
Chapter 299 Reactions of the Two Empires

"Since Wuhun Palace didn't send anyone personally, then don't pay attention." Emperor Xueye didn't care, "The people's trust in the empire will not be lost because of Wuhun Palace. After all, We are the

  ones who provide them with a land to survive, while the Wuhun Palace is only for punishing the fallen and has little to do with the ordinary lives of the people."

  In the eyes of Emperor Xueye, these four are the most basic requirements for the residents of the empire. The rest can be accommodated, and there is no need to take too much care of them.

  Although the current Wuhun Palace has taken a different approach, it has not had much impact on the empire - at least in the past two years, in Tiandou, the people have become a little more knowledgeable than usual, and they have to deal with more affairs. , it doesn't seem to be much different from usual.

  Maybe they were too wary of Wuhun Palace before.

  For the Tiandou Empire, the empire they need to worry about the most is the Star Luo Empire. It is a powerful military power. It is even currently researching attack soul guides. It is quite powerful, but it only affects the soul masters of large and small families in the Star Luo territory. status, so there was some civil strife...

  This was an opportunity.

  However, nowadays, news spreads quickly, and a suitable reason is needed to start a war. If an unjust war of aggression is launched, it will be bad for Tiandou's reputation.

  "In that case, I know what to do." Xue Qinghe stepped back and pretended that he had not heard Wuhundian's suggestions during the live broadcast. Tiandou continued to judge the prisoners as usual...


  Luo Empire.

  Dai Legao also ignored Wuhundian's suggestion. For him, the most important thing at the moment was to convince the major families and nobles in the territory to work together to study offensive soul guides.

  The power of the soul-guided bomb has already allowed Dai Lega to see the future war - whichever force's soul-guided martial spirit is more powerful will be able to become the ruler of the continent and have absolute say!

  Wuhun Palace must be studying it secretly!

  The Tiandou Empire might also be studying it secretly!

  Then their Star Luo Empire must not fall behind!

  "A bunch of short-sighted people!" After discussing with the ministers, Dai Legao, who once again broke up unhappily, was furious in the palace. Then he sighed quietly and said: "Attack-type soul tools are the future! It's a pity that those group of This guy doesn't understand..."

  Davis said: "Maybe we are too anxious. We raised it openly, but Wuhun Palace and Tiandou Empire have no corresponding news. They are probably studying it secretly. "

  The implication is that they also need to study in secret. On the surface, it is better to study life-type soul guidance devices.

  This can also avoid the possibility of developing any highly destructive soul-guided weapons in the future, causing Wuhun Palace and the Tiandou Empire to find reasons to join forces to deal with them.

  "It's possible." Dai Lega actually knew that weapon-type soul guides would have a greater impact on the status of soul masters, so they were naturally unwilling to do so.

  But it has been put on the bright side. If it is later transferred to the secret, won't it make them even more jealous?

  The gain outweighs the loss!

  Since he, the emperor, has proposed it and studied it for a period of time, if he suddenly announced that he would not study it at this time, wouldn't it be obvious that he was being subdued by the major families in the empire?

  The folk customs of Xingluo are fierce. Once, there will be a second or third time. The majesty of the royal family will be greatly affected. Don't let this happen!

  Even if the royal family is really wrong, until the matter is not serious to a certain extent, they can only continue to make mistakes and then transfer the conflict outside the empire.

  For example, find any reason to say that a soldier on the border of the Star Luo Empire is missing, and then declare war on Tiandou!

  The Star Luo Empire has always wanted to capture the Tiandou Empire. In the past, the people did not care much about the justice of the war. Now, although they are a little more peaceful due to the influence of the Tiandou side, they are still warlike.

  After all, only in war can soldiers and generals gain military exploits, be promoted to noble positions, and be granted titles like wolves and juniors.

  However, with the existence of Wuhun Palace, it is simply unrealistic to start a war. Wuhun Palace will definitely intervene on the grounds of "protecting the safety of mainland residents" to prevent the Star Luo Empire from launching an unjust war.

  If this continues, the future of the empire will be worrying...

  Delego sighed and looked at Davis, thinking that he should also start managing affairs. After all, that old man Xue Ye has delegated power to his son...

  Haha , he actually had such an idea!

  Are you getting old too?

  Smiling at himself, Deloitte said: "Wes, next, I will let you gradually take over the affairs of the empire, can you do it well?"

  "You have fulfilled your mission!" Davis knelt down on one knee excitedly, feeling excited - —Is Father finally going to really delegate power to him? I have waited too long for this day!

  [I seemed to have knelt down on one knee towards my father in the same way back then, with excitement on my face... This is the inheritance of the Star Luo Empire! ]

  Involuntarily, Dai Legao recalled the beginning, and then said: "The research on soul-guided weapons cannot be stopped. This is related to the prestige of our Dai family in the Star Luo Empire."   

  "Naturally." Although Davis felt that it was unwise to study soul-guided weapons openly, his father had considered it well. If he put it in the dark at this time, he would undoubtedly tell others: There is no three hundred taels of silver here.

  If you make a mistake, then stick to it.

  Nobility can't be wrong.

  Royal can do no wrong!

  "Yeah." Davis nodded, knowing that Davis still understood some royal righteousness, and then said, "Speaking of which, what has Zhu Zhuqing been doing recently?"

  "Most of the time he is practicing, or going to Star Luo The Wuhun Palace in the city takes on tasks such as hunting down the fallen, hunting down the evil soul masters, exterminating bandits, etc. In addition, in his free time, he will pass on to the younger generation of the Zhu family, "Resist fate" and "Women should strengthen themselves." Such concepts." Davis seemed a little disdainful, but also showed a hint of admiration -

  Zhu Zhuqing wanted to change the cruel competition between the Dai family and the Zhu family!

  All the members of the two families knew this, but except for the younger generation, the others scorned it and did not dare to show it in front of Zhu Zhuqing.

  The reason is also simple. Zhu Zhuqing's current strength has reached the level of Soul King, and his soul power has reached level 57!

  You know, he, the Xingluo Prince, has only reached level 55 in soul power in the past three years since the Continental Classic!

  In the Soul King stage, each level requires much more soul power than before.

  But Zhu Zhuqing actually reached the Soul King level within this period of time, and surpassed him in soul power level, which was simply unbelievable - according to her, everything was due to the evolution of the martial soul brought about by the third soul ring.

  What kind of soul beast is the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger?

  "In the past, I didn't care much. I just regarded him as a cultivation genius and allowed him to join Wuhun Hall as an individual to make friends with Tang San..."

  Dai Legao sighed, "...but now, she won't go Wuhun City, on the other hand, stayed in Xingluo City, and I haven't seen Tang San for more than two years, so I'm afraid the relationship has become estranged."

  "Originally, I hoped that something would happen between her and Tang San... The situation in the mainland is turbulent. In order to avoid uncertain situations, leave a way out for the Dai and Zhu families,"

  Davis said: "Actually, Zhu Zhuqing misses Tang San very much. According to Zhu Yun, she is also practicing painting. In the past two years, she has painted many paintings. There are countless portraits of Tang San. In addition, she is also practicing playing the piano. I heard that she hopes to play for him when she meets Tang San next time. "

  That's really infatuated." Feeling happy and angry, he then asked about Dai Mubai: "Isn't that useless guy planning to come back yet?"

  "No, it seems that the psychological shadow I left on him was very serious." Davis's There was only disdain in his eyes. In his opinion, he was an irresponsible waste. He had the blood of the white tiger of the Dai family, which was simply a discredit to the royal family.

  When the clan leaders and ministers of those families opposed the research of soul-guided weapons, they would also take Dai Mubai out to make trouble.

  This caused Davis to cut off the remaining brotherly love for Dai Mubai.

  When they meet again in the future, if Dai Mubai doesn't obey his orders, then he will never show mercy.

  What's more, the royal family has no family ties at all!

  For the royal family, this is true even if the man and woman are lovers or husband and wife. Unless they possess martial soul fusion skills and are affected by martial soul fusion, the relationship between the two parties will be more sincere.

  "Really?" Dai Legao was also completely disappointed with Dai Mubai, his eyes gradually became colder, and he said: "Finally, I will give him a message: I will give him another three months. If he doesn't come back, I will send him a message." The Tiandou Empire submitted the relevant letters and captured him openly! By then, he won't even be able to enter the White Tiger Sect!"

  "He has royal blood in his body, so he has to bear the responsibilities of the royal family!"

  "He is an adult and is outside! I have been dissolute for too long..."

  Tang San didn't care about the concerns of the top leaders of the two empires. Things like training, studying martial soul theories, forging the soul seal throne, adjusting and improving the blue silver network, etc., had already occupied him. Most of the time.

  Not to mention, after night falls, he still has to accompany the girls to study the art of qi and blood. Every day is so fulfilling, how can he have time to pay attention to the trivial matters between the two empires?

  After finishing the business -

  Tang San stroked Xiao Wu's lazy face, recalling his journey, he couldn't help but feel a bit of pride in his heart, then he smiled and said slowly: "Next, there is something I need to tell you something——"

  Xiao Wu with a lazy face was confused...

  (End of this chapter)