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Fernrir_Zero999 · Others
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142 Chs

Chapter 335 The real showdown! Jiang Fan VS Devil's Son!

on the other side.

Inside the demon ship.

The atmosphere is high.

A group of demons is like a festival.

All of them had excited expressions on their faces.

previous duel.

And let all the demons.


The power of the emperor!

Appearance of Variant Water Spirit and Stormborn.

Just let the demons such as Irik know.

Except for the devil's son.

No demon is the emperor's opponent.

Not to mention the youth behind.

After seeing the blue bird figure with a terrifying aura above the sky.

A devil.

There was a hint of despair in my heart.

such a powerful creature.

Can the Devil's Son handle it?

But the Devil's Son gave everyone a huge surprise.


Force the emperor to take the initiative to admit defeat!

If you don't admit defeat.

This is a blue bird that was finally cultivated.

It will probably be killed on the spot!

"As soon as the emperor loses, it is estimated that the morale of the opponent will drop greatly. If you don't say too much, the battle on this planet will be much easier.

Elek said excitedly.

"no no."

The Devil's Son shook his head and said, "What you think is too simple.


Elek doesn't know why.

"There will be no more fighting."

The devil's son Illidan smiled slightly and said: "The high level of the endless star field...

"Let the people of the emperor... give up this planet voluntarily."

The voice just fell.

It was when I heard the excited voice of a tall demon say: "The news I just received.""

"The Star Palace has ordered."

"Let the emperor and others take the initiative to withdraw from this planet! 35



All the demons were slightly taken aback.



The excitement on the face is even stronger!

this means...

This planet will be since the demon invasion.

The first source planet captured.

First battle won!

The demons are still discussing.

What about the next celebration party?

But let the demons include the sons of demons.

It's a little surprising that...

Several hours passed.

The other side did not intend to retreat.

"What happened again".?"

Ilic asked with a slight frown.

"It's okay.

The Devil's Son said indifferently: "If the opponent still retreats within an hour, we will take the initiative to attack."

And on the side of the endless star field.

Although I heard the order to retreat.

Makes people feel very helpless.

But one by one understands.

In this situation.

It is impossible to continue fighting.

Get out as soon as possible.

It's better to reinvigorate.

"did not expect...

The drunkard shook his head helplessly, and said, "We haven't really fought yet, so we just conceded defeat.

Next to Fire Song, Baroque, Ice Moon Saintess and others.

One by one is also very unwilling.

"It's not impossible if you want to stay."

Mu Liang smiled.


The drunkard and Huoge showed a hint of doubt.

"It takes the captain's decision.

Mu Liang looked at Jiang Fan and said, "There is an old saying... that the generals will be exempted from orders abroad.

"As the Supreme Commander of the Planet. 39

"It is possible to veto the above order according to the situation..."


"Of course."

"It's a joke.

Saying that, Mu Liang laughed himself.

Everybody knows.

Now is not a special case.



Jiang Fan himself showed a smile and said, "I have this idea."


The drunkard, Huo Ge, and Mu Liang were slightly quiet.

Just thought Jiang Fan was joking.

But think carefully.

Based on their knowledge of Jiang Fan.

It is impossible to make such a joke.


The alcoholic stared at Jiang Fan with an unprecedented dignified look.

Mu Liang, Lan Yue, Huo Ge and others also looked over.


Jiang Fan nodded and said, "I don't think we should lose before we fight."

Say so.


Jiang Fan had expected it long ago.

The Emperor is no match for the Devil's Son!

Confront the terrifying doomsday demon.

Blue Birds are no match.

Only admit defeat.

But the Great Wilderness Army is not afraid.

While the two sides are fighting.

The team of scholars of the Great Wilderness Army.

We are making every effort to observe the situation on both sides.

If possible.

I also want to directly replace the blue bird.

What's more!

as the supreme commander of the planet.

Jiang Fan wouldn't allow himself to just... slump back!

Don't wait for the alcoholic to continue questioning.

Jiang Fan paused for a while, then said again: Jing, "The next duel, let me do it.

"You're going to... fight the Devil's Son?"

The drunkards understood in an instant.

Shocked in his eyes.


Even cultivating such a powerful emperor was defeated.

Are you really going to challenge?

Jiang Fan nodded slightly.

Jiang Fan's situation here.

It was quickly reported to Liang He above.

"Jiang Fan, are you sure?"

Liang He immediately asked, "Are you really going to challenge the Devil's Son?"

"Very certain."

Jiang Fan's tone was affirmative.

Liang He was silent for a while.

He asked, "Have you thought about it?


Jiang Fan smiled slightly.

"Okay, I'll report it.

Liang He immediately reported Jiang Fan's decision.

"What? He's a newcomer, going to challenge... the devil's son?"

Inside the star palace who got the news.

The big bosses were shocked at the same time.

All frowned.

"Bullshit! 35

An old big man (Wang Zhao) scolded: "Although the emperor is defeated, Jiang Fan's talent is not inferior to the devil's son, and there are still opportunities behind.

"Why are you in such a hurry to challenge now?"

This is also the unanimous idea of ​​many bigwigs.

I thought Jiang Fan was young and energetic.

Too proud!

The emperor just failed.

One of the main reasons why the big guys are not so desperate is that...

There is also a Jiang Fan here in the Endless Star Territory.

Light on talent.

It can be said.

Jiang Fan is probably stronger than Emperor Zi!

Grow well in the future.

Not necessarily worse than Son of the Devil.

In this situation.

It is absolutely impossible to confront the Devil's Son right now.

Once it fails.

It will bring a big blow to Jiang Fan's heart.

Thus affecting the future growth path!!

PS: I will break out more for the big guys later.