
Different Dimension infinite Cheats

Character travelling through different dimensions. Season 1; Anime. Witness the rise of Eero in the Dimensions of Famous anime, movies and novels. 1st Dimension; Dragon Ball 2nd Dimension; Danmachi 3rd Dimension; Overlord 4th Dimension; Naruto Stay tuned for Eero most excited journey, Chapter Release - Schedule, 5 - 10 Chapter's each Week. ... patreon.com/ChaosGray Join me on Patreon for advance chapter's, Voting, Opinions and much more.

Chaos_Gray · Anime & Comics
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211 Chs

Chapter 47 Towa

As Tien, Piccolo, Vegeta, Krillin, and Yamcha watched, they began to doubt Gohan's power.

In a heated battle between Gohan and Super Perfect Cell, the Kamehameha wave grew and grew.

Even though Cell nearly overtook Gohan several times, Gohan was aided by his father during the battle, who encouraged him and supported him against Super Perfect Cell. With this encouragement,

Gohan was finally in the right state of mind to put forth his full power, which seemingly brought the Kamehameha duel to a standstill.

Everyone but Vegeta also assisted him, in a four-sided attack. The distraction helped Gohan push his power even further. But it still was not enough.

Vegeta, caught in his pride, ponders over whether to go help Gohan or stay on the sidelines.

Finally, Vegeta's better side brought him to power up to maximum and go help Gohan.

Even though Gohan was giving it all of his power, Super Perfect Cell begins to take a huge upper hand in the struggle once again, which leaves everyone, even Goku and Gohan, very worried.

Cell was about to fully overtake Gohan, and the Earth and everything on it were about to be destroyed when suddenly a surprise Galick Blazer from Vegeta appeared. But Super Perfect Cell didn't care; his mouth turned evilly. "This time, I will destroy this planet at all costs," he declared.

Gohan's face changed, feeling the increasing pressure.

Eero's mouth curved with a smile as he sat on an audience chair, drinking pineapple juice. He reduced Cell's motion, and his attack intensity also decreased, despite his changing face and horror.

Gohan's eyes lit up, feeling the intensity of Cell's attack instantly reducing, and he unleashed all the rest of his strength into the Kamehameha wave, which overwhelmed Super Perfect Cell's Kamehameha and enveloped him in enormous energy.

As Super Perfect Cell's body disintegrated, it became obvious that he couldn't understand how he had been defeated again. His core was the last thing to burn up in the Kamehameha, and its destruction marked the moment of Super Perfect Cell's death.

Everyone was exhausted, especially Gohan, who had used up nearly all his energy to defeat Super Perfect Cell. Despite his extreme fatigue and injuries, Gohan could only smile as the Z Fighters looked upon him with pride, and Goku told him how proud he was of him.

Gohan then turned and glanced in the audience's direction, his brow furrowed.

'I felt a familiar feeling from there, as if someone was helping me just now,' Gohan thought to himself, then shook his head.


Eero appeared on the empty hill, looking around. He put the demoness Towa outside the storage panel and released her Neuron points.

Instantly, she opened her eyes, confused at first, then becoming alert. She sat up and jumped away, looking at Eero sitting on a round stone alertly.

"Don't try to struggle. Listen to me carefully. Your body is blocked by me, including your Qi. Also, this is another timeline. You have been staying in my cage for almost a year, but time for you was an instant, as you were in a coma," Eero informed calmly.

Towa raised her head in surprise, then turned and looked around. Glancing at Eero, she spoke calmly, "What do you want? You haven't killed me at that time, which means you want something from me."

Eero nodded with a smile and praised, "Smart, as expected of the Demon Queen. I want your time travel technique."

"Impossible. I can't give it to you. Also, no mortal can learn it. It requires God Qi. Change your condition to something else, sign a contract with me, and you will be able to travel to different timelines freely, as a time breaker, using my mark," Towa shook her head, rejecting the offer and offering an alternative way, schemingly.

Eero's mouth curved with a smile as he appeared beside her instantly, grabbing her chin calmly and looking at her deeply in the eyes. "I can see through your schemes. That was my choice for you. If you tell me the technique truthfully, when I confirm you didn't lie, I will release you," Eero reminded expressionlessly.

Looking at Eero's expressionless face and deep purple eyes as if containing everything, Towa's eyes widened in horror. She felt a chill in her soul, and every cell, and even her God Qi, became restless slowly. If she rejected this offer, her future would be miserable.

'Who is this guy? He is just a mortal, but why is my divine origin trembling and creaking as if witnessing some kind of horror? Why am I feeling ultimate fear? What kind of fear is this?' Towa's mind became chaotic.

Eero released her chin and backed away calmly, standing at the edge of the cliff, and started watching the sun setting in the horizon while enjoying the breeze. 'Let her think for a while. She definitely realized the consequences. Now, I am a lot stronger than before; surely, my Qi must have frightened her a lot by now,' he thought to himself, while paying attention to the thoughtful Towa behind.

After a while, Towa raised her head, glanced at Eero standing back and his flickering hair in the air behind.

"I will teach you the time travel technique, but I want you to do something for me in return," Towa spoke after suppressing her brainstorming.

Eero's mouth curved with a victorious smile, then became serious as he turned around, looking at Towa. "What thing? I will not do anything evil."

Towa shook her head and replied, "I don't want you to do anything like that, nor am I interested in doing those things again. I want you to seal me away like before, forever."

Eero was speechless, looking at her strangely. 'I haven't attacked her head, have I?'

He couldn't contain his curiosity and asked, "Why do you want me to seal you again?"

Towa shook her head, and replied, "It's just that I realized there is no need to do all those things and wreak havoc for no reason, disturbing the timeline."