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Fernrir_Zero999 · Others
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142 Chs

Chapter 35 My beautiful girl living with me from another world?

 The two commissions of "Conquering the underground labyrinth" and "Conquering the poisonous monsters" brought a total of 35 gold coins to Night City.

  Coupled with those miscellaneous Warcraft materials, Night City gained another 500 gold coins after being acquired by the Adventurer's Guild.

  Then he sold the information later, and he earned more than 100 gold coins, plus the treatment fee given by the elf girl.

  It was during this trip that Ye Cheng earned nearly 700 gold coins. Based on the exchange ratio of gold coins to copper coins, Ye City earned Shima Yosuke in more than nine figures during this trip. After all, the latter's The price is only three copper coins.

  "Miss Suo Ya, this is the money I borrowed from you before, and the rent I am going to pay you. Please don't refuse."

  After making a big profit, Ye Cheng naturally hurriedly paid back the money he owed before . and expressed his gratitude to Sonja.

  Sonya originally wanted to decline politely, but considering that Ye City is not short of money now, and with its strength, it is certain that he will become richer and richer, so he reached out and took the gold coins handed over by Ye City.

  "This..., I seem to have given you too much. Yecheng, even if the rent is included in it, it shouldn't be that much."

  Sonya reached out to take the bag handed over by Yecheng, and as soon as she opened it, she found that there was something inside. The amount of gold coins was far greater than the amount he had lent to Ye City before.

  "Please don't mind it. The extra money is the interest I paid. It is only natural to lend money to interest. What's more,

  Miss Sonja's risk in lending me money before was so high. As a new adventurer, maybe this time I was thrown into the street during the mission. At that time, the money that Miss Sonja lent me would have been wasted.

  Huge risks will naturally lead to high returns. If Miss Sonja did not accept the money, , I will feel bad about it."

  After hearing Ye Cheng's analysis, Sonya retracted the hand that she originally planned to extend, and then said with a smile: "If that's the case, then I won't be polite. .

  But now everyone in the guild probably doesn't dare to think that you are a new adventurer. I have never seen a new adventurer jump directly from E-level to A-level adventurer five times in a row. .

  If it weren't for the fact that adventurers of S-level and above need approval from the headquarters and complete corresponding assessment tasks, the president would have directly promoted you to S-level." "I did

  n't expect that in just over a week, Yecheng, you would become our You are the most popular person in the guild.

  Now even if my sister doesn't deliberately take care of you, the adventurers here will respect you. After all, they have all taken advantage of you."

  Listening to Sonja, she looked sour. With his tone, Ye Cheng instantly put on a mask of pain and said, "I really didn't know that thing was so valuable. If I had known that the poisonous dragon was a rare commodity, I would have dragged it back to the city even if I was exhausted. Here."

  As soon as he talked about this, someone in Yecheng felt a twinge of pain. According to what Sonya said, all kinds of materials on the Demonic Poison Dragon are priceless, even the flesh and blood containing highly poisonous substances. Although It is not edible, but can be used to make potions.

  If you can hunt down a Demonic Poison Dragon, its price is conservatively estimated to be over tens of thousands of gold coins!

  But such precious materials were thrown away by Ye Cheng as if they were rubbish...

  The price of the poisonous dragon materials that Ye City brought back could actually be sold for thousands of gold coins. After all, he collected them all. Special parts such as dragon claws, dragon teeth, dragon horns, and dragon tail.   

  However, Ye Cheng had no intention of selling these materials. Instead, he planned to use them as materials and entrust the town's top blacksmiths to help make a long knife and other equipment.

  He was originally able to go straight to a well-off life and live a life of eating and waiting to die in another world, but in the end, he missed out on hundreds of millions because of his own operations.

  It is normal for those adventurers to be grateful and enthusiastic about themselves now, because after purchasing information from Night City, they also found the place where Night City abandoned the Demonic Poison Dragon's body.

  Although the original corpse of the poisonous dragon had been eaten away by some wild beasts and poisonous poisons, nothing was left, but just by picking up some dragon bones and dragon scales, these adventurers made a small profit of dozens of gold coins.

  Ye Cheng, who left the Adventurer's Guild in the evening, learned from his experience and decided that his first goal now is to learn space storage skills. If he can't learn it or no one is willing to teach him, then space equipment must be arranged as soon as possible.

  Experiencing blood loss once was enough. He, Ye City, would not let such history repeat itself a second time!

  After running around for many days and having a lot of money now, Ye Cheng went to the tavern to have a good meal, and then decided to go home and rest first, and then think about weapon forging and space equipment tomorrow.

  The pub that Yicheng chose happened to be the same one that sold Shima Yosuke before, and the person who entertained Yicheng was still the same boss with a cruel face.

  However, when Ye Cheng luxuriously ordered a table of luxurious dishes worth 3 gold coins, the tavern owner was not as enthusiastic as before, but asked Ye Cheng to show off his financial resources first.

  It was enough for him to do a loss-making business once. Now an experienced tavern owner, he said that he would never be cheated on for nothing a second time.

  Ye Cheng didn't talk nonsense about this, and directly threw a small bag of gold coins on the table. When the golden coins fell out of the bag, the boss with a sinister face also fully demonstrated in front of him what the ultimate beauty is. art.

  After having enough wine and food, Ye Cheng followed his memory and returned to the house rented to him by Sonja.

  He didn't even live in the house that Sonja rented to him. He simply tidied up his room before leaving.


  When he saw this scene in front of him, Ye Cheng was stunned for a moment. Then before the other party could react, he quickly closed the door and gave himself a slap. .

  "Did I just get drunk? So now I'm hallucinating?

  But even if there is a hallucination, why is she the one who appears? It is undeniable that her appearance is not bad, but in terms of figure, what about B Comparable to Sister Hana and Rangiku's E and F?"

  "Well, I must have opened it the wrong way just now. Let's try it again!" After

  comforting himself, Ye Cheng put his hand on the doorknob again. Go up and push the door open...

  However, what he saw was not the so-called beautiful scenery, but an orange-haired girl with a shy face. At this moment, she was wielding a long sword with a bright red face. , put it on his neck!

  (End of chapter)