
Chapter 301 Uproar -

  "How did you get my mother's soul from her?"

  To Tang San's surprise, Xiao Wu didn't ask about his mother's resurrection. Instead, she narrowed her eyes and tightened her grip. Staring at Tang San, the speed and frequency of the qi and blood oscillations became faster and faster.

  "After the Continental Classic, didn't I challenge Bibi Dong once? It was at that time that I took the opportunity to ask Brother Eli for a small favor." Because the training movements controlled by Xiao Wu were too large, Tang San's breathing also He became slightly confused, but still spoke clearly and described what happened to Xiao Wu. After all,

  this was the truth.

  "Speaking of which, is Electrolux watching now?" Xiao Wu suddenly stopped practicing with his energy and blood trembling.

  "He lives in my upper dantian. If he wants to see what's going on outside, he has to get my permission." Although Tang San believed in Electrolux's character, he still had to have the privacy he deserved.

  "Hmph!" Xiao Wu snorted, but her heart felt warm, because she now understood that the reason why Tang San used three soul bones to challenge Bibi Dong was to find a way to extract them from Bibi Dong's body. Her mother's soul also revealed the powerful secret method of "ring fusion" for this purpose.

  Although others can't learn it even if they learn it, because the soul power flow routes inside the soul ring cannot be matched, the soul skills cannot be perfectly matched, and they cannot achieve such powerful effects as Third Brother and her, even the ring fusion can be successful. It's all a problem.

  But for her, he challenged Bibi Dong, and fought as a soul king against a titled Douluo who stood at the top of the soul master. How could such a man not be worth relying on?

  Moreover, becoming his woman does not mean that they must stay at home and not show up in public, but that they should cultivate their respective strengths and not let their personalities be buried.

  "Although there is only a soul, since you have obtained it, let's resurrect it. At least, the memory and soul particles are the same."

  Xiao Wu finally hoped to see her mother again and decided to deceive herself once, "Since the immortal true spirit is pure white If it is flawless, then it can be regarded as a replaceable core. For us, perhaps in the next ten thousand years or billions of years, we will not be able to figure out what kind of thing the true spirit is, and it should not affect our mother. "

  You really think so?"

  Tang San frowned. After all, in his opinion, even if every immortal spirit is exactly the same, there is no difference, but the core is still the same person. ?

  That's not a soul battery that provides energy!

  Although from the surface, there are three layers of the soul, the mental force corresponds to the effect produced by the soul guidance device, the soul shell corresponds to the shell of the soul guidance device and the internal soul guidance patterns, and the deepest core of the soul corresponds to The soul power storage device of the soul guidance device is the soul guidance battery.

  But if it were that simple, when he and Electrolux saw with their own eyes the immortal soul after the natural disintegration of the soul in the starry sky world, they would not have felt a kind of heartfelt panic.

  However, looking at Xiao Wu's firm eyes, Tang San understood something, then he laughed twice and said: "In that case, let's resurrect."

  That's right, for them, why do they want so much?

  To take that situation into consideration, they must at least have more research on the immortal spirit after living for hundreds of millions of years. Otherwise, living in the present is the most important thing.

  For people living in the present, memories and emotions are the most important things.

  After figuring this out, Tang San suddenly noticed that his mental power was bright, and even his soul became crystal clear. The cosmic meditation method actually started to operate on its own, actively absorbing the power of the stars through the ceiling of the room, not only The brain in his skull was reflected as brightly as a star, and even the energy, blood and soul power in his body began to circulate actively.

  Faintly, Tang San entered that kind of realization again, and could clearly see the life activities of every cell in the body. Under the combined action of the three energies of qi, blood, soul power, and mental power, transformation was taking place. From the perspective of his soul, there is a faint white light.     The Scripture of Creation and Destruction, the Cosmic Meditation Technique, and the Jade Bone Golden Muscle Divine Hidden Technique, these three magical arts are actually in operation at this moment, and there is a faint trend of fusion.

  If it is successful, then in Tang San's future cultivation, no matter which one of the three treasures of spirit, energy and spirit improves, the remaining two will also improve together to achieve a balance.

  However, these three skills were not fully integrated in the end, and they still relied on the body's instinct for transformation. The only difference was that the efficiency was faster than before.

  In addition, the soul power has also been upgraded by one level, reaching level sixty-six.

  More importantly, Tang San now realized that he could actively absorb the energy of heaven and earth to replenish his body's energy, thereby achieving fasting.

  Feed on gas!

  Tang San was excited, but quickly calmed down. After all, the efficiency of this "big grain" was very low, and it could not be used as a "staple food". He still needed to eat, otherwise he would starve to death.

  But at this moment Tang San already knew the way to go next: merging the three cultivation methods together!

  The Scripture of Creation and Destruction is derived from the Xuantian Technique, which relies on its own two martial souls to refine the movement of the energy of heaven and earth. The cosmic meditation method is derived from the Purple Demon Eye, and adds Xu Xing's energy movement trajectory in the star field and the Zhoutian. The Jade Bone Golden Muscle Divine Treasure is derived from Xuan Yu Hand. The bones were first tempered by hand training, and then the refining phases of various immortal grasses in the Ice and Fire Eyes were added. Transform according to the route of heaven and earth energy.

  Xuantian Kung, Xuan Yu Hand, and Purple Demon Eyes, these three have the same root and origin. They are all secret techniques in Xuantian Baolu. Naturally, they can be perfectly integrated and used together.

  The Scripture of Creation and Destruction, the Jade Bone Golden Muscle Divine Hidden Technique, and the Cosmic Meditation Technique that were improved by Tang San, although individually they are far superior to the first three, their harmony with each other is even higher than that of Xuan Tian Gong and Xuan Tian Gong. Jade Hands and Purple Demon Eyes are much worse.

  As for Xiaoyao Yufeng, although it was also improved through the ghost shadow, it can only be said to be a footwork that relies on soul power, which is similar to controlling a crane and capturing a dragon.

  [It seems that in addition to continuing to perfect the three techniques, you also need to integrate all three techniques according to your own physical condition. ]

  Tang San saw the future road, and felt that the future was bright. In the process of his sudden enlightenment, he even vaguely touched on how to imprint all his memories into the immortal true spirit.

  Although he still hasn't found where the immortal true spirit is in his soul, he still has such an unfounded feeling, which is really mysterious.

  At the same time, Xiao Wu also benefited from being in perfect harmony with Tang San, and her own soul power also increased by half a level, reaching level sixty-five.

  After all, her soul power cultivation progress was second only to Tang San. Her previous soul power was level sixty-four, and she was only half a step away from level sixty-five.

  "Third brother, your energy and blood seem to be getting more and more abundant, oh~" Xiao Wu shouted excitedly due to the improvement in her soul power, she was excited and trembling with it.

  "In order to supplement your foundation, I decided to stay up with you tonight to study and practice the art of Qi and Blood." Tang San chuckled amidst Xiao Wu's exclamations.

  Overwhelming the uproar...

  (End of this chapter)