
Different Dimension infinite Cheats (Anime)

Character travelling through different dimensions. Season 1; Anime. Witness the rise of Eero in the Dimensions of Famous anime, movies and novels. 1st Dimension; Dragon Ball 2nd Dimension; Danmachi 3rd Dimension; Overlord 4th Dimension; Naruto 5th Dimension; One Piece Stay tuned for Eero most excited journey, Chapter Release - Schedule, 5 - 10 Chapter's each Week. ... patreon.com/ChaosGray Join me on Patreon for advance chapter's, Voting, Opinions and much more.

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Chapter 112 Rumors

While they were doubting life, the whole of Orario shook because of an announcement by the Guild.

Looking at the notice on the board, Eero from Hestia Familia cleared the 37th floor alone, killed Monster Rex Udaeus, cleared the 49th floor alone, killed Monster Rex Balor, and reached level 7. He also cleared the 59th floor alone, killing a Level 8 Demi Spirit by himself.

"Oy Oy, you must be kidding."

"How can an adventurer alone achieve these feats?"

"It's an official notification from the Guild; it must be true."

Onlookers exclaimed and whispered among each other in shock and horror.

At the top of the Babel tower, Freya glanced at the city below. A smile appeared on her face as she spoke calmly, "He may surpass you in a few months. If his growth is not limited, he may exceed mortality."

The burly Boaz standing behind her nodded thoughtfully, He is Otter, the captain of Freya Familia.


A few days later,

Inside the Eero residence,

Bell was talking with Hestia, then left after taking the knives away. They were also shocked by Eero's feat, especially Bell, who hasn't met Eero once but is looking forward to meeting him.

Upon reaching the guild, Bell fell into a daze, listening to another unexpected news.

News of Ais single-handedly defeating a boss creature on the 37th Dungeon level reached the Guild. Although this revelation left Bell feeling despondent, he's still determined to surpass Ais' level more than ever and even reach Eero.

While walking down the streets of the city, Bell is approached by Syr, who has him wash dishes for her. Much to his dismay, Bell still agrees to wash the dishes to keep his mind off the news of Ais' meritable accomplishment.

Due to the abundance of dishes needed to be cleaned, Ryuu decides to help Bell. As they both clean the dishes, Bell asks Ryuu, as she was a former adventurer, for advice on how to rank up.

She advises that he'll need to culminate good deeds and defeat strong enemies with techniques and strategies.

Bell then recalls Ais commenting on how he lacks the aforementioned things.

Another piece of advice that Ryuu gives is that Bell should form a party to compensate for his deficiencies. He shouldn't follow his senior familia members' footsteps.

Bell became surprised, then realized she was aiming at Eero. Looking at Ryuu's calm face, 'Why does it feel like she is angry with Eero, do they know each other?' Bell thought to himself, then shook his head.

"Is it really necessary to form a party?" Bell asked thoughtfully.

Ryuu glanced at him then replied, "It's also an obvious essential that one goes on adventures to level up with a party." then she glanced at the corner far away. Syr had been eavesdropping on some of their discussion.

The next day, Bell and Ais continue their sparring together and Bell manages to get in a counter-attack on her.

That being the last day of their training together, Bell thanks Ais for her help, in turn, as does she.

Bell hopes to one day reach her. Back at the residence, Bell packs his things for another adventure as he informs Hestia about his final day of training with Ais.

As Bell leaves to head off on another adventure, Hestia wanted to show Bell his new stats but he refuses to see them until he's returned.

Looking at Bell's back leaving, her mouth bulged angrily as she spoke, "Damn both are like that, not paying attention to their stats,"

"Also, it's been months, I haven't seen Eero. I hope he is safe." She then muttered worriedly, putting hands on her peaky chest. There are rumors going on in Orario that Eero has died in the deep floors while fighting that Demi Spirit, but she doesn't believe those rumors.

In front of the Dungeon, the captain of the Loki Familia, Finn Deimne, gives a speech to the members of his Familia on the adventure they're heading off on.

The Familia will be divided into two groups, one led by him and the other led by Gareth. Accompanying them as support will be the Hephaestus Familia blacksmiths. The plan is to reach level 18 and regroup there until they're ready to venture off to the 50th level. Their true goal, however, is to reach the never before reached 61st level.

Elsewhere, Ottar gives his report to Freya, who ponders if Bell will grow exponentially from this. After hearing news of Eero's fall, she changed her goal and targeted Bell after knowing he is Zeus's grandson.

She and other Gods and Goddesses assume the news of Eero's fall to be true as no one can solo fight a Level 8 Demi spirit and survive, also they haven't heard any reports on Eero after he defeated a demi spirit and disappeared.


On the 9th level of the dungeon, Bell notes the ominous feeling coming from that level, and Lili feels it too.

Furthermore, Bell notes the lack of monsters and adventurers and relates the feeling he has to his encounter with the minotaur.

After briefly pressing on, they're confronted by the same one-horned Minotaur wielding Ottar's spare broadsword weapon.

Dodging its attack thanks to Lili pushing him out of the way, Bell casts multiple Firebolts on it. This proves futile as the Minotaur slams Bell into a dungeon wall, leaving him hurt and exhausted.

Down in the lower levels, Finn's group is informed about the Minotaur roaming the 9th level of the dungeon.

Hearing that another adventurer is down in the lower levels of the Dungeon and maybe a victim of the Minotaur, part of the Loki Familia set off to help.

Back to Bell, who sluggishly dodges the Minotaur's attacks while realizing his hesitance is fueled by his cowardice.

A wounded Lili awakens after saving Bell from the Minotaur attack and Bell orders her to run.

Lili, however, continuously refuses, and Bell snaps at her. Alone now, Bell faces off against the beast now dual-wielding two weapons, hoping to buy enough time for Lili to escape.

The fight continues and the Minotaur breaks Bell's chest plate with its horn. Just then, Ais arrives at the scene.

While Bell laments over being saved by Ais again, the rest of the Loki Familia group arrives. Not wanting to be upstaged by being rescued by Ais again, Bell confronts the Minotaur again.