
Different Dimension infinite Cheats

Character travelling through different dimensions. Season 1; Anime. Witness the rise of Eero in the Dimensions of Famous anime, movies and novels. 1st Dimension; Dragon Ball 2nd Dimension; Danmachi 3rd Dimension; Overlord 4th Dimension; Naruto Stay tuned for Eero most excited journey, Chapter Release - Schedule, 5 - 10 Chapter's each Week. ... patreon.com/ChaosGray Join me on Patreon for advance chapter's, Voting, Opinions and much more.

Chaos_Gray · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 139 Deciphering

After a while,


Hearing the protesting sound from his stomach, Eero materialized bread and milk and ate it calmly, then took a bath with a bucket full of fresh water and soap.

Wearing new clothes that he materialized, he felt strength in his body restoring after eating a healthy diet.

'It's probably just my imagination, but my body functions are getting active slowly. I have to stay on this floor for a few days,' Eero thought to himself. The country he is living in is filled with gangs and crime; anyone can kill anyone for a small piece of bread. He want to stay away from such trouble.

After returning beside the baby and looking at her sleeping, he put the small mask on her face. This building is abandoned; there are no windows and doors, just roof and room structures.

Eero then tested the product he can realize through imagination; he already has a rough idea.

Basic items are fine to some extent; one or two doses of medicine are also fine, but once the volume exceeds his strength, imagined products will not be realized.

Eero thoughtfully summoned a gun and a few bullets; he felt extreme exhaustion, then nodded. 'It looks like it depends on size. For now, it's not cubic feet, probably.'

If an object is simple, he can realize it infinitely little by little, like water; it will not reduce his strength too much. If the product is high quality, like those metal products or unique products, they are limited to a volume size of 1 cubic ft only.

"Can I let the realized object disappear or virtualize them back?" Eero muttered thoughtfully and waved his hand. The gun and bullets disappeared, but his strength didn't restore. 'It's feasible,' he thought to himself.

After testing the basics of his Talent.

He realized a warm long jacket and wore it, then lay down beside the baby and slept.

The next morning, he took the baby and climbed all the way to the 9th floor, the floor before the final floor, and selected a clean apartment. Looking out of the open window, he decided to repair this apartment with his carpenter skills, and material is now not a problem for him. Wood is the basic material a little complex from water; he can realize as much as he wants without tiring himself out.

"But there is an issue. If someone saw fresh wood and a door here, they will definitely get interested, and trouble may arise continuously, which is not that beneficial," Eero muttered, his brow furrowed thoughtfully, feeling a headache.

"Owaaaaaaaa" Instantly Ada started crying. Eero brow relaxed then smiled, shook his head, feeling she filled the diapers again he changed them, used lotion on her body for healthy skin, preventing any rashes, and then fed her goat milk.

Appearing beside the window and looking outside through it, he couldn't see the ground because of pollution, just dark, smoky weather everywhere.

"Well, I can paint those woods black; anyone would think they are polluted and old. Also, it doesn't matter if someone gets interested in my secrets; I will simply start a massacre if it comes to that situation," Eero muttered, looking expressionlessly at the outside environment.


A few months passed.

Eero stood in the room, watching Ada crawling happily toward him.

He laughed and picked her up laughingly, then pecked her cheek. Looking at Ada, healthier and more intelligent than normal babies, he smiled. 'She learned crawling in just a few months; that's my genius baby sister.'

The genetic medicine he took and gave her also made it so that pollution couldn't affect them now. Additionally, their immune systems had toughened because of those genetic medicines. Eero hadn't been ill in the previous months. Even without a mask, the pollution couldn't affect him; he would just sometimes cough and spit the pollution out of his lungs.

Eero could feel their bodies had truly become disease-free, which was good.

Looking at the small apartment with two rooms they were living in, Eero checked the fully enclosed windows with wood and a lot of small square glasses attached to the frames.

The doors were also made from wood but had iron plates enforcing the middle layer of wood. Sealing, exhaust, wiring, lighting, and other renovation. It took him a few months to use his talent and carpenter skills to renovate it.

"Well, my assumption was a little off before," Eero muttered thoughtfully. He finally deciphered his talent's limits in these months.

Although the realization depends on volume size, it also depends on the quality and energy of the product. If it's basic things or items like water, wood, ice, fire, or wind, he can realize them in huge volumes. Even if he realized them in tons, it would not tire him out.

But if the products get complex, like milk, juice, wine, grains, or flowers and fruits, he can't realize them in tons, just a few kilograms at most.

If the product gets denser and of higher quality, like metal, energy fuels, or tech products, before he could only realize cubic foot size. Now, after a few months, he can realize 1.5 cubic foot size depending on the strength he gained after exercising.

Also, energy affects the realization. If it's pure energy fuel like gasoline and diesel, he can realize them in a few liters only. If the energy product gets denser, like those charged lithium batteries, charged carbon batteries, charged atomic batteries, or charged nuclear batteries, even the nuclear fusion device, the higher quality or denser energy, the less the realization volume. For now, he can't realize atomic batteries, just carbon batteries with a small size of 4 inches only.

Eero then put Ada down with her toys, then appeared beside the storage room which is now the power area of the apartment. Looking at a lot of small carbon batteries adjusted beside the UPS, and there are still a few slots where more batteries can be adjusted. He raised his hand, and a new charged battery appeared in his hand. He adjusted it in the empty slot.