
Different Lovers

They live in a society that is stereotypical. These two lovers are not like the others one fear of the way people will react, the other doesn't care what they think about there love. They dont see themself as lovers a first but they end up falling madly in love with each other they would do anything for each other.

Yetica · Teen
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6 Chs


Hello I'm Blair am about to be 17 and I live in a small town called Louis (yes I know it's a old fashioned name) it was named after the founder families many many years ago. This town is divided into 3 main groups, the high class, midd class and gangsters or the miss fitts.

I am proud to be who I am and dont care what people think about me, yes I am Blair the gangster. People act very negatively when they are around us like we might do something to them I mean not all of us are like that.

The school I go to is really big but the only thing is that there is only one high school in the entire town and elementary and middle school are combined. Some people from different class stand being close to a ganster, even some teachers are like that I really dont care unless they treat me like trash then that's when we do have a problem.

I mostly hang out with my friends which consist of five people Eric, Jacob, Andrew, Skyler and me, the baby of the group, we are pretty much family. Every Sunday we go out somewhere just to have funny, one time we made fake IDs to get into this bar it didn't work, I'm not the type to drink or do drugs but I guess its ok to try new stuff.(dont actually drink or do drugs it bad for you).

My family and I get along just fine, sometimes we try not to get in each other's way. We also have a family day on Fridays and sometimes my friends come with us too. My mother remarried to James who had two sons, Alex and Carlos, and a daughter, Kathrine.