
Chapter 1: spore

who am I?

   Where is this?

   At the moment when this living entity subconsciously recognizes the'self', two problems like these arise.

   Surrounding environment, darkness is the theme, absolutely darkness, without a trace of light.

Living bodies can feel that they are being held in motion by certain forces, moving up or down, forward or backward, or left or right, sometimes making a sharp turn, or under the conflict of two forces, Being thrown in a direction where you don't know where you will arrive, there is no rule to follow.

   Where am I going?

   Such a question still surfaced in the subconscious of the living body.

  In this absolutely dark world, life forms are not the only existence. There are many things in the absolute darkness around them.

   In this world without light, living entities cannot understand the concept of'seeing', but this does not prevent living entities from recognizing the existence of objects in the dark.

   Under the forces surging everywhere, things in the dark often collide with life forms, and then they are separated by the force.

   The emergence of the subconscious mind does not bring any changes to the living body. It has been so muddled since its birth, and it has always been like this.

   Chaos and chaos, as if there is no future, as if everything now is the whole of this world.

   This situation continues until the living body comes into contact with an unexpected visitor.

This contact is different from those in the past. The unexpected visitor did not separate after the collision, but kept tightly attached to the living body. Even the ubiquitous forces failed to remove them. The fit and split.

   For the first time, the living body felt a 'sense of crisis'. This was a warning signal from its subconscious, which was calling it-run away! Run!

   It is not only the subconscious mind, but also the pure biological instinct that is urging-your life is under threat, act quickly, there will be no chance if you don't act!

   The life body moved, this time it was no longer being trapped by those turbulent forces, but instead using these forces to change its position, it seemed that the schematic diagram used this method to get rid of the guy attached to it.

   But unfortunately, this kind of action is nothing but futile.

   The living body can feel that the'foreign body' invades the'inside' from the outside.

   At this moment, not only did the living body feel that it had lost anything, but it had more. The shackles that it had been carrying seemed to be released.

   "There is no sign of massive replication... Fortunately... It's a mild phage..."

   The life form thought in shock, but other questions followed.

   "...What is 'copy'?"

   "What is the'mild phage'?"

   The living entity doesn't understand why it expresses this, it was completely subconscious just now.

   I don't understand these questions, so the living body gives up thinking.

   With the previous events, some changes have taken place in the mode of action of the living body. It is no longer a matter of resignation and letting those forces drift around, but takes the initiative to ride these flowing forces and move forward without a destination.

   What is the purpose of doing this?

   The living body doesn't know, it just does things by instinct, and instinctively feels that it is correct to do so. As for why it is correct, it will not think about it.

The change of the living body this time is not only a change in the mode of action, but also the way the living body perceives-it finds that it can see its own inside clearly, rather than the previous one. The darkness, the cognition of the world, there is only one point centered on itself.

The shape of the    sphere is like a balloon filled with water. In the conflict of those forces, it changes its shape, and then returns to its original state after the power disappears.

  The soft outer membrane plays a role in maintaining the internal stability of the living body and protecting the body in those conflicts of power.

The core of    is a mess, like a sphere of instant noodles, located in the center of the living body.

   This is the whole body of life.

   "This is... a cell?"

   This kind of cognition subconsciously emerged from the living body, followed by questions and confusion.

   "What is'cell'?"

   Of course, there is no clue. It is just a single-celled organism. It is a biological miracle to have such a recognition.


   The living body establishes its own goal, which is the goal driven by the purest instinct over thinking.

   Under this desire, the messy core inside began to loosen up.

The living body can see that the helical bimolecular chains stretch out into a straight line like a ladder, and then the ladder is divided into two from the middle and split into two incomplete single chains, which are free between the core and the outer membrane. The substance in the space is consciously pulled and combined with the split single strand to form a new double strand.

   a double-stranded helix forms a core, and both cores exist in a single cell at the same time.

   The excess core stimulates the outer membrane, and the outer membrane begins to expand, expanding the original outer membrane volume.

   I don't know how long it took, this instinctive behavior of the living body finally reached the final step—a thin film appeared between the two cores, and a single cell completely became two individuals.

   Thus, the self-replication behavior of the single cell is completed.

At the moment of completion, a strange feeling emerged from the living body. Just like the previous encounter with the bacteriophage, a certain shackle was opened, as if the animal trapped on the ground had grown wings and soared in the blue sky, as if it was disabled. The patient has complemented his body and is able to move on his own-how free it is.

   However, this situation did not last long.

   In the living body and the duplicate body, separated under those surging forces, the strange feeling also disappeared. The beast's wings were broken and fell back to the ground. The disabled were again missing and unable to live alone.

   The lock was closed again.

   "So bad..."

The life body is instinctively bored with this feeling. No life likes to be bound. After feeling the freedom after'unlocking', it is impossible for a life body with contrast to be satisfied with the current situation, even if it is actually born from the beginning. Stay in this environment all the time.

   It instinctively began to call that copy, and it hoped that the copy could come back and return to the previous state of 'fitting' with each other.

   But it is useless. Its call is only the bioelectricity within the self, and the life form that cannot transmit information, but is an isolated island, and it is impossible to call back the separated copy.

   So, does the life experience just give up?

  Of course not, life is free, and life can always find a way out.

   The life body started its new attempt.