan for this!

  "Hello, I'm Wei Yuan. I just came out of the camp. You're welcome~"

  Wei Yuan smashed the head of a green-skinned zombie with a stick and then pushed the corpse down with a long pole, feeling the energy level. It kept rising, and I felt so good.

  When they heard that Wei Yuan was also from Luo Ge's camp, they became much friendly and relaxed. Wei Yuan was fighting monsters just now, and these people were very vigilant and did not dare to relax.

  The monsters in this world are scary, but sometimes they're not as good as they are.

  Of course, Wei Yuan, who has been living in the native world for twelve years, is not a fool. Although he looks like he has been beating zombies with a stick, Chicken Leg has been pretending to be an ordinary little fat cat, hiding in the corner and observing a few people.

  If someone is up to something evil, Wei Yuan's pea hand cannons and Five Thunder Orders, which he had prepared long ago, will be unleashed!

  "Are you a Katu?" The white girl holding a staff nearly as tall as a person asked in Chinese with a weird accent.

  "Yes! How do you know?" Wei Yuan kicked a zombie over and asked without looking back.

  "Is there any need to guess?" the girl said, "It seems that you have a deep hatred for the monsters and want to kill all the monsters with your own hands. You are the only Kadu disciples." "

  Katyusha, you can't be so rude." The leader of the whole body Uncle A said.

  The tall, short-haired woman, who was also one of the two people behind, slapped the man in full armor on the shoulder and shouted boldly: "Hey, what is this! How can a big man be so petty? Yes. Isn't it?" The last "isn't it" was addressed to Wei Yuan.

  As she spoke, she pulled out a one-handed ax and helped Wei Yuan chop down a zombie.

  "Don't worry, people in the world don't stick to trivial matters." Wei Yuan replied with a smile.

  "Brother, you are such a cheerful person! Hahaha~" This may be to the taste of this eldest sister, she smiled very happily.

  Dozens of zombies, and with the occasional help from a few people, it took nearly two hours to knock them all to death.

  The corpses on the first floor were already stacked together.

  Fortunately, it was a brainless zombie, if the other monsters had escaped, they would have been gone.

  In two hours, Wei Yuan was promoted to level 3! He had never thought about such a good thing!

  Where did these big brothers and sisters come from? If he hadn't run out of money, he would have given some monster attracting subsidies to a few of them!

  After dealing with the zombies, everyone cleans up the battlefield. Since it's not a powerful monster, there are some small pieces of junk.

  Wei Yuan had already gotten a big advantage, so he didn't plan to take it anymore.

  It's just that the five of them are also very particular people, and they say that these are all obtained by Wei Yuan's hard work by smashing the zombie's head. If it weren't for Wei Yuan, they would have had a lot of effort to get rid of the zombie. They suffered. Well deserved.

  In the end, Wei Yuan disposed of these "rags" with these committee explorers at a low price on the grounds that he was a card disciple and could not use many things and it was not easy to carry them.

  The trophies are mainly some materials from the zombies, such as zombie nails (white), zombie eyes (white), a piece of tough human skin (white), the zombie's only brain (green), dead bacteria (green)...and

  ... Some tattered equipment, worn leather gloves (white), old fake Nike shoes (white), warm dog skin hat (white), broken toad mirror (white) and the like.

  Wei Yuan naturally has no use for it, and it is not cost-effective to occupy energy levels for these junk equipment. Not to mention wearing a dog-skin hat in the summer.

  But these explorers took these "junk" back and were able to process and renovate them again. Materials can also be used to create other things.

  In the end, Wei Yuan's equipment only left a belt, as well as a total of fifty-six Huanglong City coins that were exploded from the zombies and given by several explorers.

  [Super strong portable belt (white)]

  [Normal level equipment card/armor/belt]

  [Toughness: +1 armor, and not easily damaged. ]

  [Portable belt: There are four pockets that can hold small items, which is convenient for storing medicines and the like. ]

  [(occupies 1 energy level)]

  ["Made of two layers of old cowhide, strong and durable. Take good care of it and pass it on to your son!"] The

  attribute of armor is a kind of defense that is evenly distributed throughout the body, just like There is an invisible film on the surface of the body, which can reduce certain injuries. But at 1 o'clock, it can only be said to be better than nothing.

  However, after receiving fifty-six coins, Wei Yuan's already dry pocket became bulging again!

  This is called: murder and arson with a gold belt, and come back again after all the gold is gone!

  What a poem, what a poem~

   Do you still have tickets?

    Here are two, I will write a poem for you~

  (End of chapter)