
Different Dimension infinite Cheats

Character travelling through different dimensions. Season 1; Anime. Witness the rise of Eero in the Dimensions of Famous anime, movies and novels. 1st Dimension; Dragon Ball 2nd Dimension; Danmachi 3rd Dimension; Overlord 4th Dimension; Naruto Stay tuned for Eero most excited journey, Chapter Release - Schedule, 5 - 10 Chapter's each Week. ... patreon.com/ChaosGray Join me on Patreon for advance chapter's, Voting, Opinions and much more.

Chaos_Gray · Anime & Comics
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211 Chs

Chapter 10 Encounter #3

He is waiting for all three of them to come inside his two-meter domain; then he will have four-second reaction time and only one second will pass for them.

Basically, his dual-layer time is only two seconds. He added an extra two because his reaction doubles in dual layer,

"Please put me down, I have 5 Zeni. I will give it to you," Eero spoke politely while relaxing his hands and feet in the air, without any struggle,

"Do you think we are your parents, you are ordering us?" the man's brow furrowed, spoke evilly, left the Eero collar, let him fall down on the ground before letting him stabilize, kicked him away.

Eero slide on the ground, halted at a distance, scratching different places on his body,


Eero called out, felt unimaginable pain in his stomach, bowed like a shrimp on the ground,

His eyes turned red, vein became visible in his eyesballs 'It's different. This guy is a lunatic. It seems my calculations will not work for him. Am I going to fail?'

'No endure, there must be a chance one or two kicks are nothing.' Eero thought firmly,

"Now, kid, tell us why are you here, or I will beat you again," the man appeared beside Eero again, wanted to kick again.

"Don't beat me. I will tell you where I hide my money. I stole from my parents," Eero spoke hurriedly with fear in his red eyes and desire to survive.

The man halted, looking at the thirst for life on Eero face. "He he he, boss, this little fart said he had hidden some money."

"Oh, it's interesting. I haven't seen such a desire for life in any kid," the boss spoke playfully walked with his other colleague who was silent from the start, looking at the frightened and hopeful expression on Eero's little face.

Then sat down in front of Eero with chilly smile, "Don't fret kid; he was just kidding. Tell me, you lied right in order to survive. It's not good for a child to lie, or you will be punished."

Looking at the boss in front of him chattering and two standing beside him leaning forward a little.

'Here is the chance, now or never.'

Domain! Dual Layer

Two kitchen knives appeared in his hands instantly, piercing the boss's both wide horror filled eyes, inserting the knives fully without caring about blood. Stepping on the boss's shoulder, he jumped.

Another two knife appeared in his hand, threw that aiming at the eyes of the two gangster. Landing with another two knives in his hand, he stabbed both of their feet, embedded the knife fully, even his hands and wrists became painful because of collision of knife and ground, thankfully the ground is not cemented.

Without caring about pain, he ran away as fast as he could without looking back. Suppressing the nausea and discomfort in his heart, also urge to look at his bloody hands,

All his actions took three seconds only. But it was only less then a second for those gangsters,

He noticed another thing just now. Inside dual-layer domain, his strength increased four times his basic strength.

'Probably because everything de-accelerate four times and my reaction produces four times force or kinetic energy than normal.' Eero thought while running.

'That's why I could easily pierce the eyes of the snake and that boss despite my age. Probably those two kitchen knives I threw were also affected with four times force.'

'But my strength is about 60% of an adult. With four times, it becomes 240%, a little more than two adult, which is not a huge difference.'

'That's why I aimed at eyes and feet. Eyes are a weak spot for any creature, and as for feet, making them unable to chase behind me if they somehow survive eye attack.'

'Their boss is definitely dead, but I hope the other two survive, especially that hateful guy who kicked me. When I gain strength, if he survives and I didn't kick him a thousand times in the future, then I am a bastard.' Ruthless color flashed through his eyes.

Running a little away from the incident spot, he heard horrible cries.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh", "ahhhh, little shit, I am going to kill you, definitely."

'It took a while. Probably they couldn't decipher what happened to them,' Eero thought to himself.

'Also, as expected, I heard two screams. The boss is dead, wait for me, you two huge shit.' Taking a glimpse of the situation behind, both gangsters are sitting, he couldn't see the boss, probably he is lying now. Both are grabbing their foot and faces, one of them is grabbing his eye, probably he was hit.

Horrible screams introduced into his ear constantly. He didn't care, ran away a little zigzagging because they had guns also, he is avoiding any aim and misfire, using his full force in running without caring about exhaustion of stamina.

He didn't stop or rest, just paid attention behind him. After a considerable distance looking behind, confirming no one is following him he sighed in relief; 'It seems that feet stabbing worked. With painful feet, they can't chase me.'

He even changed his way toward the hill. It's hard to follow him now.

Halted near his resident hill, sat down behind a huge rock, looking at blood marks on his body skin and bloody hands. He came through bushes and trees; those thorns almost made him a hodgepodge. Looking at the sun tilted a little at 110°.

'It's afternoon; I am very hungry and tired. Thankfully I liked outdoor camping and forest survival Vlogs a lot, and learned a lot from them, or I would have been dead even after surviving the three bastard attacks.'

Grabbing onigiri through the storage panel, unwrapping and started eating it. Then next, after eating the third, he controlled himself, leaving half room to let him stay awake. If he ate full or overeat, he will probably sleep because of exhaustion. Now hunger will keep him awake.

After resting for a while,

Looking at the hill behind him, 'Now it's time to go home and hide for a week or two and train here. No need to go to the city every day; this world is more dangerous than I thought.' Eero thought to himself, suppressing his tiredness,

After walking through the bushes and trees alertly, choosing the opposite path from the previous one, finally appeared behind the hill looking at the steep area, toward the residence area that belongs to him.

'Its time to check the assumption about kinetic energy and force I came up with.'

After thinking, pulled out a rope, bound it with a small iron hook, rotating and threw it, but it didn't reach the edge of flat area above, just missed near the corner.

Rotated again,

Domain! Double Layer

Instantly domain shrouded, the rope wasn't affected because it was in his hand. Threw it, instantly it surpassed almost three times the distance and reached the flat area above.

Eero pulled it, suddenly the hook was stuck in a stone, while he was checking the rope Instantly he flinched, felt a chill as if some hunter were eyeing him, not one, a lot.

'Wolves,' a thought flickered through his eyes. Without caring about anything, grabbed the rope.

Hurriedly started climbing up, or running up on vertical steep with both little feet while pulling rope quickly.

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