
Different Dimension infinite Cheats (Anime)

Character travelling through different dimensions. Season 1; Anime. Witness the rise of Eero in the Dimensions of Famous anime, movies and novels. 1st Dimension; Dragon Ball 2nd Dimension; Danmachi 3rd Dimension; Overlord 4th Dimension; Naruto 5th Dimension; One Piece Stay tuned for Eero most excited journey, Chapter Release - Schedule, 5 - 10 Chapter's each Week. ... patreon.com/ChaosGray Join me on Patreon for advance chapter's, Voting, Opinions and much more.

Chaos_Gray · Anime & Comics
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249 Chs

Chapter 192 They are?

Four months passed.

Aoi was sitting on the ground, in the middle of the grassy lawn, when a light breeze caressed his body. Instantly, grass and other plants grew a little around his body; even a small sapling emerged outside through different parts of his body.

Aoi opened his eyes, flickering with vitality, and muttered, "As expected, wood can bring hope and vitality." He raised his hand. A small sapling grew out from the middle of his palm and turned into a stem with a few flowers above it. 

"Combining fire, wind, water, and earth not only gave me the wood bloodline limit as I thought, it also gave me the Yang attribute; although it's in the awakening stage, I can feel it; my chakra is increasing at an alarming rate." Aoi muttered, feeling his body and cells are cheering, as if some dormant DNA in his body had been complemented and repaired.

'Kaguya has a Byakugan and a Rinnegan; Hagoromo and Hamura have them split; then Hagoromo has Rinnegen and a Sage body; Indra and Ashura split it up. One got his Sage body, and the other got his Sharingan. It's like half of their powers disappeared.' Aoi thought to himself, 

'The reason is probably, their half genes were dormant because of human race blood in their bodies, which means Ashura can awaken Sharingan; if he awakens those dormant genes in his body like me, then he will upgrade to Rinnegen.' Aoi thought that according to gene theory, genes are based on a genetic code; if someone controls that code, he can return to his ancestors.

"That gene code is hard to control, but I can awaken my dormant genes by triggering the condition of awakening. Just like now, combining four elements gave me a Yang attribute, which is available only in Ashura descendants, not Indra and Uchiha."

"I assume that even those previous attributes awakening after learning fire chakra nature were not a coincidence; my body is special, which may be because of my resurrection talent, because each resurrection repairs the cells I squished and destroyed; such destruction and repair somehow triggered the dormant genes inside my body one by one." Aoi muttered and nodded thoughtfully, his eyes lit up, feeling his assumption was accurate; even if it's not completely true, he is near the truth.

'If Kaguya didn't conceive human children in this world, then such a reduction in her descendants' genes wouldn't occur.' Aoi thought, then stood up, looking at the early sun rays calmly. The human gene chain is inherently locked; each new generation dorms and discards almost half the gene information.

I don't know who locked it or what's behind it. If the human gene chain wasn't locked, then they would also be one of the top races among all the dimensions with unknown powers.

Aoi shook his head, removed such philosophical thoughts from his mind, and then returned inside his house.

"It's time to awaken Mangekyō." He muttered to himself thoughtfully.


Again four more months passed, 

Aoi is already six years and eight months old.

He was sitting near the pond, looking calmly at the fish inside and at the reflection of three terms in the water.

'I haven't slept for months and I am irritated to extreme, yet I can't awaken the mangekyō, what am I missing? Is it hatred? Or negative emotion. Well, I should leave the Mangekyō alone, take rest and leave the village as I planned before if I couldn't awaken the Mangekyō.' Aoi thought; after a while, he was thinking about something and then closed his eyes.

Instantly, he appeared in an unknown place—a pitch-dark place—then dim light and noise were introduced through his vision and hearing.

Aoi was started, he felt he was floating in the deep ocean and a wave shook his eardrum, slowly those waves cleared and turned into clear sound,

"Husband, are you sure about leaving him like that?" a soft voice murmured in his ear's,

Aoi hurriedly opened his eyes hearing such familiar voice, looking at the white light far away. 'Who is this?'

"He is our only descendant," murmurs reverberated again introduced in his ears, this time a little anxious and depressed with a hint of disturbance.

'Why i am feeling mixed emotions after listening this voice? Why am I feeling distressed and peaceful at the same time?' Aoi thought, and then he flew toward the light instantly. He appeared in a frozen world that looked like a simple graph without color, as if he were picturing everything but not seeing it.

'This world looks familiar; is it in the zero dimension? Why does it look like a graph? Where are the color and liveliness? Also, it is frozen,' Aoi glanced at everything in surprise, buildings, cars, road lights, same streets, he tried to control the time and other power inside but couldn't. 

'Did I fall asleep? Is this a dream? Why can't I control anything here?' Aoi then thought puzzled to extreme.

He turned around and glanced toward the source of the sound. Instantaneously, his pupil shrank, looking at the two couples in human form standing far away in a shade of darkness; they seemed near, yet they were far from his sight. Except for them, there is no other figure outlined in this world.

Instantly everything turned into graph and the couple figure were outlined and colored, revealing a vivid picture of both couples, their appearances become clear in front of him. 'Why do they look familiar, as if I have seen them before?' Aoi thought but couldn't recall,

Then he saw they were looking at something; instantly, he turned around, and another thing was outlined in his eye's and then colored, revealing a baby in the crib.

Looking at the baby and the necklace on his neck, Aoi's eyes widened in surprise. He hurriedly turned around, glanced at the couple, and his heartbeat became faster. 'They are…'

Aoi started observing then carefully, looking at their expression and appearance, movement.