

How come I fell for him? how come I fell for her? why is he getting complicated day by day? why do he care? "I don't care i love you, Iris" "I hate you, Lysander" ******** SUGARBOMBS presents..... A High school love story where two people who hated each other from the first day, falls in love not knowing. They aren't sure about what they fell but they are somehow attracted to each other. Read the story to find out, how they hated each other's guts and how they felt love in thier eyes. How they loved each other after all misunderstandings and interruptions. A enemies to lovers trope. (slow burn)

sugarbombs · Teen
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33 Chs

8: members

"fuck.... I'm in"

there was silence in the class as the person who said it was unexpected. "you're gonna come? Lysander?" i asked as my eyes widened.

He said nothing but instead he rolled his eyes at my question and walked up to us. He stood beside me as I could feel that Mark couldn't believe the fact that Lysander was in.

"are you really-" "hell yeah, now shut up" i felt more confident but wait-

*so if Lysander is in, that means.....?*

"i will participate....." as I expected. Millie was too in the council. I'd take Cyrus as the reason behind it. I smiled.

"uhm.... er..... excuse me? can I be the last member?" I smiled in joy as the last person was James. Millie and James walked to the Blackboard and stood beside Cyrus.

"So I the president of class 107 along with the members of representative council are going to represent our class this year, respective to mrs Willson." i declared in the class.

"we'd do our best, thank you" we all five spoke together and bowed.

"ughhh this is shit" i heard Cyrus as he bowed.

"you should have thought that earlier, Lysander" i smirked and we stood up straight.

"Thank you, love" mrs Willson's face was like she was about to cry. "i have the best students" she sniffed.


After the lecture ended, Jenny and Yasuo came in front of me and Mark furiously.

"why are they coming like that?" i whispered to Mark.

"No idea"

"Are you really going to be president, Iris?" Yasuo asked worriedly, i nodded.

"whayyyyyyyy? You are going through all the work alone" Jenny hugged my body and whined. "well.... i got members to do it especially Mark will help me" I smiled at Mark as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"ehhhhhh!! Mark is a lazy ass" Yasuo started complaining and Jenny agreeing with him making Mark's blood boil.

"He'll destroy everything, wahhhh" "shut up now" Mark yelled at them and i chuckled.

"oh come on Mark, let's get some drinks" Yasuo jumped on him, "yeaa!! that'll be Mark's treat!!" Jenny shouted in excitement.

"whyyyy? who decided it?" Mark said struggling with Yasuo's arm tightly wrapped around his shoulders. "I'll take a mango smoothie, and you Iris?" Jenny asked me.

"hmm, if mark is gonna treat then, I'll have coffee"

"ok now it's settled, WE ARE PARTYING FOR OUR NEW PRESIDENT" Yasuo shouted.

"ok ok now take your hands off me"

They started walking out of the class, "come Iris" Mark pushed his hand forward at me, I stared at his huge hand slightly blushing.

"hmmm sure" I smiled at him and held his hand, "your hands are small" he said while starting at me smiling slightly.

*thump* that's what my heart said...

"forget it!!" i removed my hand and started walking out furiously not because I was angry it was because I was flustered.

"heyy!! Iris!! wait for me" Mark yelled behind me as I kept walking.

* what's happening to me*


"what does she see in him?" nvm